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Everything posted by #ED

  1. I let this drag now I feel like I got a lot more work to do! I will be posting my stuff tomorrow hopefully!
  2. The original Robocop.7/22/87La Bamba debuted 7/24/87. Notable mention.
  3. Nothing wrong with liking Dredd. The movie is good. The marketing of the movie and other new releases hurt the movie's box office.
  4. My favorite Stallone movie is Demolition Man. I think his best performance will always be the original Rocky. I like Stallone a lot. But his time has passed.
  5. Dredd was always DARK in the comics.Really upset this movie flopped. I would say its better than TBL.
  6. Just saw Dredd. 20x better than resident crap last weekend. I think enjoyed Dredd as a 3D movie too. Best 3D movie this year. Possibly.Sucks its bombing.
  7. Good holds around this time of year are 30% - 40%?I assume Summer holds should be stronger.
  8. At 2nd glance, didn't realize Nemo dropped 42%. I thought Nemo would have a decent run, but we're looking at big drop this weekend.
  9. Decent drops. Nothing really bad. WTF @ NEMO.
  10. Apparently it's one of the best 3D movies this year.
  11. Review should lead this movie right above $10M.
  12. Wtf have I missed here? Dredd 3D has a 90% on RT.http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/dredd_3d/
  13. I figured The Campaign would be no where to be found by now. Guess I was wrong!
  14. This is RTH's post from Mondays number thread.
  15. looking forward to joining this but these questions are seriously "wtf"
  16. I think as soon as Skyfall hits, I'll be over it! lol
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