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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. I am going to go with mother! on this one. I actually only gave It Comes At Night a B. mother! has an extra full letter grade of love from me.
  2. with the small Saturday increase for It, expect doom and gloom from here on out. I think the box office will start to reverse and It willl barely clear 200M dollars by the time It's run is finished in theaters.
  3. i was tempted to yell "shut the fuck up" to some people whispering at my Friday early bird showing.
  4. just go by yourself and if they card you, fight for your right as an individual to see the movie
  5. Matrix's mother! oscar nomination chances Best Actress - 33% Cinematography - 25% Editing - 20% Art Direction - 17.5% Song - 17.5% Supporting Actress - 15% Sound Editing - 10%
  6. Yeah but next weekend brings on 11,000+ new screens. Spidey will prob drop 50% and be at 332 by the end of next weekend. Everything will probably drop alot!
  7. Looks like Spidey O/U GOTG will be where this lands closest to in the ennd. $333,176,600
  8. If the Friday # holds, then the weekend # should happen. Deadline is using Suicide Squad weekend multiplier from exact weekend last year which is just under 4. This movie could increase this weekend. Slim chance, but it is possible.
  9. Should be the last good hold for Spider-Man. Might drop 50%+ next weekend. After 331 million, each million after is going to be a struggle.
  10. Just did some fair and trustworthy research. I think Friday # extrapolation for the weekend with these numbers should be this. 1. It = 57.50 2. AA = 15.00 3. mother! = 7.00 4. Home Again = 5.25 5. Hitman = 3.60 6. Wind River = 2.50 7. Annabelle = 2.30 8. Leap! = 2.00 9. Spider-man = 1.92 10. Dunkirk - 1.45
  11. Just did some fair and trustworthy research. I think Friday # extrapolation for the weekend with these numbers should be this. 1. It = 57.50 2. AA = 15.00 3. mother! = 7.00 4. Home Again = 5.25 5. Hitman = 3.60 6. Wind River = 2.50 7. Annabelle = 2.30 8. Leap! = 2.00 9. Spider-man = 1.92 10. Dunkirk - 1.45
  12. omg I am going to keep an eye on reserved seating for discount Tuesday for mother! and if it is approaching sell out, I am going to hit it up!! that would be a fun experience! I saw It for a second time doing this last week. It made the experience so much better
  13. Also, Life has passed 100M worldwide. I do not remember ever seeing anything about this. Life made 800k in previews btw. Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $30,234,022 30.1% + Foreign: $70,307,784 69.9% = Worldwide: $100,541,806
  14. crap, I put 12m in the derby for Mother! I was thinking about 10m but decided that being from a BIG STUDIO means it can get that $5,000 PTA with the big star name attached to it + horror. I thought BIG STUDIO would give the advantage over It Comes At Night. I guess WOM is insane these days. Scary to think about. Maybe I should stay away from the internet more so I can enjoy the experience of seeing a movie. Also, maybe I should see these polarizing movies Thursday night before putting in my derby predictions. I wonder though, is it cheating to see the movie before making a box office forecast? I am talking about the professional legit sites. If I want credit as a box office forecaster, should I have seen the movie first before predicting, or just base it off all the other million things to theorize about (but not having seen it)?? I put American Assassin at 16M in the derby. I was thinking about 18M but oh well. I think 18M is definitely possible. 2x its preview # Good cinemascores for both new openers.
  15. Can someone please interpret these parts for me
  16. I really liked this. I like the ambition of Aronofsky, the performances all around, and audacity of Paramount for putting this out. All the technical stuff was great. Camera focused on J-Law and from her POV. Great ambition = A from me. There were a few things I did not understand, but that is okay.
  17. ANYONE PLANNING TO SEE MOTHER: Stay away from these forums until you see it. I was fortunate enough to reserve a seat for early bird off Fandango and had the luxury going in with no feelings at all. Just happy to see the movie.
  18. If American Assassin follows The Accountants previews to weekend extrapolation, we get 16.75.
  19. do you have the numbers saved for Force Awakens by any chance?
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