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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. Even 20 million could have been decent. Book Club never looked like it was totally going to bomb. It should stay well above 1m next weekend. The weekdays might be level with Friday or close
  2. I have no idea what the weekdays will be. I imagine fairly large. Might want to get out a notepad for that one and do direct day by day comparisons of two or three varieties with Toy Story 3, Inside Out, Cars 3, and Cars 2. Small % difference might mean the difference between 1 million per weekday. Jurassic World might still eat up all kids attendance next week providing 50% weekend day-to-day drops for I2. (30 Sat #2) Jurassic World is the only one opening next week which will let the older movies not die yet.
  3. unbelievable jump. unprecedented. Incredibles gained over 5 million from actual Friday. All the others would gain around 1 million or less. I noticed a high volume of showings per theater when looking at Fandango on Wednesday for the Friday bookings. Top theaters get 30-35 showings, I2 was pushing 40. I imagine only TLJ gets that far as I have grown accustomed to seeing a certain range with like GOTG2, Secret Pets, Suicide Squad, Batman V Superman, etc. going from 30-35. Seeing that raised an alarm in my mind thinking 200M was possible then. With matinees, who knows. Incredibles is doing what I thought Minions was going to do from Minions initial trailer/hype response years ago.
  4. also, the actuals change from the actuals. Those decimals are still lots of money that could have been collected from regions outside the U.S.
  5. I just want to work a full time shit job and catch weekday matinees of films and ask the senior citizen wheelchair individuals about their thoughts on new Shailene Woodley movies.
  6. A Wrinkle in Time will get extra publicity too with its free money. Also, it is stirring up plenty of discussion here which is good for box office enthusiasts who like to follow films that have been out over ten weeks.
  7. drive-ins are probably more spread out otherwise. random films everywhere, average attendance, hard to find in the actual numbers.
  8. I will probably ignore this article for a while, but it sounds like it can be a solid breakdown for this sort of instant time thought management. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/free-range-psychology/201608/treating-road-rage-free-range-approach
  9. or they are drawn to the more popular movie because of the 2 for 1 feature and are seeing the free one first
  10. faulty internet connections delay the searching process in life
  11. A Wrinkle in Time - 750k estimate 22 26 A Wrinkle in Time Buena Vista 245 +88 +56.1% - - - - 15 Friday has a + $720,360 gain from last Friday's $29,640 If it gained all that from the 88 expanding theaters, the PTA = $8,186 or around 900 purchases per drive in at avg. ticket price. Then the rest would be the remaining 157 theaters and make the same $29,640 it made last Friday. Last weekend was $101,661. Assume it does the same with the same 157 theaters, and the +88 discount drive ins do 0.72 + 0.78 + 0.50 = 2.0 + 0.1 = 2.1
  12. Solo went up 0.335m from Deadline's estimate of 2.0m. Maybe this jump similar with A Wrinkle in Time's +700k jump. My original prediction of the 2.0m estimate was (+60%) 3.2 (---) 3.2 = 8.4. New prediction, 2.335 (+50%) + 3.5025 + 3.5025 = 9.34
  13. my thoughts of conspiracy theories once were reality - 5 = 2 + 3 conspiracy - 5 = 1 + 4 but then I came across something else thinking about this, but I don't remember. Like a rebuttal an hour, or a day later or some amount of time later.
  14. Jurassic World better hope to get on here tomorrow! Movietickets.com top 5 pre-seller 1 - Incredibles 75.6% 2 - Oceans 8 - 5.4% 3 - Tag - 4% 4 - Solo - 2.2% 5 - Hereditary - 1.8%
  15. a lot of theater counts were shed with Incredibles 2. next week, only Jurassic World opens and in approx. 4,400. screen losses should not be too heavy, I have -3,500 here without adding in the minus Hotel Artemis counts. (new) 4,400 Jurassic World - 145.00 4,410 Incredibles 2 - 65.0 (-59%) - 302.00 (-300) 3,845 Oceans Eight - 13.0 (-35%) - 103.00 3,382 Tag - 7.0 (-50%) - 28.00 (-600) 2,612 Deadpool - 5.4 (-41%) - 305.08 (-700) 2,482 Solo - 4.5 (-46%) - 201.26 (-600) 2,398 Hereditary - 3.45 (-50%) - 34.11 2,220 Superfly - 3.4 (-43%) - 14.74 (-500) 1,664 Infinity War - 2.85 (-47%) - 669.80 (-400) 1,256 Book Club - 1.40 (-33%) - 65.25 (-600) 1,329 Adrift - 1.30 (-43%) - 29.71
  16. If I2 drops down a little bit from 50.5, then I think 50.5 would be the best bet for Saturday. If it stays 50-51, I don't think it will get much over 100 with Fri + Sat. 100-105 2-day, 150 3-day + previews (168.5 ~ 170) maximum IMO
  17. weekdays Incredibles = 1.5x Saturday ~ 76 = 236.0 Oceans 8 = 1.3x Saturday ~ 10.4 = 90.0 Tag = 1.46x Saturday ~ 7.0 = 21.0 Superfly = 1.46x Saturday ~ 3.2 = 11.34 Deadpool = 1.33x Saturday ~ 4.6 = 299.68 Solo = 1.33x Saturday ~ 4.6 = 196.76 Hereditary = 1.5x Sat ~ 3.6 = 30.66 Infinity War = 1.33x Sat ~ 2.7 = 666.95 Adrift = 1.5x Sat ~ 1.4 = 28.41 Book Club = 1.9x Sat ~ 1.6 = 63.85
  18. Using Deadline numbers and making different estimates Hotel Artemis - 0.29 (+52%) 0.44 (---) 0.44 = 1.17 - 5.98 Gotti - 0.54 (+22%) 0.66 (-9%) 0.60 = 1.80 - 1.80 Race 3 - 0.575 (+9%) 0.625 (-4%) 0.60 = 1.80 - 1.80 Book Club - 0.62 (+35%) 0.84 (-24%) 0.64 = 2.10 - 62.25 Adrift - 0.66 (+42%) 0.94 (-26%) 0.70 = 2.30 - 27.01 Infinity War - 1.25 (+60%) 2.00 (+5%) 2.10 = 5.35 - 664.25 Superfly - 1.8 (+22%) 2.2 (-9%) 2.0 = 6.00 - 8.14 Hereditary - 2.1 (+29%) 2.7 (-22%) 2.1 = 6.90 - 27.06 Solo - 2.0 (+60%) 3.2 (---) 3.2 = 8.40 - 192.16 Deadpool - 2.3 (+50%) 3.45 (---) 3.45 = 9.20 - 295.08 Oceans 8 - 5.9 (+37%) 8.0 (-24%) 6.1 = 20.00 - 79.62 Tag - 3.9 (+23%) 4.8 (-17%) 4.0 = 12.70 + 1.325 = ~14.00 Incredibles 2 - 50.5 (---) 50.5 (-20%) 40.4 = 141.4 + 18.5 = ~160
  19. I don't think too many fans were dissatisfied in ROTS during the last half when the senate chambers and Jedi temple were assaulted
  20. horrible number for Ocean's 8. nothing close to what I was predicting.
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