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Everything posted by Electric

  1. April 26 - Garfield and Friends - dir. David Bowers February 22 - Stone's Throw - dir. Richard Curtis August 23 - Foxtrot dir. Rob Minkoff Only a few movies from me, two animated.
  2. I will try to add some this week or weekend. I only have four so far this year.
  3. Any room left for fillers? I've made four movies this year, so if there are any open slots or weekends that need competition I would like to put more there.
  4. Title: Penny Press Director: Robert Zemeckis Genre: Period Drama Release Date: September 28 Major Cast: Tobey Maguire (Jeffrey), Zachary Gordon (Dahill), Kate Winslet (Florence), Elizabeth Banks (Paula) Theater Count: 3,209 MPAA Rating: PG-13 (Language, thematic elements/dark imagery, drinking/smoking scenes) Runtime: 134 minutes (2:14) Production Budget: $40 million Plot Summary:
  5. Title: January Gem Director: Ben Stillèr Genre: Comedy/Satire/Mockumentary Release Date: January 19 Major Cast: Ben Stillèr (Marcus Greene), Jack Black (John Buckland), Will Ferrell (Andrew Nader) Theater Count: 2,875 MPAA Rating: PG-13 (Language, drinking/smoking) Runtime: 94 minutes (1:34) Production Budget: $30 million Plot Summary: Marcus Greene is a director with a well-deserved reputation for making expensive movies that frequently flop. He puts too much effort (and budget) into making state-of-the-art special effects and neglects important elements like plot or genre elements. One day, after yet another of his critically panned big-budget action blockbusters flops severely, he tries a different strategy. His goal is to make a genuinely good movie in January, which is usually a "dumping ground" for bad movies doomed to fail. He hires two actors, John Buckland and Andrew Nader. Buckland is a notorious prankster, and Nader is known for being both naive and easily frustrated. Buckland's zany pranks infuriate Nader and annoy Greene, but as the three men work on creating this movie, they find themselves getting along. Buckland learns that sometimes he needs to be serious, and Nader accepts that he can loosen up when the time is right. The movie "January Gem" fulfills its destiny, being a strong comedy movie that succeeds in the month of January. [Some scenes within this movie are satire clips of the Michael Bay style of movies, showing the prior "work" of director Marcus Greene in contrast to his more modest efforts in January Gem.]
  6. Title: Our City Director: John Lasseter Genre: CGI Animation/Family Release Date: April 27 Major Cast: Zach Braff (Matt), Ben Foster (Jeff), Sarah Silverman (Annie), Kristen Bell (Felicia), Paul Rudd (Marcus), Meryl Streep (Trudy), Jon Lovitz (Hank) Theater Count: 3,906 MPAA Rating: PG (Fantasy Violence, mild language, rude humor) Runtime: 103 minutes (including 5 minute short, 98 minutes for actual Our City film) Production Budget: $150 million Format: Mixed 2D/3D, 2D for scenes of the house/family, 3D for scenes in the city the boys created Plot Summary:
  7. Title: Beach House Director: Mikael Håfström Genre: Horror/Thriller Release Date: June 22 Major Cast: Anna Faris (Jessica), Cillian Murphy (Dave), Amy Adams (Mary) Theater Count: 3,045 MPAA Rating: R (strong language, violence, sexuality) Runtime: 92 minutes (1 hr 32 minutes) Production Budget: $30 million Plot Summary: Jessica and Dave are newlyweds looking for a second home by the beach. Many of them are out of their price range but they find one that is better than all the other houses but also much cheaper. Excited by the opportunity, they purchase the beach house and are quick to take a vacation there. At first everything is great. They are walking distance to both an unspoiled public beach and a town with decent amenities such as a movie theater and some great restaurants. The two have sex the first night after a good movie and a great meal, and it is the best sex they have ever had. But by the third night, Jessica begins to hear strange sounds coming from the backyard in the middle of the night. She is compelled to find the source of these sounds. It is the ghost of Mary, who claims she was Dave's ex-girlfriend before he killed her, and that Jessica needs to escape before the same happens to her as well. At first Jessica is skeptical, but Mary is able to show Jessica visions of her past relationship with Dave and they are real enough to convince Jessica of the truth. The next day, Jessica brings up Mary in a conversation with Dave, and it is very clear that he has something to hide as he abruptly attempts to change the subject. As Jessica presses further, he becomes aggressive and tries to attack her. He manages to hit her but she is able to escape. She reports the situation to the police department and they are very respectful and agree to help her with the situation. But when they get back to the beach house, Dave is able to convince the officers that nothing happened. That night, Dave is visited by Mary as a ghost. Both Jessica and Dave can see Mary in this situation. Mary becomes very aggressive and attacks Dave, strangling him and ending his life. Jessica is petrified with fear and is unable to do anything as she falls back asleep. The next day, she reports the situation to the police. She is considered a suspect in a murder but the autopsy on Dave's body exonerates her as they conclude it was a suicide. Jessica sells the beach house and uses the profit to start a foundation for battered women. She also decides to get into therapy and work on improving her own life and learning who she really is.
