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Everything posted by Donald

  1. Just read on the hollywood reporter that china total screen numbers just surpassed 20,000!Which is halfway northamerica's total!Olive,could the yearly boxoffice hit 5billion?
  2. Am happy asm2 will be choked!Hopefully to death!Good for godzilla!
  3. Actually NO CA will get hurt by Noah
  4. This^ it had an increase! Not a drop!This film isnt going to drop as predicted!It has a mostly diff audience compared to CA and its a very divisive film!
  5. So CA is falling behind!Guess its gonna be an uphill climb to defeat the dragon
  6. Am waiting for godzilla numbers!If pacific rim did 100mill then.......
  7. Good increase for the first quarter!I hope summer and spring boxoffice numbers are good so that the percentage increase is up to 40% by midyear!
  8. ^Ohhh f**k my keyboard is going ballsy again! Shit
  9. This moght end up hittitng with its season 5 premier if current ratings are considered
  10. Good weekend !I cant wait for next weekend when captain america grosses below 90mill and people say its flopped!***sigh*** boxoffice forums!!!
  11. People need to stop comparing divergent and TGH boxoffice wise!One opened to over 150mill and the other just over 50mill!
  12. I think Noah can blow past 50mill,lets wait and see!
  13. Yes!A've been wondering about the title! Wish i had those privilages
  14. Since these were 11pm on the east coast numbers i expect sat bizness to rise!Maybe 50 mill for noah!
  15. Looks like the grand budapest hotel is really overperforming!I think 50 mill is assured ,though next weeks number will paint the picture more!
  16. I hope it behaves like robin hoodall this talk of it diving after this weekend is wack!I mean easter is coming!And am seeing a reception similar to wows!
  17. ''The good news is that, a “C” grade from Cinemascore aside (the film earned 63% As or Bs, 23% Cs, and 14% Ds or Fs), if the religiously-inclined who did sample the film this weekend give a thumbs up, we may see stronger legs as the rest of the uber-faithful check out the film in the coming weeks as we get closer to Easter''GUYS HAVE U SEEN THIS OVER @ SCOTT MENDELSON PAGE ON FORBES.COM
  18. I need my fix of numbers now!Nikki! Give me some::::
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