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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. other than the #1 movie, not much wiggle room for estimates to fluctuate. I'd say you winning is 51% safe.
  2. am I the only one here who thinks Home Again can leg it out like the other September hits Fatal Attraction (7.6 OW, 156.6 total) and Crocodile Dundee (8.0 OW, 174.8 total)??
  3. is there another It fan thread here for the novel? I want to dive into this thing. So many good phrases. Of course I forgot them because my memory sucks. He really understands coming of age shit well. Not only that but he sticks with them 27 years later.
  4. Something from the book had me thinking. It seemed King was trying to explain It's backstory by some of the revelations with the kids. When Richie does the smokehouse and hallucinates, how much of that is true about how It came to earth and how much of it is just something Richie saw and interpreted his own way. Is King deliberately giving backstory through the visions of the children? I know it is later clarified during the final chapters when King is writing from It's POV, but still it just had me wondering. They go to the library and look up CHUD and somehow it works. But maybe it is just the bond that works? Anyways, what a great great book. One thing I give King props for is how he tells the story through the POV of like 15 different personalities or different types of people. He really travels around the entire world in this book. I do not know how the hell he wrote this. What a crazy man! Sitting somewhere in the 80's for 4 years typing this shit out. Booze and coke? Wow. I wished the book went on a little further. Like what exactly happened to the kids after the incidents. What happened when Bev returned home to her father? I thought in the miniseries they did a pretty bad job of developing the kids. I did not buy Bill as a strong leader and the Barrens sucked. I am glad I read the novel before rewatching the miniseries so I could imagine something else totally different. At age 31, reading this book has been my biggest literary feat of my life. 1,153 pages and I am mature enough to understand it. I tried reading this book at like the age of 13 and I got bored and did not understand it. Now I just wonder how the hell he wrote it.
  5. am I the only one here who thinks Home Again can leg it out like the other September hits Fatal Attraction (7.6 OW, 156.6 total) and Crocodile Dundee (8.0 OW, 174.8 total)??
  6. Hey, I got much different answers when grading. Maybe I did it differently. Correct me if I am wrong. Here is a tad from the scoring. SCORING If your number 1 film does not make the top 15, score 1000 points per 2 million dollars the film grosses. If your number 1 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 600 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes So if we are going by increments of 2 million, then that means Hitman's Bodyguard got 28 increments of 2 million by Labor Day Monday. It ended at $57,966,926 and since 58 is not a round number, you have to go by 28. With this information, then the rest of the films everyone predicted would have these multipliers. Captain Underpants 36x Hitman's Bodyguard 28x Atomic Blonde 25x The Dark Tower 23x All Eyez on Me 22x Snatched 22x Valerian 20x King Arthur 19x Everything, Everything 17x Nut Job 13x The House 12x Rough Night 11x Wimpy Kid 10x Detroit 8x Glass Castle 7x It Comes at Night 6x When your predicted film makes the top 15, you loose points for every million more that it makes from the 16th place film. Captain Underpants (#16) made 73,688,749 Annabelle had a difference of 17,177,265 Emoji had a difference of 7,459,208 Girls Trip had a difference of 38,408,976 Baby Driver had a difference of 32,154,523 and Mummy had a difference of 6,412,376 so if Girls Trip is #1, you loose 600 points for every million more than #16 which is 600 times 38. so the multiplying numbers for each film in this case is Girls Trip 38x Baby Driver 32x Annabelle 17x Emoji 7x Mummy 6x With this information, then you are given what system of scoring to use per rank #1#4 SCORING If your number 1 film does not make the top 15, score 1000 points per 2 million dollars the film grosses. If your number 1 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 600 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes If your number 2 film does not make the top 15, score 750 points per 2 million dollars the film grosses. If your number 2 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 400 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes If your number 3 film does not make the top 15, score 500 points per 2 million dollars the film grosses. If your number 3 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 250 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes If your number 4 film does not make the top 15, score 250 points per 2 million dollars the film grosses. If your number 4 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 100 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes and here we go, I see the first one matches and so does Empire's. But with That One Guy... damnitgeorge08 Valerian = (20)(1,000) = 20,000 Dark Tower = (23)(750) = 17,250 All Eyez on Me = (22)(500) = 11,000 It Comes At Night = (6)(250) = 1,500 Total = 49,750 = 50k That One Guy Emoji = (7)(-600) = -4,200 Rough Night = (11)(750) = 8,250 Girls Trip = (38)(-250) = -9,500 Dark Tower = (23)(250) = 5,750 Total = +300 ... our Rough Night and Dark Tower scores match up, but you have That One Guy at minus 24,000 for Emoji and minus 28,000 for Girls Trip. and then the next one is Tele who did not have one land in the top 15 Squadron Leader Tele The Dark Tower (23)(1,000) = 23,000 Atomic Blonde (25)(750) = 18,750 Hitman's Bodyguard (28)(500) = 14,000 Valerian (20)(250) = 5,000 Total = 60,750 = 61,000 and you have Tele at 28,000 points for Hitman's Bodyguard which is simple human error calc. unless I misread this entire thing. Anyways, if I am right, here are the rest of the total scores. I am getting to burnt out type out the rest. hehehee damnitgeorge08 = 50,000 Empire = 32,000 That One Guy = +300 = 0??? Tele = 61,000 baumer = 47,000 franfar = 23,000 bcf26 = 50,000 Pumpkin Panda = 33,000 WrathOfHan = 38,000 Wrath = 63,000 24Lost = -15,500 = round up or round down? glassfairy - 14,000 darkelf = 2,000 MrPink = 23,000 greyghost = 50,000 Jake Gittes = 48,000 Chewy = 53,000 grim22 = 14,000 Matrix = -10,000 narniadis = 33,000 DamienRoc = 32,000 Fancyarcher = 31,000 chasmmi = 39,000 Dark Alfred = 38,000 aabattery = 62,000 Simionski = 25,000 Blankments = 98,000 kayumanggi = 26,000 JJ-8 = 10,000 Spaghetti = 13,000 Water Bottle = 8,000
  7. good, I hope it gets people to read the book. I just finished it earlier this week and thought it was a masterpiece. Hopefully this starts something!
