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Everything posted by Donald

  1. I dont know watsup with the complaint over the net....am a book reader and I think this is the best season ever......each episode has topped the previous one
  2. ok just re-watched LEGION/09.............anyone think it could have been great????
  3. after meh of flop...........am now gunning for cap despite never being a fan!..... gawd...man of steel was such a horrible film!!!......i think bVs will be worse...........script not yet done!...lolol
  4. i actually liked the sharlto copley and jodie foster accents!...that and the bugatti ship scene were the most impressive things in elysium!!
  5. any sat numbers!............ 13mill on sat???TOW!!
  6. where are the great hypnotist estimates! pumping up numbers i see!
  7. rewatched season 2.............. THE STARKS! and that last scene of the white walker!
  8. Ps......have you guys read director alex graves Q&A on the hollywood reporter site!He says the gave him the best and most expensive episodes! 2,3,8 and 10!Prepare!!!!!!
  9. Wow so godzilla aint realising in china!!! my ww predictions a down for this film!It will be lucky to top 500milll...considering its obvious under perfomance in japan!
  10. Anyway noah will top 100mill...About 100-102...Ps...yess it has bad WOM!Ps....u cant put ur hate for a movie into boxoffice predictions.....even i hated it.....but am not allowing it to cloud my judgement!
  11. I wasnt talking about 4 day lolzzz.I meant the entire 7 day week!
  12. Hey ,could u give me the oW for rio2 in dollars...Also weeked,,weekly for cap 2 thanx....in dollars
  13. 400mill overseas is a lock for rio imho!Obviously its going to gross another 60 next weekend!Its the only animated film in the market till HTTYD2
  14. Noah will top 100mill....but barely!Its left with only 15mill...8-10mill next week(including weekend)
  15. Wow!Thats a huge overseas weekend for rio 2...!! About 70mill
  16. All this hate for james all over again!Guess people will never learn!After aliens,terminator 2,titanic,avatar! They still doubt him!Its a shame really!
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