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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 1 hour ago, lab276 said:


    Is there anything necessarily wrong with 17 year old code? I don't really know anything about coding or website development, so maybe it's not great, but from a normie POV, it doesn't sound like a big deal.

    The older the code is the more difficult it is to make updates to the project especially when you have different coders come and go through the history of the site. The people who originally made BOM haven't been there for years. It's part of the reason IMDB shut down the Box Office Mojo forums/derby (the old code led to a crash of their log-in system which IMDB never fixed due to the age). It's less of a problem if you have a big staff who can make sweeping changes to the site or the same coder but Box Office Mojo had neither. Keep in mind Box Office Mojo isn't pure HTML: it's partly an online database which meant lots of complex code.


    2 minutes ago, lab276 said:




    What do youse make of sites like Box Office Guru or InsideKino then, which look pretty dated too now, but are still functional? They aren't as complex as BOM was though tbf.





    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Box Office Guru is just HTML (which is super basic code) and maybe some basic CSS (which is just a visual template for the website). It's functional, sure, but Gitesh isn't doing anything complex with his website. Even though he has a "database" it's really just him editing the webpage with the data rather than an actual web database. But like I could easily jump in and take over and not miss a beat with his coding-and I only know very basic HTML/CSS! I couldn't work on BOM's code (or even BOT's code which is also immensely complicated!)


    It is very good for BOM to get an update to it's code (and look) but it's bad that they changed the nature of the website in the process. If we could have the old BOM features back but with new code? Would have been ideal.

    • Like 7
  2. It's too late to save BOM. But the BOT community will prevail one way or another. They shut down our forums, we create our own forums (and then we went to a magazine's website then they kicked us but now we pay our own way). They killed the derby, we created our derby. The contributions our forum members make is impressive. Don't doubt the power and will of the box office theory community.

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  3. Just wanted to get some community feedback on something the staff is discussing. What do you all think about moving all clubs to the Box Office Clubs forum? The idea is that it'll make it easier to find them since when they move here they can get easily lost based on how active the forum is as a whole. Or do you guys like the status quo?

  4. 1 hour ago, K1stpierre said:

    Ola 🙂

    I come on from time to time, but to be fair I hardly am on like I used too due to having a new life with my bf and also with work. 😕  


    If there ever comes a point where you feel you need someone to step down (due to too many mods) feel free to demote me. I honestly understand as I know I don’t come on here as I used too.🙂


    Hope all mods have been good! I see new faces, to that I say hello 🙂


    We don't need anyone to step down to make room. There's no limit or cap on staff members.

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  5. BOT has decided that it's time to bring new blood into the staff in an effort to continue our endless war against outright trolls and concern trolls. 


    If you want to apply please submit an application letting us know if you have What's App/Telegram as well as how active you believe you can be and any experience. 


    Also with your application or seperately please submit a list of community members you think would make an excellent addition to the staff.  Please send this to me via PM.


    We are looking for active people with good reputation with the staff and community. 

    • Like 15
  6. 1 hour ago, SLAM! said:


    I remember watching snippets of episodes when it was airing and thinking it looked kind of interesting. It definitely earns its novelty by sort of kickstarting the 2010s superhero TV show trend (unless I'm mistaken).


    That would probably be Arrow lol.

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