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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Looks like I only got two of mine right...
  2. Similar to the list last year, list your 10 BOLD predictions for 2018! 1. The Incredibles 2 is the Number 1 Movie of the Year DOM 2. NOPE 3. Deadpool 2 OVER Jurassic World: A Fallen Kingdom DOM 4. The Horror Streak Continues: A Quiet Place, Halloween and The Nun ALL OVER 100m DOM 5. The Grinch Over Despicable Me 2 DOM and WW 6. Mary Poppins Returns DOM > Aquaman + Bumblebee + Bohemian Rhapsody + Mortal Engines DOM 7. At least 2 movies in October 2018 have an OW over the previous October OW record. Also Record Breaking October DOM. 8. First Man OVER the Martian DOM, OW and WW 9. The Rock's Streak Continues: Skyscraper and Rampage over 50m OW, 150m DOM and 500m WW 10. February Floppage: Black Panther DOM > DOM Gross of all February Wide Releases combined
  3. I liked them both, Birdman kind of faded though
  4. So far my 26 favorite movies of the decade are (in alphabetical order) 50/50 Arrival Beasts of the Southern Wild Before Midnight Blade Runner 2049 Boyhood Deadpool Django Unchained Fruitvale Station Get Out Gravity Her Inside Llewyn Davis Inside Out La La Land Life of Pi Mad Max: Fury Road Moonlight The Revenant The Social Network Sicario Short Term 12 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Star Wars: The Last Jedi True Grit Whiplash
  5. So it looks like JL will squeak by Logan and not be the lowest grossing Live-Action superhero movie this year after all.
  6. It'd be R if they wanted to do it right, just read these Judges 14: 6-9 "6 The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told neither his father nor his mother what he had done. 7 Then he went down and talked with the woman, and he liked her. 8 Some time later, when he went back to marry her, he turned aside to look at the lion’s carcass, and in it he saw a swarm of bees and some honey. 9 He scooped out the honey with his hands and ate as he went along. When he rejoined his parents, he gave them some, and they too ate it. But he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the lion’s carcass." Judges 14: 19 "19 Then the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. He went down to Ashkelon, struck down thirty of their men, stripped them of everything and gave their clothes to those who had explained the riddle. Burning with anger, he returned to his father’s home." Judges 15: 14-15 "14 As he approached Lehi, the Philistines came toward him shouting. The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands. 15 Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men." Judges 15:4-5 "4 So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, 5 lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves." Tearing apart a Lion with your bear hands and eating honey from its ripped open carcass? Stripping dead men? Setting 300 foxes on fire? Wrecking thousands of people with a jawbone? Sounds like an R rating or bust to me!
  7. Something that I have been curious about is can you tell anything about a person based on their taste in movies (beyond, they have a subjectively good or bad taste in film)? There's been studies that have found a correlation between music taste and personality. One from Cambridge found people who are empathizers, "appear to prefer music that is romantic, relaxing, unaggressive, sad or slow such as soft rock and some R&B," whereas people that are more analytical (math and science type people), "tend to prefer more "sophisticated" music such as from the avant-garde, world beat, traditional jazz and classical genres." In general, people who fall more on the empathy spectrum focused more on how the music was making them feel (such as from a sad sounding minor chord or the lyrics of a song), whereas inversely people who were higher in being analytical cared more about, "the instrumental elements, seeing how the music is mixing together. It's almost like a musical puzzle that they're putting together.” It ends up saying that we choose music that reflects who we are. So my thoughts, do the same concepts apply to film? Does a person's taste in film say anything about them personally? I did find an interesting Psychology paper over the big five personality test, gender and how those two variables relate to film genre preference. Summing it down, Males tend to prefer Fantasy and Action genres and Women's top two genres were Romance and Fantasy. People who preferred comedy score highly in Openness (more open to new experiences, open minded, etc). Horror fans scored poorly in extraversion and agreeableness and highly in openness and neuroticism. People who preferred action scored highly in conscientious (more aware of how they are appearing, determination, high work-ethic, like familiarity) and openness and low in being neurotic (so more emotional stability). People who preferred romance were more neurotic and conscientious. And lastly, people who preferred fantasy were less extroverted and more open. The study above wasn't a particularly strong one, and it was only looking at film genres, whereas there's much more nuance to each individual film and what could make it appeal to somebody. And similar to the case with music, it might actually be less about genre and more about the mood the movie portrays. Maybe somebody's who's more analytical cares less about how a movie moves them emotionally, and more about technical aspects of the film and creative directorial choices, whereas somebody who's more empathetic may care more about characterization and emotionally engaging material. And likely most people are going to fall somewhere in between and can't be categorized into a tiny box. There's a lot that could be discussed about this so I want to leave this thread open for discussion. References: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/music-taste-linked-to-personality-traits-by-cambridge-psychologists-a6965796.