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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Weirdly, while I enjoyed Kingsman, overall it didn't come together enough to put it in the upper tier of the spy movies from last year. It has a couple really great scenes, though.
  2. Spectre and MIRN are both fun, but spy movies in general last year were better than them.
  3. The earlier mentioned investment of previous profits means that they won't really be out anything. The cost of production is (mostly?) eliminated, and the structure is such that Cameron gets paid first, but even that's a sliding structure. The films would have to do ridiculously small (probably under 800m WW each) for Fox to lose money here. They'd have to pull in about 3b WW each for Cameron to get that much. (10% of 1b and 20% of 2b.) I suppose that's possible, but it'll probably depend on China. It always does, though.
  4. It wasn't until close to the end of the movie that I realized John Williams hadn't composed the score. Newman nails evoking Williams' emotion to a T, which fits in perfectly with Spielberg's sure direction. 4/5
  5. Features one of the most emotionally powerful lines in movie history, with a single word: "Superman." 5/5
  6. Bridge of Spies is really good. Perhaps not great, but it really shows Spielberg's sure hand as a director. It's not even about technical artistry, just that he knows very well what needs to be shot and shown and what doesn't. I'm still trying to figure out if Michael Gaston wandered in off of The Blindspot into this or vice versa, because he plays the exact same character in both. Thomas Newman does a much better John Williams impression here than Michael Giacchino did in JW.
  7. They won't all come in at once. SPL's a busy library. Pretty much everything has a queue. BOS is for after I finish writing tomorrow.
  8. I may go see Bridge of Spies this weekend. I've also put every Spielberg film I haven't seen on my queue at the library. There are a lot of them.
  9. A year ago, wasn't American Sniper locked for $500m or something? A few weeks ago, TFA was locked for a BP nom.
  10. The delay is happening because in order to get the totally correct feel for the underwater scenes, Cameron wants to shoot at the Challenger Deep. Deepsea Challenger II needs to be large enough to take all the actors and crew, in addition to the filming equipment.
  11. Oh, a little bit further down the thread, the guy goes into more detail about Cameron's payday: So the crossover point is 1.925b. Anything less than or equal to that, and he gets the 335m. Anything more and he gets more. If they match the original's 2.8b, he gets 500m per film.
  12. Easy to understand confusion. The 1b profits were from Avatar, which was partly set aside to accrue, and is now being used to cover all the costs for the sequels. (That sounds like a pretty good return on investment, even before making the films.) For Cameron's pay, it sounds a bit like an advance/royalty situation (although probably quite a bit more complex, and a hell of a lot larger.) He's got a guaranteed minimum for each film, but if they hit it big, his payday could go quite a bit higher. So he's getting 1b minimum. Still, it's really smart that they've basically taken care of the risk by processing the profits of the first film. I know that Fox tends to lean hard on minimizing risk, but this is at a whole different level. For all that people tend to (at the moment) put Disney and Universal on top of the studios, it feels like there's a lot more than just top dollar gross to take into account. I'm pretty sure Fox doesn't have an ESPN-sized albatross hanging around it, after all.
  13. 1. Which new opener will make the most this weekend? TELEMACHOS, THE MOVIE (AKA: DIRTY GRAMPA) 2. Will at least 1 new entry enter into the top 3? 2000 NO 3. Will the Big Short drop less than 8% this weekend? NO 4. Will Norm of the North have the biggest drop amongst all animated (including Alvin) films this weekend? YES 5. Will the Revanant finally hit the number 1 spot this weekend? 3000 YES 6. Will Sisters remain in the top 10 this weekend? 3000 NO 7. Will the forest finish above Norm of the North? NO 8. Will Star Wars cross 875M total by the end of the weekend? YES 9. Will Spotlight finish above Brooklyn this weekend? 2000 NO 10. Will any film in the top 12 drop more than 62%? YES 11. Will Monster Hunt have a PTA above $6000? YES 12. Will any film increase 2005 or more on Friday? 2000 YES, a film will increase by $2005 or more. (YES, a film will also increase by 200%.) 13. Will any film decrease more than 47% on Sunday? YES 14. Which film in the top 8 will have the highest PTA? 3000 RIDE ALONG 2 15. Do you miss the lack of bear films being released this weekend? NOT IF IT MEANS WE WILL NEVER SEE NORM OF THE NORTH 2. Part 2 1. What will the 3 highest new openers combined OW be? 5000 33.72m 2. What will Creed's total be by end of Saturday? 5000 108.37m 3. What will Ride Along make on Sunday? 5000 4.9m Part 3 1. THE REVENANT 3. STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 5. THE FIFTH WAVE 8. DADDY'S HOME 10. NORM OF THE NORTH 13. THE HATEFUL EIGHT 16. BROOKLYN
  14. 1. What will Kung Fu Panda's OW be? 35m 2. What will Revenant's total be by the end of the game? 155m 3. What will Star Wars' February gross be (till end of game of course)? 15m 4. What will Norm of the North's 2nd weekend drop be? 2m 5. What will Dirty Grandpa's 2nd weekend total be? 4m 6. What will be the difference between 50 Shades of Black's OW and 50 Shades of Grey's? 50m 7. What will Hail Caesar and Pride and Prejudice's Combine OW be? 25m 8. What will be the difference in Zoolander and Deadpool's OW? 15m 9. What will be the difference in total gross between Alvin and Sister's by the end of the game? 5m 10. What will be the Big Short's total January Gross (starting from January 1st)? 35m 11. What will be the gross of the 15th placed film domestic at the end of the game? 65m 12. What will the Hateful 8 gross between February 1st and February 10th (inclusive)? 600k
  15. Not exactly major, but in the sense that it sounds better if you have a title and a film somewhere in the production pipeline rather than "Untitled Event Movie." It would probably be better to think of release dates as less firm choices for the given titles and more a studio saying "we have x number of films in the pipeline, and if they all happen, they will hit at these dates". As you draw nearer to actual release, those will become firm, but better than a year out it's all mutable.
  16. Here's a thought for the question. Guess a movie, and you get points for each nomination it gets. Perhaps just a flat 1k points, regardless of the category. So if a film you guess gets 6 noms, that's 6k points. Guess a specific nomination for that movie and you get a flat bonus per category you state. Say 1k points in this case. You still get the points for other nominations it receives. Say the above 6 nom film got best actor, which you guess, so you get 7k points. At best if you guess all noms correctly, it'll be double the normal value. Guess a specific nomination wrong, and you get no points for any category and lose 5k points. Guess a film that receives no nominations and you lose 2k points. Abstain and get 5k points. With a question as broad as this, it feels like it should give incentive for people to play. The risk of going specific should be bigger than the reward if you're right, but it shouldn't be so punishing. I think the above could give some nice rewards, but won't be as swingy as it turned out to be. Someone could plug in my scoring into the answers everyone gave to see how it differs, though.
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