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Everything posted by Donald

  1. Am a dany fan!But that new darrio is awful!No.....chemistry @ all! Horrible! Am betting the writer are planning on killing him off early! Otherwise her storyline went from bad to worse!
  2. With all this hate online for daenaerys,,,am starting to think its george's design so that he can fuck them over and let her rule the kingdoms!And am betting either arya or sansa will die in winds of winter!Arya more likely
  3. Am too scared to play!But maybe i should copy and paste kitik!But that jupiter flop number of his looks out of place!no way a wachowhacks product is getting that high!
  4. Budapest is always underpredicted!Have u seen its saturday increases over the past few weeks!Also,noah going up a bit!
  5. American hustle is a good film!Not great but good!And for the last time TDK is the best CBM,,,enuff said...those bashing it are trolls!just give an adult argument like some posters are doing!thank you
  6. Nikki Finke @ NikkiFinke 2mEarly Friday Box Office: 'Capt America 2' (Dis/Marvel - 3938 runs) trending $35M for $90M-$95M wkd & April record.View details
  7. Just looking @ some of these posts makes me think Cinema has changed for the worse!We have reached a point where a adult drama that grosses 150mill is bashed and hated upon!I guess there will be a point where if a person wants to watch challenging films,divisive,,,where qns are asked,ans given.one would just click on netfilx to the past as we wait for iron man 15
  8. To me tdk is a masterpiece!No cbm has ever and will ever come close!
  9. Wow!This is a crazy thread!Anyway i prefer dark and brooding over fun!thats just me!Only marvel film i liked was thor 1
  10. Anita bushes is full of shit!!!!Deadline needs to fire her!85mill really!!
  11. Ok now that cap 2 is going to gross 800mill worldwide!...:1.can WB move man of flop 2?2.how this is going to affect spidey?positively or negatively?
  12. So fri national is up 300 %firedeep my 5billion yearly prediction!
  13. After following froze(the little mermaid)i hope it is a (aladdin) in quality
  14. Its a problem because it wont gross 100mill as was predicted!Instead it will stay flat or slightly increase!
  15. Simply cant wait for this!Will stream this online for free on couch tuner on monday!
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