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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I think it's decreasing from the first one (in OW, legs, and WoM), but I am seeing that'll be a hit.
  2. That's what I don't get. Good acting doesn't require words. Sure, you need words in a story to move along plot and such, but a good actor should still be able to convey the same ideas as the words without using them. Words don't make good performances, sure some scripts can make it easier to give a performance (or a whole lot harder), but they're secondary to the actors goals. If you ever watch a foreign language film, you can tell a great performance from a typical one, because you'll still get most of the ideas of the actors character through their performance (even if subtitles are off and you don't understand them). Leo was captivating, he sold the story with his actions, face, and eyes.
  3. People honestly did uptalk the brutality too much. It wasn't that bad, except for the Bear mauling and humping Leo.
  4. So... I shouldn't let everyone know I'm voting for the Revenant in every category?
  5. I'm not saying they won't get nominated, in fact, Fassbender should be in. Winslet is the first to go in her category though.
  6. it is artistically speaking. Because he didn't decide to let go of his revenge until after he gut-stabbed him and chopped off the dude's fingers.
  7. Absolutely gorgeous and profound film. Maybe I was a bit sarcastic about it being deserved to be viewed and a temple and how it made me want to rip a raw liver from a buffalo and eat it whole. But, I won't lie. The movie really transported me, and I just felt myself going cold the whole time as it left me captivated. With the cinematography, with Leo's performance, with the raw power I was able to feel from it. I could see how some people may have found it pretentious, but Inarritu's attitude aside, I didn't find the movie to be. I honestly found it profound. The idea how the Native Tribe hunted and tormented Leo until he finally learned to let go of revenge, and leave it to God (or nature, however you want to interpret it). He chased his past, but it wasn't until he saved another that he truly got redemption in his revival. So many strong images, giving you time to contemplate, and just gaze upon some of the most beautiful filmmaking I saw all of last year. Chivo earned his 3rd Oscar with this, and Leo has again earned one (whether or not he'll get it). Probably one of Leo's finest performances, if not his finest. It's like he finally understood in this movie, that he needs to leave Oscars to God, and just become an artist. Maybe this film is just tripping me out, but I loved it. I may make an addition to my best of 2015 list, because it earned it. A (No plus, because despite his talent, Inarritu is a pretentious prick)
  8. I just got out of the Revenant, and I just gotta say.... Wow! That was like a wet dream of technical goodness. It was a transcendental experience that left my eyes glued to the screen and the slow mesmerizing shots. It made me want to rip a raw liver out of a buffalo and bite a big chunk out of it, so I too could understand like Leo understands. Theres so much raw power in the movie, and when you just let go, and embrace it, it all makes sense. It becomes an awakening revelation. You may think I'm up talking this movie too much, but this artwork deserves to be watched in a temple. Innaritu gets it. Masterpiece.
  9. It's frustrating, not just because they'll likely be loud, but because I know watching a grown man get mauled by a bear and eat a liver raw isn't something a 6-7 year old is going to be okay with seeing. Not only is it going to be emotionally scarring for a child to see something they aren't ready for, the entire theater has to sit and listen to them being traumatized. It's a no win situation. As much as we complain about MPAA being strict, keeping 12 and under children out of R-rated movies and movies past 9pm would be for the best.
  10. People are bringing 5-8 year old kids to my 9:30 Revenant showing. I've seen at least four. What is wrong with people, and why is this a sold out late showing with children?
  11. I respect the fact he knows how to make loads of money from movies that appeal to a certain audience. I'm just not part of the audience that enjoys those movies, at all.
  12. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of you know what. Not for the franchise that hosts one of (if not my #1) all time favorite movie.
  13. I predicted 42.5m for Revenant (or somewhere around those lines) so I'm feeling pretty confident in my derby right now.
  14. That's a factor, but I don't think it was the only one. Leo and Pitt helped the Box Office OW by getting butts in seats, but the two films crowd pleasing nature (compared to the rest of his films) helped keep them there. Theres a number of factors, but people not knowing when a movies coming out is a big one. (And the WoM we're seeing is simply people going in expecting another Django and getting something completely different)
  15. It's a mixture. If I weren't an avid movie follower online (but still enjoyed the same movies I did and went as often), I wouldn't have known the movie was coming out at all. Let alone, that is all of the sudden expanding a week and a half earlier than planned. Add to the fact, the overall product isn't appealing to the general audience. Django and Inglorious Basterds both played like over the top revenge comedies to audiences. In Django especially, you had like able leads and villains you loved to hate and there were huge audience reactions when you watched them die. They were adventure movies for adults. The Hateful Eight is not that digestible to the GA, mostly because it's pretty much a play Tarentino put on the big screen. It's slow moving, add overly long on top of that (sure Django was long too, but it had a much faster pace so audiences didn't care as much), and it's much more morally ambiguous. None of the characters are all that likeable, there's not much of comedic element to it (so it's just incredibly bloody and vulgar, making those comedic makes it easier for an audience to enjoy), and there's no big exciting moments that you saw in say Django. Im glad Tarantino tried that direction, but it's easily one of his least GA-friendly movies. It made sense after I saw it why it wasn't going to be a hit, and I said that it was likely to have poor WoM right after I saw it. So add together a movie with a release date nobody knew about, a movie that isn't GA friendly at all (even compared to the directors other movies which aren't GA friendly), and it failing to gain any awards traction other than score and JJL's performance, and it's lucky it even did as much as its done so far.
  16. Yeah, I'm a little surprised at the big drop off for TFA, but in retrospect it makes sense. The movie's become the biggest movie of all time Domestically in less than 3 weeks, only so many people can/will see a movie in theaters (especially in the modern era) and TFA is testing the modern cap. It also is coming off over a 90m 3rd weekend (that was a Holiday as well). A smaller drop is harder to maintain. Especially since even the smaller movies are dropping hard this weekend. It also has 45-50m in new direct competition from The Revenant and The Forest. It's not the holidays, so new competition is going to hurt. You can't compare it to anything in terms of legs, because there's no proper comparison. Avatar wasn't even at 400m at this point, there was plenty of room to go before you reached the threshold (that we don't really know what) of everyone who was going to see it, saw it. It doesn't say anything about WoM (as it's its third weekend, and had impressive drops the last two weeks), it just says it burned off a massive amount of demand over the holidays and has to come back down to Earth at some point.
  17. Waiting for OD numbers... Also, Revenant has passed Star Wars on MT 1.Revenant - 34% 2.Star Wars - 31% 3.Daddy's Home - 5% 4.Big Short - 5% 5.Forest - 5%
  18. Yeah, I agree, DiCaprio deserved to win for Wall Street. At this point he should just go for O'Toole's record.
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