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About BadAtGender

  • Birthday March 12

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    Fast Frozen Fury

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  1. I hope that the end result is all of the studio conglomerates breaking up into pieces
  2. You can’t draw any conclusions from the grosses of either WW84 or The Suicide Squad. Both were massively affected by the pandemic and WB’s day and date streaming decision
  3. Whenever Gunn gets around to casting the part he should hire Elliot Page as the Flash
  4. Like George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, and Richard Marquand
  5. Ford probably demanded that Han get killed off, so if a reunion didn't happen in TFA, it wasn't going to happen at all While many of the decisions in TFA were questionable from a trilogy starting standpoint, they did aid in making it as huge as it was However, without those choices, I'm not sure Johnson could have done as well with TLJ Because Abrams is so dedicated to the mystery box and refused to answer questions or even, y'know, basic plot setup decisions, Johnson had pretty free reign to interpret things as they stood So he was able to give Hamill an amazing role, present Snoke however he liked, and set up a frankly amazing third act Either option Lucasfilm had for the third film (keeping Trevorrow or letting Johnson have an extra year so he could do Knives Out) would have been better than bringing back Abrams
  6. It wasn’t a fluke it was a culmination But to just s completely run the well dry with no real followup
  7. Kinda wild how Disney went from complete box office dominance pre pandemic to now Like they’ll only have one film in the top 5 probably and that’s because it’s the end of a sub franchise Even accounting for Covid it’s shocking to see how dry the well is after 2019 dominance The best thing they have on the block is Avatar which is a surprise
  8. Cameron has a few really niche interests and is going to focus all his energy on those interests. I think one of the reasons the Avatar films grab audiences but don't really generate conversation is that we're all just along for his ride. It's like he's saying "I'm going to do my thing and I'm going to do it my way and I'm going to love it completely". And it's not just that the films are amazing technically but that the experience of seeing someone so focused on generating that vision for the screen is amazing to behold. It's like talking to someone who is telling you about something that they are really interested in but you aren't particularly interested, but you enjoy the experience just because of their enthusiasm, even though you don't have a whole lot to add.
  9. The number of times the best movie of the year not only didn't win (I'm looking at you 88th), but wasn't even nominated (hello 84th)
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