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Water Bottle

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Posts posted by Water Bottle

  1. 4 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

    I was surprised at how straight up horror some of this season was, lol.


    Better than S2, but S1 is still far ahead. 


    The 2 new characters Robin and especially Erica were no bueno though, don't care.


    What? Robin was fantastic! Erica's not a new character (she was in season 2) but I loved her brutal honesty! I disagree with you!

    • Like 4
    5 hours ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

    Enjoyed it more than Season 2 but it's definitely lost what was special with Season 1 at this point. Season 1 felt grounded and way more character moments and action moments were few in between. 



    Season One was special because it was the first, I believe, in television to be a series taking a group of children and put them on a serious adventure with danger and aimed at adults/teenagers. Season 2 and 3 were good follow-ups but they lose that magic because they are...follow-ups. No longer something fresh and unexpected. Plus the middle-school kids are now teenagers which means they are less innocent and thus some of the charm is lost.


    I do wish they had done more with the Invasion of the Body Snatchers idea rather than just have a big monster for them to fight.

    • Like 4
  3. 11 hours ago, Ms Lady Hawk said:

    Thank you! My current subscription is up on 7/13. I received an email with a link. When I click on the link, it asked me to log in. I do so and then there is an error message.


    Can you submit a support ticket with the error code? Thanks!

  4. 4 hours ago, Ms Lady Hawk said:

    I like to pay in full for the year, but I am not getting that option. I am getting an error message. Thank you! 


    What do you mean? What error message? If you want to pay for a whole year, go to the Annual Donations page.



  5. 35 minutes ago, Nero said:

    @Water Bottle can you please fix the mobile site of Bot. Whenever I try to come on BOT it automatically redirects me to 1st page. Sometimes when I press NEXT it goes back to 1st page. Thanks


    Submit a support ticket so I can get your mobile device info (like browser and OS). :) 

  6. 9 minutes ago, AJG said:

    I’m watching this HBO show Euphoria and I’ve got a question: Americans, is everyone that plays some kind of High School sport a massive douche that may be prone to becoming a rapist?


    It’s like is every show nowadays and I need to know.



  7. 23 hours ago, CoolEric258 said:

    Or the admins/IT people could update the site and make it so that people can't see quotes from people on their ignore list. I've seen this stuff done before on other forums, and it's pretty effective if I do say so myself. Sure, you may not know why people are posting snarky gifs, but I feel most people have the self-control to not click on the "show ignored content" button, so why can't this be applied to here? I would think that the staff would want to curb trolling as much as possible, and this seems like an easy solution to stop this kind of behavior. Seems pretty strange they wouldn't try something that's been done in other websites.


    But that's none of my business. (insert Kermit pic here)



    Anyways, back on topic. Shaft looks lame and apparently is lame. Ah well, poor SLJ


    It's a suggestion we've made to Invision (the fine people who make our forum software) to no avail. There might be something on the marketplace (https://invisioncommunity.com/files/) which we'd consider adding in but generally, we don't have an admin responsible with the forum software code. 


    (While @AndyLL develops the derby and the website with the derby but both run on a different coding language than the forum. I think he does a wonderful job running the derby but his title is more about that then any IT work on the forum.)

  8. 20 minutes ago, I Am said:

    So, this is interesting.


    Not a single word in the post you deleted had any "name calling" or featured any "bigotry," but yet you allow @YLF to call me "dumb" and leave his post up. This is the standard response that so-called "progressives" have whenever they encounter non-white people who won't eat out of their hand.


    In the Star Wars IX thread, I made a comment that I would not be seeing any of Rian Johnson's movies because of his Twitter rampages towards people who genuinely thought he made a terrible movie, and was "name called" by four different posters - but none of their posts were deleted and none of them were given threadban warnings. Quite interesting indeed.


    If people insulted you by calling you dumb or using other derogatory terms, please report them. This is a pretty big site with lots of posts with a volunteer staff and we don't always read every post-even when we are in the thread.

  9. On 5/26/2019 at 11:06 AM, Litio said:

    Sad but true. The worst thing is to see people saying that everything is okay because there are other studios. Disney should be the first studio to venture with non-brands works. Disney is currently the biggest studio of the Big 5. They could give a space to new works like other studios do.


    But then they wouldn't be the number one biggest studio. Can't fail if you don't try and when your on top, you rarely have an incentive to try new things. 

    • Sad 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Thanos Legion said:

    The not cool react on this is priceless 


    It's fantastic because now that account, as well as a whole bunch of his other alts, are now suspended from being able to access the site. I'd IP ban him but I think he switches IPs more than a baby switches diapers.

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