  8. Sorry I didn't get it in time... well sunday evening now., Mine are: January Gem - Jan. 19, Ben Stiller Directing Our City - Apr 27 The Beach House - June 22 Penny Press - Sept 28
  9. Sorry, I know my reasoning can be strange for some of the reviews. I will try to be more thorough in the next reviews and in upcoming CAYOM years.
  10. June: Airframe A complex thriller that will hold your attention despite its unrealistic plot elements. The corporate sabotage story is very intriguing, and if you don't care too much about the realism of your movies, you will enjoy this one. This movie will satisfy most moviegoers, I being one of those that enjoyed it. B The Great White This movie would have been better if Danielle Panabaker was in it, instead of Megan Fox. Like in that Piranha 3DD movie. Any movie is better if Danielle Panabaker is in it. As it is, this movie has a paper-thin plot that won't hook the average viewer, but those seeking scares will be satisfied with the gore despite the movie's PG-13 rating. I wasn't really a fan as I don't enjoy these sorts of films, but it wasn't awful. C- Me & My Shadow Despite being an animated PG-rated movie, due to the age and background of our protagonist Sam, and the often serious nature of the adventures that take place, this movie will appeal to adults more than younger children. If you're looking for a film that will appeal to your children, this will not be a great choice. But if you want a movie that will keep you watching with a more serious plot than you'd expect, you will find it here. B- Go Go GoBots Plot and character development take a backseat to fast-paced action here, and fans of that genre won't mind too much. But if you're looking for something with more substance, you will find yourself disappointed with this high-octane offering. I can't really recommend it, even though it is somewhat enjoyable. C Lucky Lucky is a unique offering that defies formula and offers viewers something that they wouldn't be expected. Unfortunately, what it gives them is often uneven and the plot elements don't always work well together. The fantasy elements of the film seem to belong in a children's cartoon rather than an R-Rated comedy. But people should still find something to like here, even if it isn't what they expect. For me, it was decent, but I tend to enjoy formulaic movies, and this one might have been better with more of the expected. C+ Minnie's Treasure Hunt Many kids films are entertaining and respect their audience. Minnie's Treasure Hunt is not one of them. This film is derivative and dull, offering little entertainment for anyone. Even the youngest viewers will find themselves bored with this adventure. None of the characters are interesting and the plot is neither serious nor funny. Skip this one, even if you have young kids. D Rollercoaster It's like Speed 2, but with a roller coaster instead of a boat! Well, not really. One, I've never seen any Speed movies, that was just an adjusted Simpsons quote. This film starts out rather simple but quickly develops into a more sophisticated plot as suspicions arise regarding the initial bomb. I've always enjoyed amusement parks and rollercoasters, having worked at California's Great America and putting in way too many hours into the Rollercoaster Tycoon series, and this movie worked for me. Corporate sabotage is the order of the day with the various bombings and deaths, and it's not realistic at all, but the movie is thrilling and I recommend it. B+ The Yellow Wallpaper A dark and gripping film that will leave the viewer wondering what is actually happening compared to what Jane believes is happening. This isn't the sort of movie that I normally go for, but this one was really engaging and should appeal to both horror/thriller fans and others. I recommend checking this one out. There really isn't anything that needs to be changed in the movie. Everything works well together, and despite its meager budget, it is much more enjoyable than movies with ten times its budget. A- Agents Agents is another PG-rated animated film that seems to appeal more to adults than children, though kids will still enjoy this one too. Strong voice-acting and a decent plot make Agents something that everyone can enjoy. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it is an amusing movie that will work well with all audiences. B+ Sailing Champion Owen Wilson puts in a good effort as an inexperienced sailor stuck having his ex-wife teach him the ropes, but the film does not work too well as a whole. There are some funny scenes, but most people will find themselves getting bored with what seems like an incomplete movie. C
  11. April 27: Our City - Animated movie about two brothers building a toy city out of various toy cars/roads/trains and it coming to life and shrinking them down to its size to have them solve the problems in the city. Director TBA, will use someone with experience in animated films. September 28: Penny Press - Period drama from the 1930s (Great Depression) about a boy who writes short stories to help his family make ends meet and winds up becoming a famous author during the time. Director TBA. January 19: January Gem - A comedy like The Producers about a director who wants to create an amazing movie in the month of January instead of using it as a dumping ground for low-quality films. Director Ben Stiller. June 22: The Beach House - A supernatural horror about a couple that gets a beach house much cheaper than expected, not realizing that it is haunted. Director TBA. Most of these have been used in CAYOM 1 except Beach House.
