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Everything posted by Killimano3

  1. I really don't understand the whole "you guys only think it's good cause it's Marvel" thing. I mean it most likely improves general reception a little to have it connected to that brand but overall it's not going to be the difference between hating a movie and loving it. Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 are both marvel and tons of people openly disliked those movies that also really like cap 2 and guardians.
  2. I feel like the gods of the box office realized they threw way too much money at Shrek 2 and have been punishing Dreamworks sequels ever since
  3. This movie will likely perform like a pseudo-sequel to the Marvel brand. I doubt it's going to be pulling Iron Man level drops regardless of it being an "original" movie
  4. Avatar 2 obviously still hasn't had the time to hype itself yet but I honestly doubt it'll be as big as the original. I have no idea worldwide cause movies always increase worldwide but in the US at least Avatar is essentially the forgotten franchise. It was huge when it came out due to some novelties like the 3D and James Cameron finally returning to the big screen but it faded away super fast and although getting good reviews nobody even really remembers it. Can't really talk about Star Wars since it hasn't been hyped yet either and it has been even LONGER since the prequels plus those were sort of hated. I'd give The Avengers a better shot at winning domestic between these 3 since it continues to maintain hype through the constant high quality movies every year and the fact that it's the "big franchise" currently. Avatar is locked to be the biggest overseas though. No way it could fall from 2 billion to lower than avengers 2 or star wars 7
  5. Thor wasn't very well received so it's not that surprising it fell apart so fast. At least it managed 200 million which was good.
  6. It's kinda sad that The Neighbors is the only major movie this month that hasn't dropped over 50% every single weekend
  7. Definitely the best of the prequels but still weighed down by the stupidity of Anakin's decent to the dark side. I really hate how close-minded George Lucas's view of morality is. If he had made his universe allow for people to be morally grey in any way then Anakin's journey to the dark side could have been amazing. Instead what we got was him going from being a good Jedi knight slowly making his way towards the dark side to suddenly being some sort of insane psychopath who goes around murdering children and hating all other Jedi despite actually being the one person who knows the truth about the Jedi and knowing that they weren't evil. I didn't hate Hayden Christensen as Anakin in this movie though. I thought that while his acting wasn't great his dull acting actually kind of worked for the character. I feel like the sort of emotionless dead-eyed performance he gave is sort of exactly how I imagine dark-side Anakin. I couldn't stand the acting for Palpatine when he became The Emperor though. It was WAY too over-the-top. He went from being like the calmest guy ever to being... idk... insane? Especially when he was lying on the ground as Mace Windu stood over him and he was like "NO! NOOOO!" It was just unbearable to witness. The final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was very emotional and I really enjoyed how that was done. Same with a lot of the "Empire taking over" stuff. Like when the clones were ordered to kill all the Jedi. Even when Anakin stopped Mace Windu honestly. I actually bought Anakin's desperation to save Padme being the reason he joined Palpatine right up until he started doing things completely out of character that made no sense. All in all it was a pretty good movie. Really dark but good.
  8. I thought that it was about on par with TPM. Better some aspects and worse in some other aspects. I liked the action and the CGI. The battle at the end of the movie was awesome. Hayden Christensen's acting was pretty bad and the romance part of the movie was really stupid. I can't believe they made Anakin's plot for nearly the entire movie just him off somewhere with Padme doing basically nothing.
  9. It's been a long time since I last saw this but after watching it again I realize that there are only a few real problems. Unfortunately those couple things bleed into almost everything in the movie. Jar Jar is obviously the most glaring problem and I have no idea why George Lucas ever thought that he was a good idea to include. Jake Lloyd's acting also wasn't that great as young Anakin but i'm not going to fault him on that given he was eight. People seem to complain a lot about the politics and trade route stuff but I actually was fine with that stuff since I found the politics of the prequel trilogy actually quite interesting. Darth Maul should have had a larger role. The fact that he only really appeared near the end and had a single line was kind of disappointing. The action and CGI was actually pretty good and helped the movie a lot. The pod racing I was not really a fan of. Could have cut that part down a lot... or removed it. Overall the movie was OK. It had too much dragging it down for me to really like it all that much but it but I didn't necessarily hate it either. I just thought there were some sort of stupid writing decisions made.
  10. Just saw this movie. I thought it was actually pretty good but i'm still not totally sure of it right now. Too many good things and bad things for me to decide what there is more of. For now though I liked it and thought it was pretty good. I actually liked the Electro villain, mostly just cause I felt bad for him though. The scene where Harry was screaming "I need you!" and he was like "You need... me?" made me feel so terrible for him. I also enjoyed Harry as a villain up until the point where he actually BECAME a villain because at that point I was just kind of like why is this even necessary? The rhino was stupid and pointless. I thought that the movie was all very well done until the climax and then I thought it became very unfocused which made me frustrated because it was so clear what could've been done to fix that. The Green Goblin and Rhino were both pointless because they didn't throw them in until the very very end and the movie could've been done without either of them. Not to mention I feel like it was basically a spoiler for the studio to even say they were including those villains in the movie because the entire movie I was thinking "When is Harry going to become the Green Goblin already?" I really like that they killed Gwen because that completely caught me off guard. I will forever applaud such a ballsy move. The franchise has been so comical and light that it is incredibly surprising for that to occur. I thought the death was handled really well with how they did it. Not such a fan the sad montage mostly just cause it was too similar to the first movies sad montage after her dad was killed. Also I think I found a recurring theme between villains. Normal likable person put in a desperate situation. They take magic serum and/or fall into tank of... magic eels I guess? They become crazy and decide to go destroy shit. They die without redemption.
  11. I've seen the movie twice so far. It's without a doubt one of the best animated movies i've ever seen XD
  12. I was beginning to worry when Nut Job wasn't reported ahead of everything else yesterday. Glad to see all is right in the world once again
  13. wow huge jump for Frozen. That's higher than last week even
  14. actually there was only one negative review for Walls of Stone but ok =(
  15. .............. who in their right minds thought making a sequel to this movie before it came out was a good idea
  16. ooh cool I'll sign up for whatever year is next
  17. 1. Gravity 2. Wolf of Wall Street 3. 12 Years a Slave 4. Captain Phillips 5. Her 6. Dallas Buyer's Club 7. American Hustle got to see the last 2
  18. Go back to the future, you're drunk
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