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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 1 hour ago, Porthos said:




    It is actually veeeeeeeery slightly irritating as it's now scrunching up the posting window, meaning it isn't as wide as it once was. 


    But folks without special accounts will see it that was as well,  so I better just get used to it and re-align all the charts I make in various threads going forward to look nice in the smaller posting window.


    We're looking into getting the posting window to be wider again. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. If you use a subscription from the "Donate" button you will sadly see the subscriber block for now. Apparently, there is no way to hide it from staff members or per user group.  


    If you subscribe using the new subscription system, it should go away. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the block might or might not be removed (you can access the same information by hovering over "Donate" and clicking "Subscriptions") for said reason.


    In other news, I have increased the like limit for each paid account tier and given Gold Accounts unlimited likes.

    • Like 8
  3. 1 minute ago, Porthos said:

    For what it's worth, I can see that subscription side bar even though I already have a Gold Account (don't know if that's intended or not).


    Also, as an aside, everyone's colors on their forum names are missing (including mods).


    Don't know if that's because the style sheets are still being worked on or not though.


    It's cause the system doesn't think your subscribed cause you got it from the store. :( 


    (Not sure about the user's name.)

    • Like 1
  4. Hello all! First of all, the theme issues should be fixed now and you should be able to access the forum as normal. If there's any area that isn't working as expected, please let us know by submitting a support ticket!


    I am also happy to say we have changed the way you can subscribe to the forum! First of all, if you aren't subscribed to the forum, on every page you should see to the right options to subscribe. This is for monthly subscriptions only. I'm not entirely sure if there are any automatic charges or not but you should be able to cancel at any time. 


    If you want an annual subscription you will have to do it the old-fashioned way: click "Donate" at the top (rather than one of the drop-down options) and you will see all the subscriptions at an annual rate only. 


    Current subscribers should not have to change a thing: it should work as before unless you don't renew your subscription in which case you will have to subscribe using the new way or the annual way.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  5. Just now, Brainbug said:


    How can the record be safe though with Godzilla vs Kong coming next year?


    I'm sure Detective Pikachu will launch a major Pokemon franchise and one of those movies will break the record.


    I umm don't have confidence Detective Pikachu itself will do over $350 million OW. But it's opening will be more impressive in my eyes since no IMAX, no premium seats. So Pokemon still wins, as it must!

    • Haha 1
    • Disbelief 1
  6. Just now, A Panda of Ice and Fire said:

    There’s so much hindsight bias lol.  Back at the end of 2015 the consensus was Marvel peaked with the Avengers.  There were a few users claiming BvS would break the record but they were fringe.


    Right and I'm sure the consensus this time it's that it's 100% right that the record is safe for a long-ass time. :P 

  7. 2 minutes ago, sahmeelg said:

    Last year, @CJohn's $300M IW OW club seemed out of reach. I still remember lurking here and people talking about how $300M OW is highly impossible unless almost all screens were given to a movie and tons of people were to fill almost all of them.


    A year later and here we have Endgame cruising through $300M OW like it's nothing. 


    Also insane how Dom and China are basically competing on which territory goes higher than $300M OW. A true world event. 



    All the screens are being given to Endgame :P


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, captainwondyful said:

    Question. Can the year be stacked on each one other? I have a month left. Didn’t know I bought now would that mean the new year starts in a month?


    They can manually. The system won't do it for you so you'd have to tell me.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, AJ2k said:


    You should have reversed that lol. IMAX2D is the way to see this movie.  I saw Infinity War the first 2 times in XD and the 3rd time watching it in IMAX2D was a completely different experience. The picture looked so much better it was ridiculous. I'm not even wasting a ticket on XD this time around lol.


    I valued getting a good seat over getting a shitty seat. This movie is selling almost like a Nintendo console.



    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, CJohn said:

    This is not the endgame :wtf:


    Endgame is tomorrow at 1PM on XD-I even went on Fandango and bought a ticket, which I like never do. Then if I like it, see it again in IMAX.  But tonight...NFL Draft Day One.


    Also Imperator: Rome just came out by Paradox. SO MANY THINGS HITTING ME AT ONCE.

    • Astonished 1
    • ...wtf 1
  11. 1 hour ago, DeeCee said:

    It definitely doesn’t add to the offenders reputation. If you check someone’s profile you can add up all of the non-“Not Cool” reactions and see that it equals their total reputation count. 


    However, I’m going to say that using the “Not Cool” reaction counts towards your daily like count. Although I’m not 100% sure. 


    @Water Bottle Can you confirm?


    Don’t forget the Endgame Gold Account sale is on now. 


    1 hour ago, Stewart said:

    Thanks! One more question regarding that last bit:


    Feasby007 pondered about counting reaction. He wondered whether that meant the "Not Cool" did not count for either person. He hoped it wouldn't increase the offenders "like" counter, but also hoped it would not decrease his limit for the day.


    (In other words, when you say it doesn't count as a reaction, I assume you mean it doesn't add to the offenders reputation and it doesn't add to the reactor's reaction limit for the day)


    Giving someone a Not Cool reaction will not change their like counter. It doesn't remove or add how many likes they have.


    Giving someone a Not Cool reaction does take away from how many likes you have left like any other reaction does. This is to help prevent abuse, for system performance reasons, and because it is tied to the reaction system.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
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