  12. Sorry, I will do the rest of them and get the list going.
  13. The date listed was in October on the actual film but May on the schedule so I didn't review it. I can add it now.
  14. May: The Adventures of Scrooge McDuck Despite not being familiar with the inspiration for this movie, I still found myself able to enjoy it and was able to recognize the main characters as I had seen representations of/references to them in other shows that I watched growing up. This is a good family film. Both kids and adults will find something to enjoy here. Kids will enjoy the action and the plot, and adults will get a nostalgic vibe here. One great thing about the movie is that it isn't watered down. It respects the intelligence of its audience, something often lacking in movies geared toward younger audiences. B+ Among the Serpents Before I get into the movie itself, I found the release pattern a bit confusing. Most people will see a film like this in IMAX 3D, but I don't really see the benefit of making people wait a week for the option to see it in regular 3D or a 2D format. This movie is a bit violent, and to be honest I am surprised they were able to get a PG-13 rating given some of the scenes included. The ending scene is the most brutal of the entire movie. Even though it's not a horror, it will appeal to horror fans more than others. Overall, I was not too impressed, but if I was a fan of horror/darker action movies I would have enjoyed it more. C Mara, Daughter of the Nile This historical romance focuses more on the characters and the romance than getting every detail of its historical era correct. History buffs might be frustrated with the representation of ancient Egypt as it is displayed here. For me, it wasn't too distracting and I was able to appreciate the movie. The plot is a little thin, but the acting and setting mostly make up for it. This is a decent movie and most people will find it enjoyable. B- Operation Megasquad Acting is often third to the visual effects and action of a superhero movie, but with Operation Megasquad, it still was poor enough to detract from the overall experience. With Taylor Lautner and Harry Styles playing major roles, I had a hard time taking the movie very seriously. The visuals are gorgeous and the action holds your attention, but this definitely could have been better with more talented and/or experienced actors. Superhero movie fans will still be pleased with the film, but it's not going to be a favorite. C+ Blood and Fur This movie stands out among the crowd, but it's not always for the best reasons. It is superbly acted and well-paced, but the story can be a bit disturbing, with both furries and Neo-Nazis playing a major role in this horror-comedy. The violence might be too much for some to handle, but once you get past the rough edges, you have a movie that is frequently amusing and engaging, even if the subject matter is off-putting. B The Ultimate Prank Steve Carell does a good job as the principal, but it's not quite enough to salvage this film, which comes across as a PG-rated Jackass. Since the main appeal of Jackass is R-Rated (at least), that is not a good thing. This one will appeal to 12-year olds, but the rest of the family will be better off waiting for something better. C- Brandybrook An R-Rated animated musical comedy is unusual, to say the least. The mockery of the wealthy reminded me of some scenes from Over the Hedge, one of my favorite Dreamworks movies. But overall this is not for everyone. Hardcore fans of Family Guy and American Dad will enjoy the film, but those who don't enjoy his style of humor will find themselves unamused. A talented voice cast helps this movie somewhat, but I was not a huge fan of the film as a whole. C+ Voltron: Defenders of the Universe I'll start with a minor spoiler. There are no secret credits sequences as we've come to expect from big-budget superhero movies. But despite that missing piece, the movie will hold your attention throughout its lengthy runtime. The visuals are stunning and the action is fast-paced. This is a movie that you really need to see in theatres to get the best experience. Even though I had no experience with Voltron other than having heard the name growing up, I really enjoyed this movie and consider it one of the best so far this year. A-
  15. April: Salem's Lot A writer returns to his hometown and begins to write a book about his childhood experience with a haunted house. The early scenes seem to suggest this could be a romance, but with the trailers and the Stephen King name attached, you know that is not the main plot. This will appeal to horror fans and they will appreciate the vampires being those of old, not the modern Twilight vampires. Other moviegoers will be moderately amused but this is definitely better if you enjoy the genre. B- Second to Singapore Even though I'm not a stoner, I enjoy many "stoner comedies". Second to Singapore is no exception to this rule. You have to ignore reality to fully enjoy this movie, though. It's hard to believe that police in a country as strict as Singapore could be tricked by two stoners in disguise, but somehow they get past the police. Danny McBridge does a good job in his villain/asshole role, as he often gets those parts. This is an enjoyable film with some good laughs but it loses its focus sometimes. B The Defiler There are quite