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Posts posted by ACSlater

  1. Got a big big month coming up in a month or so. I have to go back to India for my H1B interview after being selected in the visa lottery, and the wife has to go for her F1 interview in India to attend college here in the states. Hopefully we both get the visas granted, the interviews are just the most ridiculous ones you can imagine, it is like a disgruntled TSA employee asking you minute details about everything you plan to do in the US.


    The visa interview form actually asks "Do you plan on indulging in terrorist activities in the United States?", who are they expecting to answer "Yes" to that question.


    Good luck...watch out for the heat...


    I am part indian and have been there a few times...only once in the summer though due to the heat and refused to go back in the summer ever again...winter is pretty nice though...

  2. Fox failed with X-Men days of future past. Compared to Amazing Spider Man 2 which raised the bars for all comic book movies. DOFP actors lack chemistry. While watching the film I felt like none of the actors like each other and are there just to collect a pay check. Jennifer Lawrence has nothing compared to Emma Stone. Jennifer Lawrence does not how to act, she just plays the same character in every movie and same emotional expression. Andrew Garfield is way better lead than Hugh Jackman.  Jackman has been a terrible wolverine. His is nothing like the comic books. There is no emotions in DOFP and  it just a CGI porn movie half the time and the other half is dull wasteland that makes me want to sleep. The visual effects in movie are like an xbox 360 game. I can't believe on how bad the effects in the movie was. The movie only focus on the wolverine which he should not be the lead in the movie.  The score was flat bad compare Amazing Spider Man 2 and Captain America the winter soldier.  CA2 had so much better action in third act than DOFP. Shame Marvel does not have the rights to film. X-Men:DOFP  is dull piece of shit. Not surprising it dropped so much bad word of mouth is all around this film. 


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    Agree that Cap 2 is better but DOFP is not far behind...saying ASM2 is so much better and/or calling DOFP crap is a bi.t much..

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  3. All I can say is this is mostly wrong.  The numbers I used did not include any of Thursday's grosses.  I know better than that.  Also the data involved a "sample" of theatres if by sample you mean a total of 3,600 theatres or more.  That is, it was the vast majority of total theatres that have the ability to report grosses.  I was also very careful to use comps that were being polled at a similar number of locations.  In other words, I know what I'm doing.


    Shit is getting real...


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  4. OK to clarify a couple points


    The data that has been posted , which shouldn't be (I have known over the years raw data to appear on other site where in a nutshell listing the data was shut down), is not the total gross up until that point in time it is a sample of theatres.

    Also included in that sample is a sample of the theatres grosses that played Thu night/midnight , hence a higher than usual number at 10am (fyi you would fall of your chair if you saw say TA at 10am first friday, the addition of this data has to be taken into account as it effect final outcomes)


    X films sample data at say 11am,2pm,5pm,7pm is not necessarily the same as films Y Z you might be comparing, so may factor come into it,

    like how big is the sample vs  what is the total number of theatres playing (is it 3100 or 4000), is school out, isn't it, some other holiday, weather the list goes on.


    When you try and factor in some comp films to try and help make heads or tails of raw sample the films used could be a different mix to what you are using for the actual results on what I think Fri, weekend, final cume etc is going to do.

    Like you could compare a film that could do 30m on friday with one that does 50m, why because those titles may be seen to have similar trends better matinees , stronger /weaker evening, plays better in certain markets/regions etc etc so you are ultimately looking at what does TWS 3pm sample BO % to total day vs whatever


    Lets say you looked at TWS OD 2pm compared to Thor OD 2pm if you had assumed the same % of business you would have projected TWS to do 43m for the day it did 37, now using Thor as example later in the day there was closer correlation between the two films say you looked at 7pm and based TWS on what Thor had done you would have now projected 37m. so in this case Thor could have been used as a comparion in the evening but not in daytime.


    Taking flight again...


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