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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. In case this wasn't announced yet, the next trailer launches this Sunday during the American Music Awards on ABC. What's weird though is trailer 1 is the one currently attached to Coco.
  2. Tremblay is more likely to get a nom and deserves it more anyway. #JusticeforRoom I love it when you act like a dick. No please don't go. You're one of the cool kids. And that's saying a lot coming from "Cool Eric" himself...although come to think of it, most people who call themselves "cool" have low self-esteem and only do it for overcompensation and to ignore the fact they're friendless weirdos... What thread am I on again? Oh yeah, the weekend thread. How's that Avengers remake doing?
  3. http://www.slashfilm.com/moviepass-annual-subscription/
  4. Read that for school. Remember liking it quite a bit.
  5. Justice League 1404 3713 37.81% Wonder 567 1507 37.62% Again, both are doing rather well, and got a decent increase for the weekend before Thursday previews.
  6. Dwayne Johnson as a scientist is the most ridiculous casting I've ever seen in my life...AND I LOVE IT! The stupidity looks immeasurable in this, and I can't wait to see it OD.
  7. Just finished watching it, and if you've ever wanted to see Nicole Kidman as a psychotic taxidermist, this is the film for you. Outside of that, the rest of the film's super delightful. It's one of the rare kids films that come out nowadays that makes me feel like a kid again.
  8. Officially can't wait for this. I'm certain this has been done before, but I've always wanted a movie that had absolutely no dialogue, and this seems to be really entertaining.
  9. Justice League 1309 3713 35.25% Wonder 524 1507 34.77% Super solid for both. For comp's sake, JL is above Thor by about 43% or so. Wonder also got a huge boost thanks to Saturday and Sunday matinees. Don't want to do any other movies, because I'm super tired.
  10. Storytime: So tonight I went to a 7:15 showing of Thor: Ragnarok at my local Movie Tavern. I got there about 15 minutes before the show, and the thing that's cool about the Movie Tavern chain is how you can actually order meals, like burgers and pizza. My seat was right in between two couples, in the biggest seating area, with it being about 15% filled. The waiter came and took our orders, and after I asked for my food and gave him my debit card, he went right on over to the couple to the right of me. They ordered their food, but as the waiter was giving back the man's debit card, one of their hands slipped, and the card fell into the recliner. Not under the cushion, but directly in the gap between the piece of wood that kept the chair stationary, and the recliner itself. Lodged right in there, and being incredibly hard to find, and with the previews about to start, the couple were forced to live with it, and I believe the waiter said he'll talk to the manager and get them both to help the couple in dire need. The previews start, with trailers for Pacific Rim 2, Downsizing, Jumanji (both got a decent amount of chuckles from the small crowd), Star Wars 8, and Black Panther (that one got a couple of murmurs too). The movie starts, and the people I was with had a great time. A lot of laughs throughout, with one big one at the climax, and the couple sitting next to me pretty much giggled throughout, particularly whenever Goldblum was on screen. After the post-credits scene, the right couple, the waiter, the left couple, and I all had to work together to fetch the man's debit card. For about 10 minutes, we tried our best to get it out. We tried to search for the card and where it landed, which was hard as it was only able to seen at specific angles, and when we did, the man from the left couple used a plastic knife he got from his meal to dig for it, to little avail, all the while I had the flashlight from my phone set below the recliner to get a better look at the problem. Thankfully, the manager came, used one of the menus to fish the card out of the gap, and slowly but surely, the man from the right couple got his card back, we all had a good laugh about it, and I went home. Oh, and if you're wondering what I thought of the movie, 'twas a blast. Very enjoyable, stellar performances, every actor and actress was fine as h*ck, yadda yadda yadda, go see it.
  11. I believe back when me and my brother inherited a bunch of PS1 games when we were little from a neighborhood kid selling his games, a Rampage game was one of them. Sadly, I don't quite remember, since we had to sell those games, because almost all of them were rated T, and Mom was one of...those parents. As for the movie, I can enjoy a cheesy Rock movie, and I think this can fit the bill.
  12. Another donkey Christmas movie FYC, Disney's The Small One is very good too. It's a bit hard to find, but it's funny, sweet, and has a touching ending. And it's directed by Don Bluth.
  13. Great stuff. I don't really like predicting movies that are more than two years away, so I don't have anything to read, but I enjoyed your reasonings.
  14. Justice League 995 3713 26.80% Wonder 422 1507 28.00% Coco 124 2327 5.33% Star Wars 2493 4330 57.58% Fifty Shades 22 1921 1.15% Justice League and Wonder are still doing super solid, gaining 100+ tickets each. Coco also saw a decent amount of growth. I don't know when I last looked at Star Wars, but it definitely felt there was a sizable increase, and having presales over 50% (though its schedule still isn't finalized) is very impressive. Hail Ridley! Fifty Shades is brand-spankin' new, but it's severely frontloaded at the moment (as to be expected). 18 of the tickets are for Thursday, while Friday and Saturday have two each.
  15. I hate the fact this comes out the same weekend as Justice League. Not because I expect it to do bad or anything, but it'll come out during one of the most toxic weekend threads of the year, and I'd rather people discuss and praise a sleeper hit rather than seeing endless analysis on whether a $130M OW is "disappointing" or not.
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