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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Wow at that Sylvester Stallone win, especially since he might not even get an Oscar nom.
  2. Yay, they didn't pull some crazy snub for Inside Out. Most deserving win of the night.
  3. Really? If this is true, studios have gone to a new advertising low.
  4. Carell and Bale were better than Damon, but Damon was still good in the Martian.
  5. Wow, the Globes actually nominated a few actual comedies this year.
  6. WTH why do all of these movie ads have critic blurbs that don't exist.
  7. Yay for Morricone, Tarantino acted like a prick though.
  8. Statham is the only person to make me laugh all night.
  9. I'm wondering if the bad trailers will hurt it financially. It'll be a hit no matter what, but under 400m for a Batman v Superman movie would be bad news for WB's future for DC.
  10. Good for Winslet, I guess I better add her to my predictions for Oscar nominations, I thought she was missing.
  11. They've only made 2 sequels outside of TS, cut them some slack. Besides, this is BO and Finding Nemo is easily their biggest film. A sequel to it is a bigger deal to the kids who grew up on it than Toy Story 3 was for the kids who grew up on it.
  12. Oh, so it's that part of the show, where everyone sits around criticizing dresses they can't afford.
  13. It's not an exciting score, but it works brilliantly with the movie. This movie didn't need an exciting score, it needed one that blended with the raw, naturalism of the film, and that's what it did. It is definitely simple, but people confuse simple and basic with bad. I've heard a lot of scores that people won't shut up about that aren't all that great at all (A lot of Zimmer's work). I wouldn't have wanted any alterations to it, and it variates to each situation that makes it not get to repetitive. Albeit, it's not necessarily a score you're going to just sit and listen to, but it enhances the experience and without it you'd lose a lot of that naturalistic immersion. It's very atmospheric. Add to the fact that there weren't a lot of great scores this year, it kind of automatically is in the top 5-7.
  14. Btw, the score for this is absolutely haunting. Simple? Yes, but gorgeous, and very memorable. It'll make my top 5 scores for the BOFFIES
  15. Idk why Bale is in lead, he's definitely a supporting role. Honestly, Gosling is probably the lead of the movie, and Carell is a strong supporting character.
  16. No, MTV is decent, but People's Choice is the plague. The fact that I'm by default associated with "the people" and their awful winner and nominee choices is blasphemy in my eyes.
  17. Compare Star Wars drop to pretty much every holdover this week, and then factor in if was coming off a 90m 3rd weekend, then the drop doesn't seem that bad. The only major holdover to not have a harsh drop was The Big Short
  18. WTF, why is Mojo not only doing a Revenant vs Inception comparison, but they're comparing their 17 day totals? That's the most illogical comparison they've made so far, especially when there are easy ones like Lone Survivor, Shutter Island or Wolf of Wall Street
  19. I still think 44% is a little steep. I think it'll be right at 40m with Actuals and TFA around 42-43m or so.
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