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Everything posted by Electric

  1. I will be fashionably late, but not late enough to miss that deadline
  2. Live action "kids movies" never are that big to begin with. Though I know there can be exceptions.
  3. I want to join though it won't take effect until next weekend since this weekend 21-23 we have some numbers
  4. I will be making a movie based on the Everworld series from K.A. Applegate. It was a really underrated fantasy series she wrote after Animorphs aimed at an older teen crowd, where teenages from modern times go back into an alternate world that involves Old Gods like Loki and Thor mixed with this alien race that learns gunpowder from a chemistry textbook.
  5. I will be making a satire film "Hollywood Nerd" about a bunch of non-nerdy guys who go "geekface" in a comedy movie mocking how Hollywood dumbs down different types of humor for the mass audiences.
  6. I might be skipping this quarter but I should get something out soon maybe I have an idea "Lesbian Vampire Killers of Perth" but that is a January trash film for year 9 or oct year 8
  7. I don't have any big plans... a sequel to my latest Interconnected which should hopefully have more action and less bland plot developments.
  8. Interconnected is my request for springsummer
  9. 2013: The Croods - 8/10 Epic - 6/10 Monsters U - 9/10 Despicable Me II - 7.5/10 Cloudy 2 - 8/10 Frozen - 9.5/10 2014: Nut Job - 3/10
  10. Well my movies are done... not too long.
  11. I think SilverShark would prefer rights to "Warcraft" not the MMOs that I've been using to make mediocre fantasy movies from
  12. And they're usually terrible. But don't take my word for it. I dislike horror.
  13. Good. Johnny Depp ruined pirates. Both the actually pirates and the ride the movies were "based" on.
  14. Gravity. It was well-done, well-acted and enjoyable, but not nearly the masterpiece the critics and other people claimed.
  15. They are now included. I will probably just be doing 2 films for this quarter. 2 films a quarter seems good for me.
  16. I hope Frozen can still pull of a weekend win. But Paramount knows the audience for terrible horror movies... Hispanic families love them and making one about Hispanic characters and not just caricatures works well for them. I'm surprised there haven't been many more Hispanic-targeted horror movies. Back in 2006-07 I used to see lots of Mexican families taking their kids to see Saw 3 and Hostel 2... disturbed me, but I might just be a close-minded whinebag.
  17. Impact doesn't always read plots very thoroughly. I had one movie where I had Steve Carrel and Meryl Streep playing roles, and somehow he gathered that Meryl Streep was playing Steve Carrel's mother and commented on that several times, but that wasn't the casting I had made.
  18. For Spring Season of Year 8, Energized Entertainment has a couple of films they will be going for. Land of No Left Turns: Apatow directs this comedy about driving in San Francisco. Interconnected: An Empire Risen Taking place months after the events of Interconnected: Culmination, An Empire Risen will be the final chapter of Interconnected.
  19. I am 100% sure Frozen will win this weekend. At least I hope so. Paranormal Activity is now looking like any generic horror franchise. The first one was actually interesting given the budget they had to work with.
  20. I'll be making a movie called Ratings War. Bill Murray plays Ben O'Malley (a slightly fictional Bill O'Reilly aka billo the clown) and Ben Affleck plays Ken Olmstead (Keith Olbermann, aka a douchebag with glasses or guttersnipe as bill would call him) Will also have someone playing Michael Savage and Joe Scarborough, or a fictionalized verison of them .
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