a few supernatural scares going on in The Defiler. I couldn't really get too invested in the story because it mostly seemed like a reason to get demons and other supernatural beings in there. The ending is a bit surprising and seems to paint the way for a possible sequel, but I think that this movie would better off remaining as one film. It's not too good but if you enjoy supernatural movies, you will appreciate it more than I did. C He-Man This is a fairly standard superhero movies, with action, a large cast of familiar faces, and the obligatory mid-credits sequence that teases toward another film from the same universe. This is definitely for fans of the franchise more than everyone else, but that doesn't mean that others won't appreciate it. It is a decent film, and even though I've never had any experience with He-Man prior to viewing this film, I had a good time overall. B- A Love to Die For Channing Tatum working in IT doesn't make sense. Guys that look like him don't get buried in IT, they are in a place where everyone can see them. This is a movie that requires you to suspend reality to appreciate it. The whole premise is a bit strange... the basketball tickets being in exchange for winning the affections of a woman over a month, with a penalty of death. The romantic scenes seemed almost tacked-on, like an afterthought to the darker plot elements. This is not a bad film, but it is not something I would strongly recommend, either. C+ PЯom This film feels like something that would have fared better 15-20 years ago, when movies like American Pie were big hits. But even compared to those sort of movies, it seems disorganized and scatterbrained. There are a lot of jokes and sight gags, but not many laughs. The movie plot seems to take a backseat to random jokes, most of which fall flat. I can't recommend this movie, even if you really enjoy teen comedies. It's watchable, but it's not something you'd really benefit from seeing. D+ The Trail There have been quite a few horror movies this year, and The Trail is one of the weaker ones. The acting is bad to the point of distracting from the film, and the budget is low, even by indie film standards. Even if you really enjoy horror movies, you won't find much worth your time here. D
  16. March: Rendezvous with Rama Back in the late 1990s, we had Deep Impact and Armageddon and, like Strong Bad, I preferred Deep Impact. This movie has a meteor, but it's just the beginning of a more involved plot that takes place more than 50 years after the meteor hits Italy. This movie is a good sci-fi with plenty of action that will hold your attention throughout. I found that I preferred the scenes on Rama and out in space to the slower-paced scenes with the UN monitoring their activity, but the film holds together well. This is something I would recommend for both Sci-Fi and Action fans. B+ Séance It's hard to find a likable character in this movie. A fraudulent psychic and her unemployed husband are the anti-heroes of the film. The movie itself is not too bad, with the ghosts providing some unique and often terrifying interactions with Myra. Tamer than some horror movies, this may not scare those used to modern horror, but it is not too bad overall. C+ Jungles You will be both entertained and educated with this nature documentary. The climate change and deforestation discussions come off as heavy-handed at times, but it is clear that the filmmakers mean will and have their heart in the right place. Definitely a good movie for kids, though everyone else will enjoy Pierce Brosnan's narration as well. B Second Wind I'm not the biggest fan of sea adventures, but this movie kept my attention for most of the story. The interactions between Brad and Owen are the highlight of this film, but Lisa wasn't nearly as entertaining. Everything works well enough here, but the plot just isn't interesting enough to strongly recommend it. B- The Adventures of OSCAR PILL This movie is being advertised as a fantasy film, but I feel that it has too much realism to be considered a fantasy. While in the Narnia series, the World War II era served as a plot device to get the kids into Narnia, with Oscar Pill, the fantasy kingdoms seem more of a secondary plot within the scope of the main story. The movie is competently acted and will hold the attention of most moviegoers, but it is not going to be a classic. B- Dawn of Extinction This is like a more violent, darker, Jurassic Park. The 3D had a few nice scares, but overall the film would have functioned just as well in the 2D format. Horror fans will enjoy the violence and the dinosaurs tearing through military, terrorist and civilian alike, but most moviegoers will not gain too much from watching this. C- SEEING HER This movie was engaging and while it didn't grab my attention with gripping action , I was never bored. I've always loved time travel movies. This time travel was a little different, since people could only go to times when they had been alive and would create an alternate timeline rather than changing the one for everyone else. But when it comes down to it, does an "alternate timeline" vs. changing the timeline really make a huge difference? Oliver's angst and frustration were palatable and really made me feel for him. He clearly loved Gwen and really wanted to see her again, even if it meant abandoning the timeline where