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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Also, make it good.I don't think it's a coincidence that video game movies tend (I shouldn't even say tend there hasn't been one I thought was even decent yet) to have terrible quality and do bad at the box office.
  2. It's because the media only shows the extremes (because they are what are interesting) for anything and because of that uninformed people will stereotype a mass amount of people into something they're not, and it's not at all exclusive to gamers.The Islamist religion only ever got major coverage after major terrorist attacks, because of that many Americans actually believe all Muslims are violent people of a barbaric religion wanting to slaughter anyone who doesn't think like them. While I'm sure there are some that do think like that, I'm friends with Muslims and know for a fact it's a minority that thinks that way.Then with say WoW, there were reports of a couple of specific cases of fat, greasy men living in their mothers basement naked playing WoW day and night. While there were a few cases of that, it in no way got close to defining the average WoW player, yet the masses believed for some time that if you played WoW you were a no life, creepy man (also see man, because I actually raided with a good number of girls in our guild, they were left out of the stereotype)I could keep listing examples but the point is proven, stereotypes are some of the worst things humans can do and they are one of the sole causes in violence, hatred, disdain, and contempt towards other humans.
  3. This thread is 75% superman01 and 25% everybody elseI'll do the contest thing, my predictsTransformers 4OW: 135mDom: 285mWW: 1.0bThe Avengers 2OW: 224mDOM: 603mWW: 1.7bStar Wars 7OW: 156mDOM: 705mWW: 2.1bBatman v SupermanOW: 172mDOM: 375mWW: 1.2bAvatar 2OW: 125mDOM: 505mWW: 2.0b
  4. Maybe gamers didn't show up because 1.Need For Speed doesnt have a large fanbase and the fans it has aren't fans because of its cinematic qualities. 2.Most gamers know gaming movies suck and need for speed showed no reason it'd be different 3.Gamer is a really misused term, people can play video games and not be no life hermits who don't take showers and have no fiends. In fact I am willing to bet 95% of a gaming community like World of Warcraft (a game where most of the general public had stereotyped its players as such) are not like that. Those videos and pictures and news stories are the extremes. 4.This movie was never going to be a hit.
  5. Have you seen the musical Into the Woods? It actually isn't as family friendly as you're thinking. The musical also scored pretty well at the Tonys when it came out, it's a good musical, the family oriented musical is probably Annie, not Into the Woods.
  6. Locked The LEGO Movie My other 4 guesses How to Train Your Dragon 2 The Box Trolls Big Hero 6 A Foreign One (I heard a new Studio Ghibli is coming out, possibly that)
  7. I'm hoping we can get some more interest, and I think I'll skip out on having a theme for this.
  8. 120 To Kill a Mockinbird One of the best coming of age stories that has been crafted, based on Harper Lee's classic novel. The story is resonantly powerful by showing the south's racism through the eyes of a child. There is so much you can get out of this movie and it does a fine job at adapting classic material and turning into a classic itself.
  9. 121 Anatomy of Murder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nq_8WJDDqQ It is probably one of the darkest and most tense G rated movies out there, but then again ratings were a lot different back when this was released. It is a classic courtroom drama with strong performances, and all of its praise is very much deserved.
  10. 122 In the Heat of the Night I could go on about how this movie is socially important, but that would be discrediting the fact that the social importance doesn't even matter because the movie as a whole is so well made. It is very well acted, has a good sense of humor, and explores important themes.
  11. 123 The LEGO Movie Yes, I know this movie came out a month ago, so why is this on your all time list you may ask? Because everything is awesome about this movie, in all honesty in a couple years this will probably end up even higher than it is on my list. I know it's fairly early to say it, but I absolutely loved this at every level, and like it more the more I look back on it.
  12. 124 Spaceballs This satire is extremely underrated by critics (and I think is one of my few films on this list that is actually rotten on the tomatometer), and has so many hilarious gags. While obviously this isn't the best crafted film, nor does it have the most intelligent humor, and it is often off beat in its humor, that doesn't change the fact that when Spaceballs hits it, it really hits it.
