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Everything posted by AJG

  1. December is boring. I'm only paying for this and Hobbit
  2. The new Naruto Movie apparantly grossed more than the lifetime gross of the highest grossing Naruto movie, in just 1 day. BULLSHIT!!!!!
  3. Put this bitch on VOD. Yes, folks. I've just saved this movie.
  4. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP WATCHING THESE? are the jokes different in other languages?
  5. In the US, this'll do fine. Everywhere else though...
  6. THIS. Holy shit. It was like someone said "hey, let's just copy and paste what everyone else did, and make it more boring". I love superhero shit, but if the action isn't unique don't even bother.
  7. Dragons 2 should really beat this. Shit was bland. Also I just will never understand why they had to stop the villain. He was hurting nobody. And the second they went into another dimension, I just fucking lost it. This shit will get by in the Disney branding alone.
  8. I'm gonna be completely honest. When I was a teenager, these wouldn't be the people I would be hanging out with.
  9. Same goes for Jurassic Park. Apart from CGI and Goldblum, I never hear people say a thing about that movie. What were the names of those characters? Who were those actors playing them? because I don't see em anywhere. These kids today don't care if you were the first to use good CGI. They're so used to it, that CGI and visuals just isn't a selling point. D&D2 showed us that shockingly high trailer views for sequel to an old classic, doesn't mean much.
  10. I have genuinly not seen a piece of Nemo merch since around 2005.
  11. I have NEVER EVER seen someone dressed up as a Nemo character. And you are right. I've not seen a kid give a shit about finding Nemo in years. Same goes for The Incredibles, a Bugs Life, and Ratatouille. They seem to be more cared about by older audiences. Kids have today have so much media today, with my daughter stuff is literally "here today, gone tomorrow." They only tend to remember something if it's a big, long running franchise with an onslaught of merchandise that's pumped out regularly.
  12. So you're just gonna have a baby in you for 9 months, go through the struggle of childbirth, and then just name the child "Mar Mar"? Really?
  13. I remember when DWA thought they could go to war against King Disney. That was cute...
  14. Nah. I just hate Madagascar movies. And I hate how DW would rather make garbage, when they have potential to make great movies.
  15. Seeing that the kids that did the original voices are 80... probably not.
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