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Everything posted by excel1

  1. Superman: Jacob Elordi Lois Lane: no idea Lex Luthor: Cillian Murphy Jimmy Olsen: no idea Perry White: no idea Jonathon Kent: Josh Hartnett Martha Kent: Reese Witherspoon
  2. Momoa's film made 1.2 billion. If they allow Gunn to move on from him before #2 comes out, I'm officially on the "sell DC to Disney" bandwagon because this is lunacy.
  3. This is usually true, but there are instances where we see it translate directly and I think this will be one of them. It's more of a thing where a divided fanbase really negates there ability for enthusiasm to catch fire with the casual fan.
  4. This is the kind of thing Bob Iger would never let happen at Marvel/Disney. The cost that comes with such a divisive, fan-upsetting move is enormous. You need a united fanbase for these films to be successful and this is anything but.
  5. I think you're going to be surprised, this seems like a rather large miscalculation. Cant understate the impact of bringing him back after 5 years and then moving on so quickly. The whiplash leaves an enormously bitter taste.
  6. Read the responses to Gunn's posts. By far the most liked posts are highly highly negative. I am not going off my personal preference here, just calling it as it clearly is. This has been handled exceptionally poorly by WB. As soon as they allowed The Rock and Cavill to run around telling everyone he is back, this became one of the things Gunn isn't allowed to touch. They have now deflate much of the enthusiasm surrounding their initial hire. Cavill's post has 1.2 million likes. Gunn's has....10,000. Cavill's has comments from Zach Levi, Jason Momoa, and a number of other celebrities. Anyone who thinks they did anything beyond shoot themselves in the foot here is kidding themselves. The excitement surrounding the next actors announcement will now be severely muted.
  7. It's going to be Jacob Elordi. No doubt the most obvious choice out there. Unless....AUSTIN BUTLER?!?!
  8. You apparently aren't looking...anywhere? https://www.google.com/search?q=jacob+elordi+superman&client=safari&sxsrf=ALiCzsZpBXawwVG2BbtNxYIViYhPvEmFlg%3A1671075493243&source=hp&ei=pZaaY8zzC_Sp5NoPuc628A0&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY5qktd7Mw6uq3HNp62vbId18AydUQ7yb&ved=0ahUKEwiM2qip2fr7AhX0FFkFHTmnDd4Q4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=jacob+elordi+superman&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzoECCMQJzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQ1AI6CAguELEDEIMBOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QsQMQxwEQ0QM6EQguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDENQCOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOggILhCxAxCABDoICAAQgAQQsQM6CwguEK8BEMcBEIAEUABY6BJgmhRoAHAAeACAAbMBiAG4D5IBBDE0LjeYAQCgAQE&sclient=gws-wiz LOL Josh Hartnett would actually make a rock-solid Jonathan Kent these days. Opposite Reese Witherspoon or Sarah Michelle Gellar as Martha. #EarlyAughts Remarkable how much they have deflated the initial wave of enthusiasm surrounding their hire.
  9. This is actually pretty false. The sentiment the media runs with surrounding a film is largely based off the most favored social media reactions, which are highly highly negative for this. General consensus will 100% be that this was "messy", borderline "controversial" move given fan backlash - that will be mentioned in 90% of the media coverage surrounding the next film.
  10. Honestly, I think this is a disaster from a business sense. A total utter mess. Gunn is getting beyond roasted on social media. What should be highly exciting news is once again pissing off many in actuality. WB is not going to live this down any time soon. WB allowed the Rock and co. to make such a huge deal of this just 2 months ago. It doesn't matter that WB never formally announced it - they let their major star actors say it over and over. The collective industry entirely bought it and were highly enthusiastic about it. Common sense told everyone that WB would/should be canning their comments ASAP if that wasn't the plan, but they let it go clearly to let it help Black Adam in what now feels like a classic bait and switch. I feel bad for whoever is actually cast as Superman next because an enormous, and exceptionally vocal, faction of the fanbase is likely not going to accept them, or do it highly begrudgingly. Even for the more sane, moderate fans, going from the excitement of thinking Cavill is returning to back to the drawing board is a highly negative swing of emotions. It's stunning how poorly this whole debacle has been handled.
  11. LMAO they're obviously not going to have Cavill play another character. What a colossal mess for these guys.
  12. Holy fuck. 1) This has to be viewed as a massive rebuttal to The Rock, no? 2) Good lord, WB. Makes up your damn minds. This is the wrong direction to go at this point in time, no doubt about it. 3) Jacob Elordi rumors in 3, 2, 1...
  13. This will be a recurring theme, but it will be pretty much impossible for them to hammer out final plans until they see what happens with Flash and Aquabro.
  14. I don't see the mass appeal of this at all but may well be surprised by the first trailer. I will say: if this disappoints or outright flops, Nolan will be in full "needs a comeback movie" territory.
  15. To be blunt, if they're actually even remotely considering moving from Cavill and Gadot, they're extremely foolish.
  16. I really, really wonder how they intend to market this movie (aside from it being another Josh Hartnett comeback vehicle). Unless there are some extended war battle scenes, where is the action...?
  17. 1) The Rock announced it repeatedly. 2) Any casual reasonable person will interpret the fact that he has a cameo at all, after all the headless/fuzzy shots, to be mean he is back. Disagree, each and every subpar quality film lowers the IPs brand equity and we have seen a million examples of this over the last 20 years since franchise and IP domination began. There are many examples of films where the IP would have better off without said film being made altogether than having the film made and then trying to live off of it afterwards. That seems to have been Hamada's thought process with Superman. Take Solider-Man. Spider-man 3 was not popular. But zero doubt a Mcguire led Spier-man 4 makes more money than TASM in 2012, for example. WB best course, TODAY, is clearly maximize success of FLASH and AQUA 2 + prepare better, higher quality films with Cavill and Gadot. I'm torn on Batman.
  18. IDK. If someone I 2019 said Black Adam would gross 52% of The Batman's gross, I would have considered that quite good.
  19. Right now, util things change, it would be tough. THE BATMAN not even hitting $800m is insane. Pre-Covid no doubt that film is over $1 billion. If conditions become more favorable for theatrical? Of course it could.
  20. Truth be told, I don't think Gunn and co. can truly commit one way or another until they see how The Flash & Aquabro 2 perform. If those films are well-received and success, it isn't like they can just move on from them. They basically need to develop 2 paths, 1 building on them the success of those films and 1 that sprints in a different direction should those films fail one way or another.
  21. The HR article is horrendous for PR given the sheer terribleness of the ideas noted in the article. The outrage at moving on from Cavill at this point would be impossible to exaggerate. Superman isn't an overly popular character with this generation anyway. IF they wanted a full blown reboot, they needed to announce Cavill was all done months ago and forgo the BA cameo, etc. Instead, they announced his return and reaped tons of excitement and positive press. Moving on from Cavill NOW is not "we can't please everyone", it's mores "we're actively upsetting the vast majority of people". Major major mistake if it works out.
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