  13. 125 Men in Black Men in Black is the classic matinee film, it is original, creative, and has a very spunky spirit (something none of the sequels or rip-offs manged to capture like this one). The chemistry between Smith and Jones is ecstatic, and the movie plays off the humor and wackiness of the premise to a great extent. A very re-watchable film.
  14. 126 An American in Paris The musical as a whole is very solid, strong, and deserved of all its praise. It is incredibly fun to watch, and has the upbeat, joyous spirit that is missing in a lot of modern day musicals (not saying all need them, but it is missed). For some reason this is a musical for me that is very hard to forget.
  15. 127 The Elephant Man Elephant manages to have some absolutely heartbreaking scenes while also bringing powerful social commentary on the motivations and actions of humans. It is powerfully acted and is one of the strongest films David Lynch has crafted.
  16. 128 For a Few Dollars More While this is the weakest in the trilogy, that isn't saying much considering the entire trilogy is incredibly strong, and some of the best spaghetti westerns ever made. There is so much style to this movie in everything that is done, and young Clint Eastwood does a great job as the man with no name.
  17. 129 Godzilla, King of Monsters! I loved Godzilla as a kid and I still love it today, the movie is just way to campy and fun, especially for its age. Sure, it definitely hasn't aged well, but in my opinion how aged it is just makes it all the more enjoyable to watch as the best of the many, many Godzilla movies.
  18. WEEK 7 QUESTIONS Deadline is 11:59PM GMT ON THURSDAY 13TH MARCH. (all answers must contain at least 5 digits such as 10,905 127,860 1,875,240 14,560,920) all questions are for the 3 day weekend 1. How much will Frozen make? 2,430,500 2. How much will Single Moms Club make? 16,250,000 3. How much will Mr Peabody And Sherman make? 21,150,000 4. How much will 12 Years A Slave make? 1,218,000 5. How much will Veronica Mars make? 950,000 6. How much will 300 2: Rise Of An Empire make? 21,550,000 Bonus for +5 Need for speed Friday gross 7,450,000 Bonus for +4 Lego + Peabody + nut job + frozen + ride along totals altogether added together by sunday 889,414,000 Bonus for +3 Weekend estimate total 115,650,000 Bonus for +2 Lego movie + Peabody + frozen total weekend 31,080,000 Bonus for +1 Single moms club friday gross 6,950,000
  19. True but I think the digital creation of all te scenery would be under special effects not cinematography, correct?
  20. I don't know what you're talking about (and it may be the IMAX talking but I saw Gravity in theaters, IMAX, and at home and I still feel this way) but Gravity was breathtakingly beautiful.But what you are talking about is production design, Gatsby (although I personally am not a dang of the art direction because it defies the 20s era) had fantastic looking sets and costumes but the cinematography (actual shots) wasn't all that strong. In actuality Avatar was a fairly weak cinematography winner, especially compared to Gravity and the different groundbreaking shots Cuaron was able to pull off. The imagery of Gravity is what told the story and what added all the depth, the meaning and themes of it are hidden in shots taken. Gravity was a great cinematography winner.Also, as Telemachos said cinematography has a great deal to do with the lighting and creating interesting pictures. For great cinematography you should be able to pause the movie at nearly any point and get an interesting, and good picture that looks as if a professional photographer took it. There is a lot of misconception about the cinematography category because a lot of people (especially in the academy) simply don't fully understand it and just vote for the prettiest looking movie.
  21. 130 The Hurt Locker It is slow paced and probably the best film to be made about the modern wars in the Middle East. This is Kathryn Bigelow's masterpiece, it is a sprawling and intense war movie that never gets awashed in the forced patriotism that usually comes with war movies. It exposes many of the horrors of the war and keeps you engaged the entire way through.
  22. 131 Stalag 17 This is one of the oldies that has a sense of humor that doesn't end up seeming dated, which is big props to it. It is incredibly funny but at the same time it is also quite dark due to the fact the entire comedy takes place in a Nazi prisoner of war camp, far from politically correct these days, but good humor should make people butthurt and not try to avoid it. It does have its fair share of dark grimness though to make up for it, despite it being a satire.
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