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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. in elementary schools after P.E., were you supposed to take showers together? can members please share their stories on this? when did the showers stop and how many decades was it normalized?
  2. - i hope you do well this semester. happy valentines!
  3. good to see movies with animal rights kicking ass. not since The Day After Tomorrow has there been the presence of a disaster waiting to happen, and now Black Panther and kids movies that are multicultural or tribal with animals and LGBT, The Lion King will begin the mass migrations of predators and prey, while people terraform the earth
  4. speaking of children ages 5-19 in elementary schools that have to spend years to be calmed down?, get one disgusting lunch in the afternoon (pizza) (and grapejuice), don't know how to write Haiku's, wake up with an alarm clock expecting to nap all day, and the shoes on hot pavement... i'm about to watch THE SCORCH! - Maze Runner 2: The Scorch Trials. - this movie is intended for mature audiences
  5. if Fast and Furious (2001) inspired better behavior, would JP3 maybe have had an extra 30 min throws at the ending? for any trackers back then, that ended movies with JP3. whatever kids were growing with dinosaurs and faces... whatever movies were growing. You could tell from the first 2 minutes of Attack of the Clones w/ the fog and how the ships looked worse from TPM from the fog
  6. Movie'▪️s ▪️ o▪️v▪️er ▪️ now▪️
  7. does our species make something called 'gluten cakes'?
  8. fear everything https://www.citylab.com/life/2018/08/can-risky-playgrounds-take-over-the-world/565964/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/10/well/family/adventure-playgrounds-junk-playgrounds.html
  9. Boy, this movie grew out of thin air, I had it tracking for an A- at best. Felt like an 80s horror, almost wanted to give this an A, but i'll go with A-. Worthy showing of how domestic violence can escalate when children grow up in defense against war, 92/100
  10. is one of the worst things about movies is how the characters don't know they are in a movie?
  11. Like Alpha, Smallfoot is another animals vs people movie. These seem to go as basic as you can get. Groups of animals don't know how to talk to one another and they play with each other differently with their mouths. The animals are a slave to the earth with the rough predator/prey system. Yetti's are the UFO's that make contact with the humans (Over the Hedge?). We don't know how to read animals thoughts, and we have an undefined history of the origins of our species, but watching this should have us roll our eyes at the failures we have done as the dominant species with controlling habitats for the animals and making Earth its own nature reality show. We are so helpless against the animals, especially the birds. The stoner culture separation was clever, the energetic pacing almost makes it an A-movie for me, the animation sometimes seems to reach Norm of the North levels of cheese, and i think you would need a companion book to reveal all the hidden themes/detail in this movie. it barely missed the 8.5/10 mark for me with a B (84/100)
  12. i haven't seen it, but i already have this new Godzilla ranked above Godzilla 2014 and King Kong 2016
  13. fun for adults, despite the child actors and child fantasy school plot. thought the movie was a good enough helping to score it at an A-,, 90/100, but it might fall off the cliff into B+ territory if i read the book.
  14. are the under-performances there because the marketplace sucks for Godzilla right now? the market place didn't suck though for John Wick's 50+ OW...
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