she had died to see her once again. The "multiple Olivers" at the end were rather interesting and thought-provoking and the final ending was touching. I would recommend this for just about everyone. A- Signed in Blood A rather grim movie that doesn't take it easy or soften blows. A realistic action movie that doesn't rely on cliches and deals with the problems its characters face. Not for the faint of heart, but something that you will want to watch if you can appreciate an action movie that doesn't hide the darker side of things. B Rabbids, the Big Adventure The kids will enjoy this movie, but adults might get bored. The mix of CGI animation and film was a nice touch, but the movie itself was nothing special. Video game fans will appreciate the Mario teddy bear that is featured, but the plot itself is definitely oriented toward a younger audience. C+
  17. February The Devil's Hitman Another Uwe Boll film, and his track record continues. Uninteresting action, flat characters, and pointless plot devices make this film one to avoid. And to make matters worse, the ending suggests a possible sequel focusing on Sarah. Even if you are a fan of the genre, you won't find much here. D- White Jerseys A sports drama that focuses more on the drama than the sports. A decent movie overall, but those expecting football to be the primary focus of this film might be a little disappointed. But if you are looking for a heartfelt drama with a strong emphasis on character development, you will find yourself satisfied with White Jerseys. B- Mirror's Edge Video game movies often frustrate moviegoers. Even the stronger ones often struggle to gain much traction. Mirror's Edge is a decent offering, but it won't be breaking any new ground for the genre. Fans of action movies will enjoy the well-choreographed stunt work and fast-paced action, and Scarlett Johansson is beautiful as always, but the plot won't draw in too many non-gamers. If you enjoy action movies, this one is worth your time. But if those sort of films don't appeal to you, you won't find anything here. C+ Poison and Wine The strong language and some of the scenes might make people uncomfortable, but I felt that it didn't detract from the movie as a whole. Overall the dialogue and the acting were decent but the plot was not too engaging. I enjoy political and election movies, even Swing Vote which was a rather obscure and unsuccessful film back in 2008, but the stakes are pretty low when it is just a college election. This is a movie that will stick with you for some time after you view it because of the dialogue and some of the scenes, but you won't be too engaged with the plot itself. C The SCP Foundation Overall, this felt more like a mini-series than a single movie. The stories were enjoyable and engaging but had little to do with one another. The film worked well enough but I felt like there were some inside jokes and hidden references that passed me by as well. Not a bad movie. They went with a different format that moviegoers are not used to and sometimes it fell flat, but where it worked, it worked pretty well. C+ Best Friends Forever Despite being focused on young teenagers, because of the nature of the film and the gore, it is not something that younger children should be seeing. It was a nice touch for a horror movie to have a girl in the villainous role. Maybe it's more common with horror than other genres, but female villains are something lacking in many movies. With all the blood and gore, it was a bit strange that they hid most of the shooting violence and only had the audience hear the gunshots and see blood drop on the floor. This movie will satisfy fans of the horror genre, but I would not really recommend it for others. C Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills Superhero comedies have often struggled to succeed with both critics and audiences, and Tattooed doesn't break that trend with a weak plot, uninteresting characters, and heroes that fail completely in their goals. Maybe I'm brainwashed by Hollywood to accept happy endings at the expense of realism and character development, but this movie left me in a sour mood. It wasn't engaging and the humor was lacking. D+ BraveStarr A mix of action, sci-fi, and western, BraveStarr doesn't take itself too seriously. The animal spirits were interesting but also seemed to be too convenient. BraveStarr always seemed to have the right tool for every situation, so it was hard feel any real concern because you knew he'd make his way through anything. This movie is enjoyable enough, but it not something that I would see again. If you're okay with something that doesn't always take itself as seriously as others in the genre, you will find yourself having a good time. B- RUNAWAY - A Road Adventure An action-comedy from the director of several Arrested Development episodes, Runaway doesn't amuse as much as you'd hope. There is often too much going on, with characters being frequently introduced before we've gotten a chance to know the others. The parachute scene held my attention and made me nervous for Gina, but as a whole, I did not feel too involved with the characters. Not bad, but not good. C
  18. Next year, whenever we get to that, I will try to make more films than I did this time around. Though TBH some of them will be ones I released in both Cayom Vanilla and the old BOM Cayom.