  8. BOTM 1 - #5 is the correct answer. Multiplier is 2.65977 aabattery = +30k Jake Gittes = +30k That One Guy = +30k 24Lost = +20k Empire = +20k franfar = +20k JJ-8 = +20k Matrix4You = +20k narniadis = +20k Simionski = +20k bcf26 = -5k chasmmi = -5k DamienRoc = -5k damnitgeorge08 = -5k darkelf = -5k Exxdee -5k glassfairy = -5k jj99 = -5k kayumanggi = -5k MrPink = -5k Spaghetti of 1,000 Planets = -5k The Dark Alfred = -5k The Pumpkin Spice Panda = -5k Wrath = -5k WrathOfHan = -5k Chewy = -15k Water Bottle = -15k Fancyarcher = -20k grey ghost = -20k grim22 = -20k Stutterng baumer Denbrough = -20k Squadron Leader Tele = -20k Blankments = -30k does not state penalty for no shows
  9. @Stutterng baumer Denbrough I assume 2.66 multiplier for BOTM1 is officially a no? As of Labor Day Monday we had 389,682,717 after an OW of 146,510,104. That gives a multiplier of 2.65977
  10. BOTM 2 @JJ-8 aabattery = 50k Jake Gittes = 50k Matrix4You = 50k damnitgeorge08 = 25k Empire = 25k JJ-8 = 25k kalo = 25k Spaghetti of 1,000 Planets = 25k Stutterng baumer Denbrough = 25k bcf26 = 10k Blankments = 10k chasmmi = 10k DamienRoc = 10k darkelf = 10k grey ghost = 10k jj99 = 10k kayumanggi = 10k narniadis = 10k Simionski = 10k Squadron Leader Tele = 10k That One Guy = 10k The Pumpkin Spice Panda = 10k Wrath = 10k WrathOfHan = 10k No abstains so anything else was a no show = -25k
  11. @JJ-8 I got some changes for you to make in SOTM 8. The Panda should be (-4k).... (-95) and (+91) = (-4) Baumer is (89k). He forgot to subtract. Baumer got +111 on the plus side and -22 on the minus side. Exxdee should be (34k) *minor critique. It states aabattery got #11 wrong, but it was #12 that is wrong. #11 is right. However the scoring works out if #12 was wrong, so it is a typo. everything else is perfect. good job!!
  12. I'm on it. I am rechecking some SOTM's too. I will post everything in the next couple of hours. Before you post the other scores, could we get an update with JUST the SOTM's and BOTM's (no QOTW)?
  13. Suicide Squad did $38,578,832 on Saturday dropping 13.2% from its real Friday. It would have to increase 2.88% from it's real Friday to match that number. Suicide Squad's Saturday PTA was $9,067 which would give It 37.20 if it matches that PTA.
  14. The only thing that is keeping me mutually calm this weekend is that is was not supposed to be surprising if this cleared 100M. American Sniper and Jurassic World remain the two outliers for me.
  15. reserved showings still packed in Southern California at 12:45am, 12:50, 12:55, and 1:05. I can imagine LA, San Francisco, Seattle, and San Diego will be running later than that.
  16. For It Part 2, cast Jessica Chastain for Beverly. ...they should also hire tele and baumer as two of the main grownup characters, (and list them as tele and baumer in the credits.)
  17. I do not think WB or any other studio should worry about doing a Stephen King remake or adaptation. I think this is the peak right here. WB should enjoy it and concentrate all efforts on making the sequel epic and building up anticipation to match (or top) this opening weekend right here. Anyone else that tries to cash in on horror, please do something original! If done right, I think the next big thing could be Megalodon. Megalodon has probably just been as hot of a topic at parties the last 20 years as evil clowns. Concentrate on Megalodon and the It sequel and worry about other things later on.
  18. for now I predict 20K PTA + previews. 4,103 locations x $20,000 per location = 82.06 million + previews. Weekend total = 95.56 million
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