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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. 3 minutes ago, Minnale101 said:

    Digimon tri ? Yeah I saw first season. Wish it kept the same original style instead of generic anime style 


    but compared to Pokémon it’s nowhere near as popular 


    if people like it more than Pokémon. I completely understand and good for them but it’s just not factual a digimon life action movie would ever come close to Pokémon box office wise 


    There has never ever been a moment in Pokemon that is as goddamn transcending as seeing Omnimon for the first time.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Minnale101 said:

    LOL. I legitimately don’t know anyone who talks about digimon anymore.


    the Pokémon video games outsells digimon 10-1


    digimon in 2019 is obsolete 


    the first 2 seasons of digimon I enjoyed as kid. Nothing else 


    Digimon just had a series of movies that reunited the original Adventure characters PLUS is having an anniversary movie coming up.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Curtis1986 said:

    Who is in charge of hiring for the directors for these live-action remakes at Disney. I mean first you hire Tim Burton who ruined Alice in Wonderland and did the same thing to Dumbo. Then you hire an awful screenwriter to pin Dumbo's script. And then you thought it was a good idea to hire Guy Ritchie to direct Aladdin. The only smart decision you have did lately is higher Jon Favreau to director Lion King after his Success With The Jungle Book.


    They probably hired Tim Burton for Dumbo because despite him "ruining" Alice, the damn thing made a billion worldwide, that and for the most part, Tim Burton's films tend to be successful. Said screenwriter also wrote several big money makers. 

  4. The end result will probably just be . . .fine.


    This is the only place I really see outright unanimous hate, but then again, I saw the same with Beauty and the Beast here. The rest of the hate has calmed down on other sites and social media somewhat since the release of the actual trailer. The Whole New World cover is also blowing up right now.

  5. 5 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

    It might look better in trailers if it wasn't being directed by Ritchie.


    Aladdin has been running on Broadway for years.  I've seen it and the Genie still works wonderfully.  I missed Iago, Abu and the carpet though - as well as the visual scope of the film.  These are things I would look forward to being re-created in live action if it didn't look so meh.

    Outside of the slow motion, it looks no more different than Beauty and the Beast did. It already looks better than King Arthur, though admittedly that's easy to pull off.


    Again, all comes down to the genie. Out of everything that's come out, the single worst reaction to the movie was that first look at the genie. We all know what it was like and how people reacted. But I also know a lot of those same people changed tunes after the trailer and more recent TV spots. Sure there are some people that seem to not like how Jafar is being handled, but the genie is the only real thing people care about . . .that and A Whole New World.


    James Iglehart made the genie his own and pulls it off wonderfully.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    they hired Madonna’s ex husband to direct it and now it looks like a downer. 


    I doubt anyone outside of internet forums boards or critics will actually care about who is directing the movie. Heck, Disney gets that because in the trailers and TV spots they're not advertising his name or saying "FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SHERLOCK HOLMES". It's not like he's Tim Burton or Jon Favreau. Hell, I forgot he was directing it until quite recently.


    The real reason Aladdin's judged harsher online compared to Beauty and the Beast is because it's the hardest one to remake due to Robin Williams being fantastic as the genie. The genie makes or breaks the movie. Not Jafar, not Aladdin, not Jasmine, the genie. And outside one rough shot during the Sneak Peek a few months back, he looks fine. It all rests on Will Smith to make the genie his own (ie just like Robin Williams being Robin Williams while voicing the genie, Will Smith has to be Will Smith performing the genie).


    None of the Disney remakes so far has had the utter contempt towards it than Aladdin does.


    But if Aladdin fails, it's not going to really matter. Lion King is just around the bend and Disney knows EVERYONE will go to that.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Aladdin's really weird from my PoV.  It's been running stronger than Pika PIka literally every step of the way, except for one day when I shifted from x days of pre-sales to x days before release (it was stronger on the 'x days of pre-sales' metric, a bit weaker on the 'x days before release' one).  


    But gotta tell you, the worst day it had otherwise in comparison was yesterday, the same day it the first social media reactions came in.  It barely beat out Pika Pika at the same point in time.


    It is only one day, but little worried that a tepid reaction might stall the flick when it comes to pre-sales.


    Could be folks with long memories of the bad buzz out of last year's CinemaCon + the reaction to the first teaser trailer might be getting second thoughts.  Or it could just be random variation.


    Very curious how to see it plays out as more reactions come in.  Also curious to see if the phenomenon of women tending to buy pre-sale tickets more than men for some films comes into play or not.


    tl;dr edited in:  Aladdin was doing pretty decently all things considered.  Until yesterday.  Now I'm getting a bit more worried. qnqGT0e.png


    To be fair, I don't really think any of the big name critics even got a chance to see it yet and most of the ones we see reactions to are just small time/random people.


    Could it get hammered, probably, but for now. . .we wait.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mulder said:

    It's not that when reviews are locked down until the day it comes out in some countries. :ph34r:


    Lol, I've pretty much accepted the movie will likely have negative reviews.


    I mean, ever since the movie was announced, it was fated to get a negative score.


    I'm still seeing it either way.

    • Haha 1
  9. Kinda disappointed in Pikachu. I was predicting an opening north of 80 million and while it may be early, it'll end up being in the 50 million range, which is still good, but big gargantuan opening weekends have spoiled me and this one should have easily cleared 100 million in its opening weekend.



    It's likely not going to be a big threat to Aladdin anymore.


    26 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    Congratulations for hitting the nail on the head, you win no points.


    Disney's just giving people what they want with these nostalgia-baiting live-action remakes of their greatest hits and that's perfectly fine. Yes, The Lion King will likely make an absurd amount of cash; no, it doing so does not mean cinema is doomed.

    By all means, I agree with what Disney is doing. If I was making billions of dollars, I'd do shit like this too. Hell, I'm first in line when Lion King comes out. It's my most anticipated of the year (moreso than Endgame was, Frozen 2 is also up there on the list too)  I actively want a James Wan-directed Little Mermaid too.


    I'm weird. I've very weird. I seem scattershot in my opinions, but I do sorta like the Massive Powerhouse Disney has become.


    I'd sit through a remake of Disney's Tarzan or Great Mouse Detective before I'd sit through another bad "original" movie like Tomorrowland (they screwed up by making the titular place devoid of almost all life when they finally arrived to it) or first time adaptation like John Carter.


    To respond to WhiteWings regarding Mulan, yeah, there's a lot of potential with that one. But also a little more compare to the Big Four Disney remakes. Mulan is liked, but it's not quite as beloved as say Beauty and the Beast and Lion King. You can take some more risks with that one. Then again, when it was originally announced there would be no songs, people freaked, and now they're supposed to have songs.

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