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Everything posted by excel1

  1. Your efforts, along with all of the mods, are largely appreciated, and this forum is something that all movie business buffs should be grateful for.
  2. Controversial take but I just don't think Whitney Houston had the star power later in her career to leave a large fanbase hungry for a film for her. She had an insanely high career peak in the early 90s, but that was about it, and then torpedoed downwards as everyone knows.
  3. 1) What films did Cameron Diaz herself carry to success? Love her but you think she is the reason her hit films were hits...? 2) Robbie is the reason the DC films sank? GTFO with that BS
  4. Weak and nonsensical defense, Chalamet isn't mentioned previously probably 95% of the time that Eric brings him up, randomly adds him to thread titles, etc. TC is a great, exciting young talent so no problem with him being brought it, but it's certainly noticeable. Lets see Chalamet cast as young Lex Luthor please.
  5. Your constant mentioning of Timothee when he has nothing to do with the convo seems as if he you think he is Josh Hartnett Henry Cavill or something dude.
  6. It was too late. Curiosity factor gone. TSS dealt with the HBO max cover debacle obviously as well. In 2016, Big Willie Style star power had diminished greatly and Joker was bit player in advertising. Robbie's Harley costume was the biggest halloween costume that year.
  7. Margot Robbie is Cameron Diaz in the 2020s. She's absolutely a draw in the right role, but that's about it. Robbie was 100% part of the reason Suicide Squad blew up in 2016 despite pathetic reviews. The character is a bit played out at this point, though. Anyone think BARBIE has the buzz it has if CAREY MULLIGAN was cast in the lead? Everyone knows Robbie should have been cast as Daisy Buchanon in GATSBY 2013 too. I also think, frankly, she struggles from being perfect looking. Many moviegoers have a hard time taking the truly perfect-looking people seriously. She is hardly the first person to struggle with this. Many actresses in the past struggled with this, and actors too. Some overcome it, and some don't. There is such a difference between being "good looking & dolled up for Hollywood" ala Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Ben Affleck, Tom Cruise etc and then legit. having a super-model type of face ala Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Henry Cavill, Josh Hartnett, Rob Lowe. Brad Pitt is one of the only people to truly overcome this and it took him forever to do so.
  8. It was an epic flop. The follow up to La La Land w/ the director & lead was barely a blip on the 2018 radar and left zero pop culture impact.
  9. Forget Robbie, this is a serious speed bump for Chazelle. First Man was an epic flop, now this. LA LA LAND was 6 years ago.
  10. WB has been looking to make another HP with the OG cast every day since July 2011. This isn't news.
  11. Heard from someone I trust that this is a bit ridiculous but enjoyable and that Robbie great.
  12. The Snyder cut actually was pretty damn good, and was a nice gesture by the studio towards fans of a series that studio monumentally fucked up. Ray Fisher and Ezra Miller in particularly were much better in it than JL. For all of his flaws, Snyder was a very solid big-picture concept person. He generally choose the right angles to approach the characters and the right actors to play them. He was just shockingly bad with the details and execution. In another timeline: July 2013: MOS is bit more upbeat and given a better release date, reaching $800m+ global box office July 2015: MOS 2 featured Batman researching metahumans and Luthor setting up the conflict between the 2, reaches $1b global box office June 2016: JL Part 1 features the actual conflict + death of Superman midway through while the teams comes together, reaches $1.3b global box office August 2016: Suicide Squad opens, is better film, sets up villains for other films, reaches $1b global box office May 2017: Wonder Woman 1 opens, is exact same as normal, reaches $1b global box office since DC is more popular July 2017: JL Part 2 features the team rallying and the rebirth of Superman to defeat Darkseid, reaches $1.5b global box office December 2017: Aquabro opens, is exact same as normal but bigger since DC is more popular, $1.2b global JL phase 1 ends with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman,Aquabro, Flash, Cyborg, SS Villains all established and popular.
  13. Ok, someone has to do it, might as well be me. @WarnerBrothers, I'll run the show, call me and we'll get something done.
  14. I didn't think the max trailer was that tense tbh. Oppenheimer: what happens if the chain reaction doesn't stop? Einstein: It will ignite the atmosphere... Audience: thank god that didn't happen!
