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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. How was I supposed to know that Tom Hooper was going to make the most horrific thing ever conceived?
  2. And that's it for me when it comes to February. I'm definitely more optimistic compared to January, but BoP and Sonic aside, not that much. March will come tomorrow. Which Disney movie will be bigger? Can the CBM save Vinny D's film career? Will the I Can Only Imagine boys deliver another Christian musical smash? Is Emily Blunt still an iconic queen? (okay, we all know the answer is yes) All those questions and more will be answered tomorrow
  3. February 28 The Invisible Man: Like Birds of Prey, I feel like this should have more buzz to it when looking at it on paper. It’s a Blumhouse adaptation on one of the famous Universal Monsters That seems like something that would grab people’s attention, at least online. But unlike Birds, there doesn’t seem to be much discussion at all, and while this movie looks good, I just don't think people are really hooked on it so far. March is pretty light on adult fare, so it could still have good legs and there’s plenty of time for the marketing to turn around. But I’m erring on the negative side for now, especially after how mediocre 2019 was for Blumhouse. 10/28 (2.8x)
  4. February 21 Brahms - The Boy II: Simply put...who asked for this? Nobody cared about the first Boy movie back in 2016, so what makes STX think adding Katie Holmes will be any better? They really need help, don't they? 5/10 (2x) The Call of the Wild: Director Chris Sanders, known for Lilo & Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon, is definitely a talent, and I’m sure this movie’s really good. But the marketing is not doing this any favors, as the only thing people are talking about is the off-putting CGI dog. And with Sonic and Onward both having way more buzz with families, this feels destined to be lost in the shuffle. Ah well, should still get an audience when it hits Disney+ or HBO or wherever it's streaming. 17/50 (2.94x)
  5. One thing I definitely miss was when Fandango did a Top 30 Most Anticipated List, with a cool little gallery and all. I'm surprised they never did it again since there's no real loss in doing so.
  6. You don't have to be a dick, ya know that?
  7. Well it's important to recognize that we're still in the Christmas season, and most people aren't really jazzed to buy tickets for stuff in January just yet. I don't even think Dolittle's social medias have promoted tickets being on sale yet. And of course, this is a family movie that probably won't see a ton of presales until a week or so before release. Honestly, I'm not expecting any traction presales wise until the new year.
  8. Moderation @Curtis1986 @BestPicturePlutoNash Hush.
  9. Looked up Atom's poll from last year. This was the Top 10 Wasn't exactly how things turned out, but almost all the stuff that landed here made a lot of money, so it works. Obviously these Atom and Fandango things won't be 1 to 1 to the rest of the year (they poll this stuff in December after all), but I agree with you that these polls generally do point towards what's trending and interesting to people.
  10. @WrathOfHan It seems we're both men of culture and agree Genesis does what Nintendon't. Oh yeah, and the rest of February will come later. I want to enjoy my Boxing Day.
  11. February 14 Fantasy Island: I WANT IT. I GOT IT. Remaking the cheesy 70s television show into a Blumhouse joint will definitely get some people turning their heads. But while the trailer is fun and cheesy enough, it’ll probably do typical Blumhouse fare, though it should be a good option for teens and couples this Valentine’s Day. Better than Happy Death Day 2U at least. 18/23/40 (2.22x, 1.74x) The Photograph: This should be a modest success too. Will Packer definitely has an audience, there’s a solid cast, and it seems romantic enough to get that Valentine’s money. 25/30/70 (2.8x, 2.33x) Sonic the Hedgehog: The homie Han and I are both on to something here. People are trashing and making fun of this film, but this has a great shot to surprise. The film’s been talked about for more than a year, and I think everybody knows what the movie is all about at this point. And while there are plenty of people still unimpressed and snicker at the idea of this being a hit, I think this has a shot to surprise people. The film’s been in the conversation since the initial teaser poster, and the redesign has helped make the film a discussion point. The new look is making a lot of fans and people happy, and I think the whole “listening to fans” thing is strangely enough a hook. It’s the first time in a long time a studio is listening to fans, and I think that will make people curious. With little major competition when it comes to families until Onward, this could make a pretty penny and possibly even above Pikachu, unless reviews are godawful (which is not impossible! We know how bad Sonic can be sometimes). 50/57/160 (3.2x, 2.81x)
  12. February 7 Birds of Prey (and the Long-Ass Subtitle): If you talked to me a year ago, I would have said this was an easy candidate for a 100M OW. Harley Quinn and an all-female villainess team? Just seems like something that's easy to sell. But now, the first trailer kind of felt like it came and went, and even though it is Christmas, I feel like buzz and interest for this should be a lot more prominent than it feels right now. Regardless, Harley still has her fans, there’s little in terms of direct competition, and this is basically the first event film since Star Wars. With President’s Day the following weekend, I think that’s enough to still put it at a healthy gross. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if the movie delivered boffo numbers. 65/170 (2.61x)
  13. Dolittle Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-22 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 24 29 5,480 0.53% Total Seats Lost Today: 1 Comp 0.305x of Maleficent (702K) lol
  14. I dunno man, I felt that with the reviews and prestige and famous novel, it could have done something like 8M or 9M for its OD.
  15. Using the 2013 Xmas Day openers as a comparison: Wolf of Wall Street: 9.15 Walter Mitty: 7.8 47 Ronin: 7 Grudge Match 3.96 Yeah, that seems pretty poor for both Little Women and arguably Spies, though great for Gems, though we'll see if WOM will be on that movie's side.
  16. January 31 Gretel & Hansel: For what it is, this could do okay. The director is Oz Perkins, who has done good stuff before, and the trailer is effective enough in both getting good scares and laying out the story. I don’t think this can recreate the success of The Witch, but it should be good enough to make people want to check it out and do okay business for MGM. 7/20 (2.86x) The Rhythm Section: Sorry @Nova, but this is a no1curr, and even Paramount knows it. It's not even worth giving an analysis towards. 12/30 (2.5x)
  17. January 24 The Gentlemen: The follow-up to Guy Ritchie’s billion-dollar smash, this should do fine. Reviews are good, trailer’s fun, cast is cool. No breakout, but it’ll play well for the next couple weeks. 12/40 (3.33x) The Last Full Measure: I didn't even know what this movie was until today. Apparently it's a war movie and it has a bunch of Marvel actors and Christopher Plummer? I don't know. I didn't care about this, and I'm pretty sure most people won't. 3/9 (3x) The Turning: There’s one or two okay scares in the trailer, and the cast is decent. Butthis looks a little too generic, and with all the horror competition, this doesn’t seem to have enough of the goods to make it stand out. Not much else to add frankly. 8/20 (2.5x) Also apparently there's a movie called Run that's supposed to open on this weekend? There's no trailer in sight, so I'm just gonna assume it's getting pushed back.
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