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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. January 17 Bad Boys For Life: Does anyone really care about this? Bad Boys 2 was already a long time ago, but do people really want what looks to be a watered-down, Bayless sequel? Buzz feels super muted at this point and the marketing doesn’t look like it’s hooking people. It could probably still get to at least 20M thanks to the name and Will Smith, but this isn't hot. 25/30/70 (2.8x, 2.33x) Dolittle: This won’t be as big of a bomb as the film looked like on paper and after it got pushed back several months. But a hit? Probably not. I have sincere doubts about the movie’s quality, and I don't think kids are all that interested. Trailer views are massive, though it could be inflated by RDJ’s presence in his first post-Endgame role. Regardless, the cast is still big, and I guess it’s goofy and crazy-looking enough to make people curious to check it out so I guess it’ll do fine enough. 35/42/120 (3.43x, 2.86x)
  2. January 10 1917: Like with any expansion, it's hard to really pinpoint what is going to happen, especially with no PTAs to base it off of. But this should do quite well. Not just because of the strong awards attention the movie has already recieved, but its theatrical quality. The "no-cut" editing and the scope of the film makes it seem like something special and worthy of seeing on the biggest screen possible. Lone Survivor did about 125M a few years back, so cutting out a couple dollars to compensate for the lack of starpower....30/110 (3.67x) The Informer: This went through two 2019 release dates, has poor reviews, and zero marketing. I rest my case. 2/6 Just Mercy: Jamie Foxx aside, and even then not that much, there hasn't been a whole lot of discussion from critics and awards pundits, so I don't think there's going to be a lot of excitement for this. But reviews are good and it should be a quality crowdpleaser, though it will definitely not turn the tide when it comes to Warner Bros. and adult dramas. 15/50 (3.33x) Like a Boss: Well, would you look at that. Like Grudge and Informer, we have yet another January release that was intended for last year. But this should do better. I didn’t care for the trailer, but director Miguel Arteta has made decent stuff before, and all three leads have their fanbases, so even if the film is bad, it can at least coast on that. It won’t do anything exceptional, but I think it’ll do fine enough and make a tidy little sum. 15/45 (3x) Underwater: It's a horror movie that was filmed in 2017, hasn't seen the light of day since then, and has TJ Miller, the unfunniest man alive. Yikes burger! 5/10 (2x)
  3. January 3 The Grudge: Another early January horror movie is thrown in. This time, it's one that was supposed to come out last year (that’s gonna be a pattern for this month btw). It wouldn't surprise me if this one surprises. The trailer is effective enough, and Raimi's producer credit doesn't hurt. But on the other hand, is The Grudge really that exciting of a brand to people, or something people are nostalgic for? I'm just gonna say it does on par with The Forest or Underworld. 13/28 (2.15x)
  4. Man, this whining over Star Wars sure is boring. Say, @WrathOfHan, could you be an Informer, and tell me what are you planning for tonight? I know that I'm going to Dolittle, but I think it would be nice if we did something together. We can be a team like Gretel & Hansel. I mean, I'd say we're Bad Boys for Life, so let's do something together and crush it Like a Boss before this forum goes Underwater and I start Turning and holding a Grudge against people. We're both great Gentlemen, no? The Last Full Measure and The Rhythm Section
  5. Like....why would I not pick a lightsaber and especially the Force?
  6. Pretty sure that's a preview, because I didn't see any ads for it premiering on Christmas Eve. I guess since Adam Sandler's Jewish, he just decided to give his fans an early Chrismukkah present
  7. Did a cursory glance at the theater I'm seeing The Timothee Chalamet Movie at (only 80 more minutes :D), and that's about the same, though some movies are doing better than others. Bombshell is almost a full house, but it only has one showtime today (lmao damn)
  8. https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/forum/65-box-office-clubs/
  9. I don't know, I heard their room service is trash (I'll be here all week)
  10. I appreciate the compliments, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about doing it.
  11. Dolittle Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-23 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 24 30 5,480 0.55% Total Shows Added Today: 1 Total Seats Added Today: 207 Total Seats Sold Today: 2 Comp 0.326x of Maleficent (750K)
  12. Tomorrow is only a couple hours ago. I'm ready to see my baby kill it and create cinematic magic. Please be a box office smash and make all the money. Timothee deserves it. We all deserve it.
  13. https://deadline.com/2019/12/star-wars-rise-of-skywalker-christmas-box-office-little-women-spies-in-disguise-1202816735/
  14. @VanillaSkies Discount Tuesday gets pulled during the last couple weeks of December at the big chains, so that's not really gonna impact things here.
  15. Dolittle Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-24 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 23 28 5,273 0.53% Total Shows Added Today: 4 Total Seats Added Today: 688 Total Seats Sold Today: 4 Comp 0.346x of Maleficent (795K) Hey look! Something happened!
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