  19. I spent quite a bit per movie. Though sample sizes matter... you'd need 30 movies per user to really get a good analysis of statistically significant differences.
  20. JANUARY Killer Plane - 15.5/40.1 Ophidophobia- 6.8/15.5 Timmy's Winter Vacation - 12.2/43.7 Lake of the Psychopaths - 6.2/12.3 Captain Planet - 18.8/56.1 SOMA - 22.7/61.3 Battle: Mars 3D - 7.1/21.2 The Artificial Age - 6.7/20.3
  21. January: Killer Plane The movie was supposed to be exciting, but I find it didn't really hold my attention overall. Even though it was a rather short film, it somehow felt too long, like it could have been the episode of a TV show rather than a feature film. I enjoyed the scenes of Seattle because I know the city pretty well, but I can't really recommend this movie. D+ Ophidiophobia The film was amusing sometimes, especially Montana James, the Indiana Jones parody. But other than him, the characters didn't really hold my attention too much. This was not a terrible film, but I would wait for Redbox or Netflix for this one. C- Lake of the Psychopaths The gore was too much for me, I'll be honest. I found the internet chatting at the start to be kind of interesting because I can relate to those situations, chatting with other people that I've never met in person. But as the film progressed, I thought there was just too much blood and gore. This will probably appeal to people who love slasher films and low-budget horror, but I was not the intended audience. D Timmy's Winter Vacation I think this film probably deserved a PG rating. Somehow, it got away with a G, but if I were the MPAA I would have cited "thematic elements" or some other buzzword because the scenes with the reindeer and a skiing accident might be too much for very young children. Overall this is not a bad kids movie. It doesn't insult the intelligence of children like so many of those kinds of movies do, which is nice. The children actors seem realistic and not as annoying as I've come to expect from movies geared toward children. I wouldn't recommend this film if you're alone as an adult unless you are a big skiing fan, but if you have kids, they will be entertained and you won't be too bored. C Captain Planet Despite a weak script and some heavy-handed environmentalism that might turn off conservative moviegoers, Chris Evans does a good job as Captain Planet and saves this film. The villain was a bit unrealistic, but that is often the case for action films geared toward a younger audience. The emotional scenes seemed a bit tacked-on, but the movie kept my interest more than I originally expected. They also hinted toward a sequel with the hidden ending, and even though I was not overly impressed with this movie, I will check out the sequel. This movie is worth checking out in theatres, especially if you have kids. B- SOMA SOMA is a movie that will hold your attention with its plot twists and futuristic technology. The initial scenes in the car with Simon and Ashley talking were very interesting. I think they made the right call with just having voices here, it leaves their appearances to your imagination. The ending was a little confusing and it had this eerie "near-death experience" feel to it. Overall, this is stronger than you'd expect from a January film and I would recommend checking it out. B The Artificial Age This film was okay, but after seeing SOMA, I was underwhelmed with the plot and subpar acting. The romance lacked chemistry and slowed down the plot as well. But the battle scenes were fast-paced and a little violent. Not a terrible movie, but I can't really recommend it either. C- Mars 3D It was nice to see a movie where Earthlings are the alien invaders rather than them being invaded. It was a little like an animated version of Avatar with the relationship between Zack and Mara. The ending seemed a bit too nice. After the way humans invaded Mars and attacked throughout the film, it seemed a bit odd that they would accept the survivors of the final battle so readily rather than forcing them to return to their polluted Earth. Overall, this movie is entertaining enough. C+
  22. To be started over the next couple days, just setting up the thread for now. I tend to dislike horror so don't take my reviews of those too seriously. I will be reviewing all the movies but will skip my own.
  23. Chrono Trigger and Jim's Adversity, since I only did those two this year.
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