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Everything posted by Robertron

  1. And I will stand by TF2 and it's awesomeness til the day I die. Not gonna back down just because I'm the odd one out.
  2. Good music but I fucking hate her. America can have her. And on behalf of Canada, Beibers all yours.
  3. I think they stuck with the Friday release so they could have at least one 30m+ day.
  4. That's the dumbest, most contradictory thing I've read in a while, and I've read a lot of Kals posts.
  5. Oh fuck. I actually laughed when I saw it's numbers on the heading.If this doesn't teach studios about unwanted sequels then I dunno what ever will.
  6. That can be explained in full by the lack of school holidays. No kids to have its OD frontloaded.
  7. I disagree. For the sake of TF4 which has a legitimate shot at opening at $150-180m isaying that in Yuan (without differentiating) gets a bit confusing. It's not like Japan where $10m is 1B. That's easy to tell apart.Edit: not a legitimate shot, but it's not completely unrealistic to think China could have TF movies open that high.
  8. Going in to school holidays it should be in a good enough place to do so.
  9. Australia.Numbers from MPDAA:TF4: $1.33mTo compare:TF3: $2.63mTF2: $2.65m
  10. Numbers from MPDAA:TF4: $1.33mTo compare:TF3: $2.63mTF2: $2.65mLike I said earlier, I won't be shocked with a $10m 5-day.
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