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Everything posted by Lazer

  1. I just watched the series finale, and I am glad I knew that was coming, otherwise that last 2 minutes really would have made me mad. Overall, I didn't care for the whole episode as it was like a gap filling recap. What a wasted year.How long were they actually married for, as they didn't get married until almost 10 years into the relationship? About 5 years?
  2. I liked IM3 but it was hit and miss for a lot of people, with the fake character played by Ben Kingsley.
  3. I thought that CATWS was very good, but it is not equal to the Avengers.
  4. I could still see him being a Denzil Washington type in the coming decades.
  5. Good Choices, especially Naomi Watts.On Naomi Watts, I think she also decided on motherhood and marriage, plus liking smaller films.On Elijah Woods, I think his height and looks hurt him, as he can't be ash a Hugh Grant type.On Shia LaBeouf, I agree and he falls a little into the Lindsay Lohan way of ruining a career.
  6. Rachel McAdams. Took too much time off earlier in her career, messing up her red hot status as the young it movie star.Katherine Heigl. As I just watched 27 dresses and remembering she had a string of hits, she hurt her career, with her acts while leaving the tv show, greys anatomy and her stupid comments after that.Lindsay Lohen. After say Mean Girls, she was an A/B list movie star than has become a D lister based on her real life antics.
  7. Any updates and why is this still pinned, with it being delayed now indefinitely by the guy who started it?
  8. Me too, as I don't know all the characters in both and I only watch tv periodically, but with the Shield changes in the movies, they seem to mirror the tv show a little, as on the tv show, they are talking about traitors inside shield.
  9. I have to see it again, as I saw this late after Captain America, but I was more impressed with Jennifer Connelly.
  10. He thought God's desire was to save the animals and to kill off the human race, who weren't worthy to live.I don't understand how this family is going to repopulate the human race. With what, a bunch of inbreds?
  11. Easily explained, as the ark was gigantic, and only Noah as an adult male.
  12. A better plot for this season would have been if Lily had been the kids mother through surrogate, then died, which would leave Marshall and Ted to marry in the future, after gay marriage becomes legal. Marshall and Ted have always been best friends and unknowingly in love with each other, they did just not know it yet, as they both were still in the closet.
  13. On dumping PG, I agree it is bull as the show has made enough money, that they could eat whatever they are paying for a year. Even with Caruso's postering, I liked Miami the best, for the other characters and the scenery. I was never a Baywatch fan but they always said it was popular worldwide for the scenery, both the bodies and beaches. I like procedurals as I like NCIS alot, Gibbs is the man, Elementary, Person of Interests, Miami, Arrow, Revenge, and some older ones like Columbo and Matlock.
  14. No, I just thought it was boring. As I can't imagine the NCIS cases that will come up in New Orleans, unlike Washington or Los Angeles. Bakula, who I usually like is no Gibbs, for sure. The woman was invisible. I wanted to punch out the tv screen every time the middle guy spoke. I would watch another CSI, if they make better choices than the mistakes I think are listed above. Though I liked Miami, I never got into New York and the Vegas one, I stopped watching mid series, mainly after Grissom left.
  15. I just watched NCIS with the New Orleans team, and I just don't get it if they think this can become a series. Bad casting is the first reason.
  16. The whole series could have been done as a 2 hour special. Take the first episode, add filler from all the middle episodes. Add the last episode. No that is your Aunt Robin. Filler and Hijanks. Ted tells the kids, hope you enjoyed hearing a little about your dead mother. Now do you want to hear about how sexy i think your Aunt Robin is? As show does a Sopranos fading to Black.
  17. I actually haven't watched most of this season, so can anyone please recap what has been answered so far this year, and what is open and should still be answered tonight?
  18. Are you excited for the series finale tonight?
  19. Bateman is great in this. So mean-spirited towards everyone and the world, until the end?
  20. Howard Hawks just rolled over in his grave.
  21. What is the most interesting YTD Gross # here? American Beauty for me.
  22. Skye has avenger like computer hacking skills, as Coulson himself has defended numerous times, with even May praising her talent and reserve once.
  23. I am not sure how we'll advertised it was, but Lady Sif appeared from the Thor Movies, whose a bad ass and sexy.
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