  15. +1. I love Chris Nolan. Following the active development from the day he was hired for Batman Begins through the release of TDKR was peak fandom for me and taught me many things along the way. I'll always root for him as a result. That said - Nolan's disloyalty and badmouthing of WB was really, really lame. Of course Nolan made WB insane amounts of money with TDK trilogy and Inception, but they also gave him the opportunity paint freely on a huge canvas when he was totally unproven, too. That is the return on their gamble. They financed DUNKIRK even when it as an oddly structured anti-climatic bore to the average moviegoer as opposed to the PRIVATE RYAN/PEARL HARBOR type of mega tentpole it could have been. It made some money, but hardly enough to make one go "HERE'S THE BLANK CHECK!". But they did anyway, with TENET - an obnoxiously overcomplicated, impossible-to-market mess of a tentpole which they gave him completely free rein to make. They even caved to his lunacy by wide releasing it during Covid summer when it was certain to be an epic flop. Universal obviously agreed to this certain-to-disappoint-financially project out of hope for a long term relationship with him. They really think $500m+ worth of people globally will think to themselves "LETS GO SEE THE MOVIE ABOUT THE INVENTION OF NUKES!"? I think and hope he will make an awesome film, and I think/am indifferent towards it flopping. I want creativity and original to be successful, so in that sense I am rooting for it.
  16. I'm sorry but 😂 That has nothing to dhow with how Fisher has handled himself. I loved his character and portrayal in ZSJL. He is acting like he is Henry Cavill or something with a huge fanbase out there pissed that he isn't coming back.
  17. Ok, fine. Superman: Jacob Elordi Lois Lane: Kiernan Shipka Lex Luthor: Cillian Murphy Jor-el: Brendan Fraser Gen. Sam Lane: Jon Hamm Martha Kent: Reese Witherspoon Perry White: John Goodman Jonathon Kent: Josh Hartnett John Corben: Joel Edgerton Brainiac: Jason Isaacs Synopsis: 2 part intro-film (Superman is too big for just one introductory film) interweaving plots: Part 1) Young, reserved Clark Kent commits good deeds in the shadows, living out of Kansas and quietly admiring young influencer turned media star Lois Lane's open and aggressive quest for truth and justice. With the support of his parents, Clark moves to Metropolis to work at the Daily Planet, ensuring quick access to breaking news. Circumstances prompt him to reveal himself to the public and own his heroism, while his romance with Lois Lane quickly blooms as she quickly uncovers his secret identity. Jonathan dies after Superman's first appearance. Meanwhile, the American Government authorized General Sam Lane to lead a covert operation collecting the worlds supply of a mysterious green rock substance, assisted by John Corben. Billionaire tech mogul Lex Luthor's researchers came into possession of a true UFO several years earlier and have been secretly working with the government to prepare a response to what they feel is an imminent alien invasion. These efforts are hampered by cyber terror group Havoc, which somehow know of their plans are secretly sabotaging efforts. When Superman turns out to be friendly, the gov. tries to shut down the program, forcing the skeptical Lex Luthor and Corben to proceed aggressively off the books, Sam Lane caught in middle. Ending would reveal Luthor is behind the cyber-terror group and uses it to take total control of all kryptonite. Corben becomes Metallo. Luthor is defeated when Sam Lane betrays him in the end. Films ends with Superman as a committed hero of Earth, creating the fortress of solitude where he meets Jor-el, while Luthor on the run as a Bin Laden type figure. Post credit scene reveals Luthor and his men reaching the UFO pod they discovered, hidden at a secret location. Luthor TURNS IT ON. Cut to black. 2) Flashbacks reveal Brainiac invading Krpyton and murdering Jor-el and co. before the planet explodes. Superman connects with Jor-el in the fortress. Government can't find Luthor. Cue BIG ASS ALIEN INVASION ala Independence Day style. Luthor's ship activation called Brainiac's forces to Earth. Superman vs. alien movie. Film ends with Superman as true global hero and entering his prime. Just in time for "JUSTICE LEAGUE FOR REAL".
  18. Gunn is getting exceptionally defensive due to the unpopularity of his Cavill move. Is what it is, call it like you see it. This is embarrassing defensiveness.
  19. Who are "all the people" saying those things? She is absolutely being treated fairly, no differently than Snyder post BvS. Despite the complete all around disaster that was WW84, Patty Jenkins was given the opportunity to present her vision for WW3, no? I didn't dispute that it was a real dynamic. I am pointing out that there is ample reason to believe it doesn't apply here. She made an atrocious previous product. They're going to be more careful next time. If she presented more crap, she's out, just like Snyder.
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