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4492868/Study-finds-taste-movies-highly-idiosyncratic.html http://mypersonality.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=assessing_the_impact_of_gender_and_personality_on_film_preferences.pdf http://www.lifehack.org/417256/what-your-movie-preferences-say-about-you-according-to-researchers
  8. This is a good article that looks into why people can watch the same film and come out with completely different reactions. Well thought out, even if Vox can go a little loony sometimes. https://www.vox.com/2017-in-review/2017/12/29/16792848/did-we-see-the-same-movie-last-jedi-three-billboards-detroit-wonder-woman-2017
  9. I hate Amarillo, this is a disgusting letter to the editor to publish on your page. I’d almost think it was satire it’s so ridiculous http://amarillo.com/letters-editor/opinion/2017-12-29/letter-man-s-interest-woman-not-always-sexual-harassment Sending Amarillo news an email to remove this, it’s an article endorsing victim blaming.
  10. A Spoonful of Sugar is the big reprise number during that eventful scene. Scene name: “Lin has a Blunt”
  11. Spectacular Now was pretty good from what I remember, lots of familiar beats but it’s a sweet movie.
  12. I think if I was studying film I’d find time to watch that many movies. I’m studying economics and mathematics though so I spend a lot more time looking through data and trying to read research and articles. Still I saw 76 2017 movies this year (a lot during the summer and during my breaks), and I watched quite a few TV Shows. Ive gone back and forth if I want to try and get a job at a studio like Disney after grad school. Either that or a university, not sure about the FED (although a job at the Fed would be really secure, if you get one)
  13. You haven’t finished your list yet! You easily could have retconned two movies into one slot and squeezed it in.
  14. For a second, I read this as being the same movie. I was about to think a real “WTF??” 800 times is 2-3 movies every day though, that’s insane. On a typical week I watch 3-4 or so.
  15. I also think a lot of the people on here saying they won’t see it will be there OW when it’s all said and done
  16. This is also why I’m really skeptical at some people thinking Solo will do in the high 200m to low 300m range. AOTC, the franchise low, would still be AoU levels (at least) with premium theaters. Disneys been really strong at quality control (even if it arguably prevents some great movies from being made and forces more decent ones). I really doubt Solo will be all that bad, I actually think Howard probably has a good handle on it. I think the lowest Solo goes is the high 300m range, and I think it caps out around RO levels. It was No 5 on fandango’s anticipation meter with no marketing material at all. It’s certainly a contender for the biggest 2017 movie, depending on how JW, IW and I2 do.
  17. Maybe, I think they’ll wait on Ant-Man simply because they have two other big marvel movies to advertise, a Star Wars movie and the only major studio animated movie for the first half of the year (they really need to capitalize on that).
  18. Yeah, I do personally think there were a few factors that are stopping TLJ from doing as well as it could, but its numbers are still massive. There’s no way Disney could be upset about a 600m+ grosser. People aren’t comprehending just how large that gross is. No other franchise has more than 1 500m grosser, Star Wars has 3.
  19. Solo Trailer Deadpool 2 Trailer Infinity War Trailer Black Panther Trailer The Incredibles 2 Trailer Jurassic World 2 Trailer Red Sparrow Trailer New Mutants Trailer A Wrinkle in Time Trailer Alpha Trailer Annihilation Trailer
  20. Your cops seem like good blokes, “I would have joined them!” If I tried that in Texas, I would have been shot and the cop would be immortalized as a hero who kept the faith.
  21. It’s a smart strategy. For all of the talks of a booming economy, most peoples wages aren’t rising all that much, and some of the low unemployment has a lot to do with a lowered Labor force participation rate. Many Western economies are in an era of stagnation which is going to hurt consumption overall. Add that to new, cheap entertainment alternatives with Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc. if you want to attract consumers to spend money you have to offer something to make it worth it. Luxurizing cinema may send mid-budget tier movies to streaming services but it may just save the theater industry.
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