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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. One reason I'd like the third film to get a delay would be to make sure John Powell comes back to do the score.
  2. The first time I saw Fight Club I was late to the theater and missed the first five minutes or so. I came in where he was talking about all the things he'd bought for his apartment. I wasn't really that confused, until a while into the film, I wondered if Edward Norton's name had ever been mentioned. It didn't bother me, but I wondered if those first few minutes would make a big difference. When I saw it again, completely, it did make a difference, but I didn't think the film was bad either way. It's so well put together.
  3. Ooh, yeah. I've only been checking 2013. It only lasted 84 days, one day less than Hangover 3, I think.
  4. Holy crap! Anchorman 2 had a theatrical run of just 65 days. That's crazy short.
  5. Just did a check of various top 2013 films and it seems like every company does it except Disney, which generally posts dailies for 3 months or so. Furious 6 also had a shorter run than Frozen's time in the top 10.
  6. One thing I'm wondering. Is tracking the daily numbers all the way until the end normal for WB?
  7. I like MoS well enough, but it does seem to have had a bit of an abbreviated run.
  8. Weird box office discovery of the day: Frozen spent more days in the top 10 than Man of Steel was in release at all.
  9. Extremely solid filmmaking. It's really cool to see how Cameron constructed this film that just clicks with the audience perfectly. It's probably his best work. 5/5
  10. I need to see more Fincher. I've seen Alien3, The Game, and Fight Club all the way through. And parts of various others. I may watch Zodiac as my background noise for work tomorrow. Or Panic Room.
  11. I need to see The Abyss at some point. Then I'll have seen all of Cameron's films. Generally, for him, the films starting with T are better than the ones starting with A.
  12. What? No. The Russos were terrible. The film was enjoyable in spite of their bad direction, not because of it.
  13. I won't go that far. But it's a really solid film. Hoo... Okay, at the time it came out, there was this sense that James Cameron had betrayed... well, his fans. His previous works were these high concept sci-fi action films, and here is is making, yes, a love story, but mostly a film that was for girls. And I don't know if I can rightly describe myself as sexist at the time, but I was much younger and had far less understanding of sexism and such than I do now. And it went on and became this monster film and it passed STAR WARS of all things and that was this sort of slight against greatness that couldn't be tolerated. So I didn't see it, and mostly made a jokes about how I knew everything that would happen. I could sum up Titanic in four words: Boat sinks, guy dies. A few years previously, I'd read A Night To Remember, as well, so I sorta had this affront about Cameron not being true to history. It was funny talking to various people who had seen it that they all just sorta dismissed half the film. Some people were like that the first half with the love story and the class relations and such was all useless, and it didn't matter until you got to the sinking, which was a fun adventure with great effects and such. And others were all about the period costumes, so they loved the first half and didn't care for the second. My mental state has changed considerably since then. I really go for things that are constructed well. I can see and unpack what's strong and what resonates for good emotion. Even knowing everything, the ending choked me up a bit. The odd thing is that I really appreciate both halves. The film wouldn't work if you cut out either to a significant degree. (It may be possible to make it shorter, but it doesn't feel necessarily long.) Cameron is an exemplary filmmaker, but mostly because he's really good at connecting to the audience. He doesn't have tics that others do, so his style isn't necessarily apparent, but he's doing something that's amazing that I don't know if anyone else really has done, not on a global scale at least. Titanic is probably him at his absolute peak. So, yeah, it's a solid piece of work. It's probably not going to go down as one of my all time favorites, but I'll give it a 5/5. I'm really glad I gave it a chance.
  14. So. Titanic is pretty great. Kinda sad I let preconceptions get in the way of going to see it in the theater when it first ran.
  15. ...MAJOR SPOILERS.... Transformers fans will never like maleficent So Maleficent is for the family crowd? Interesting. I hadn't thought of that, and it somewhat changes my perception of the film.
  16. Percentage changes from (Monday) and {last Tuesday} 22j 4.4 (+21%) {-40%} HTTYD2 4.3 (+38%) {-27%} TLAM2 2.5 (+01%) Malef 2.3 (+32%) {-19%} JB 2 (+36%)
  17. Let's see how you did! You were low on everything except JB. Looks like a fantastic Tuesday!
  18. It's eerie how similar their runs are, especially from week 10 on. I wonder if Frozen's going to fall below again this week or next. Should happen for one of those, though. Those first seven weeks for SA were damn amazing.
  19. Just watched Megamind. Pretty fun, even though Austin Grossman's novel Soon I Will Be Invincible covers mostly the same idea with much better execution.
  20. Agreed with what others have said: just watch things. I've been making an effort this year to actually see stuff I haven't before. One huge advantage of my job is I can throw stuff on as background noise, which means I can potentially see 2-4 movies a day that way.
  21. I've been going through that myself. It's a little rough, but there's some solid comedy. Plus, it's got Nicole Sullivan, who is always fantastic.
  22. The video announcement can explain some loss of the audience, but isn't the solitary reason. Simple passage of time will explain more. For the specific weekends that were depressed, we also had the sports days. If you look at the chart of weekly (rather than weekend) grosses, the decline is more modest: business shifted around, but it's still chugging along.
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