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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. Important to note that the Globes aired immediately after a football doubleheader. And these days, the NFL is the most important, most vital lead-in for network television. Take that out, and you'd probably lose a solid amount of viewers from the equation. Still impressive though and a good rebound either way.
  2. Is the hype for it legit? Or is it just Californians trying to act like they're special?
  3. I generally follow what Deadline and the trades say when it comes to a movie's breakeven point, since they know more than we do, but I'm generally under this idea: 2x-2.5x the production budget: Might be profitable, dependent on ancillaries 2.5x-3x the production budget: Likely profitable, especially when ancillaries are involved 3x the production budget: For sure profitable. And I know people will bring up marketing budget, but considering how marketing budgets typically cost the same, if not more than the production budget, then that generally means that like...20% of movies are actually successful on theatrical alone. And 9 times out of 9, the only time people bring up marketing budgets is just so people can be negative and either downplay a movie's success or make a film seem like an even bigger failure. Eric no likey.
  4. Pretty sure this account just made it up in Photoshop. The CES image makes the "3" look more stylized, but...yeah, it still sucks.
  5. FYC 1990s Dick Tracy, frankly, looks like a one of a kind movie. Something that visually looks wholly unique, unlike anything else I've ever seen before or since then Inspired by its 1930s origins, the film only boasts a handful of primary colors all throughout the runtime, creating incredible, lush landscapes with so many unique, oversaturated hues that genuinely looks sensational. There's also tons of old school film techniques with matte paintings and miniatures that were becoming uncommon even in 1990 and are nowhere in today's CGI hellscapes. It's like Coppola's Dracula, where it's all about using classic techniques to make us all reminiscence on how these things were really done. Add on incredible costumes and prosthetic makeup that results in so many iconic-looking villains and heroes, and you have an insane visual treat. It's also a pretty fun noir story to boot. This dark comedy is utterly hilarious, with a simple and effective premise of a psychiatrist going crazy by his patient. It's a madcap and silly ride, yet also frequently full of great setpieces courtesy of Frank Oz's witty and morose sense of humor and the utter brilliance of its two lead performances. Murray serves well as the neurotic, yet still oddly charming figure, as is typical of Murray's unique charms, and Dreyfuss' shouty, angry, egotistical doctor plays well off Murray and the supporting cast who are oddly enamored by this weirdo Bob fellow. It keeps building further and further into the absurdism and ends on a wacky ending that ties everything up perfectly. This is the kind of movie that feels like it was made for me and my sense of humor and I absolutely love it. An utterly gorgeous film with some killer cinematography. Considering the main character can't speak, the film allows itself to have some stunning images throughout the picture, taking advantage of the lovely New Zealand vistas. Yet Campion still remembers to anchor it on two stunning performances from Holly Hunter and a young Anna Paquin. Through Hunter's Ada, we see a film all about how women are controlled and manipulated by the men around them. Where the items that give them joy and a chance to express themselves to the world are either appropriated or taken away by men. It's truly sad, but wonderfully dense and thought-provoking all the same. It's a powerful mother-daughter story about generational differences, culture clashing, and how our family shapes us. There's incredible performances and gorgeous cinematography in a sentimental, but never treacle or gooey feature. It wouldn't be until Crazy Rich Asians that we got another movie like this, and it's a damn pity it took this long. We deserve more movies like this. One of the better Woody Allen pieces out there. It's a fun setting and premise about a bunch of weirdos and eccentrics putting on a Broadway show. Every character is memorable and fun and all the cast members deliver dynamite performances that use Allen's script well. If you're a theater nerd like me, you'll definitely love this. Even outside of the danger the submarine crew face from the Russians, this is able to be intense just on the amazing works of both Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman, who have fantastic chemistry as they butt heads, just trying to do what they think is right. It's immensely thrilling thanks to Tony Scott's impeccable visual and visceral direction, and Hans Zimmer's excellent score only punctuates the excitement. One of Tony Scott's absolute bests. Director Danny Boyle treads a good line by capturing the madcap feels of the novel, while still making it accessible, capturing the devastation of the protagonists and the insanity of them all at once. It's effectively entertaining and hilarious, while also full of tension and sadness as we see these heroin addicts slowly kill themselves. A real treat and it's no wonder this became such a sensation, especially in its native UK. It's a fun hangout with strong characters, solid chemistry, good laughs, and bittersweet emotions of being in your 20s and trying to find some sort of success in your personal and professional life. All the while, director Doug Liman, in his breakout role, adds enough flair and style to help make this visually memorable. Oh, and the swing tunes are fun. We should bring back swing music like we did in the 90s. The perfect 90s action movie package. An incredible ensemble cast of all our favorite character actors, epic set pieces, every incredible one-liner you could think of, questionably problematic aspects that make you go "huh", and Nicolas Cage being hot with a deadpan Southern accent. If you embrace the intentionally stupid premise, you're in for an amazing ride and, in many ways, Bruckheimer's magnum opus. A film that feels like a parody, love letter, and thesis statement for one of the most legendary film producers ever. It's funny how this was considered fascist propaganda at the time when the tongue-in-cheek humor and parodic nature of the movie is pretty blunt right from the opening scene. But ignoring that, there's some exciting thrills, intentionally over-the-top acting from some great (and a couple not-so-great) actors, and a breakneck pace. I'm glad I'm smart to actually get Verhoeven's intentions. One of my favorite films of all time. A beautiful portrait of love, hope, and family triumphing over all. An amazing first half full of wit and charm and humor, followed by a second half that is harsh and tragic, but still trying to keep the illusion and fantasy of optimism and hope alive. I've been passionate about this movie ever since I first saw it and it's still hard not for me to gush about it. See it if you haven't already. One of Wes Anderson's strongest works. One that captures a feeling of alienation, adolescence confusion, and the frustrations of infatuation with somebody you know you can never really obtain. It's still quite witty and humorous, as expected from Wes. Yet it also captures the same complicated emotions and class and age issues found within The Royal Tenenbaums, my favorite Wes Anderson movie. This and Tenenbaums are also quite fascinating in how they still look amazing, but don't quite capture the typical Anderson aesthetic people would later know him and meme him over. It's a lot more relaxed in the blocking and cinematography and production design, yet still centered and in control at the same time. I kind of wish Anderson returned to this kind of style again for his other movies, even if the static and precise blocking he is known for works quite well for the stories he tells. Unfairly forgotten by Disney/Touchstone in favor of promoting The Waterboy, this is utterly powerful storytelling. Adapting work from the late Toni Morrison, it's an immensely powerful look at motherhood, trauma, the impacts of slavery, and trying to move on from the terrors and dangers that shape and impact your life. It's a gut-puncher, but one that is carefully constructed and well-told, thanks to Jonathan Demme's powerful, brutal, yet still humanist direction and an amazing ensemble cast. This deserved better. Both when it came out and especially now within Jonathan Demme's canon. Much like director David Lynch's The Elephant Man, The Straight Story is a film about kindness first and foremost. Through Alvin Straight's journey, he finds interesting folk and brings striking conversation to them. Discussing life and family with youngsters still with decades ahead of them, delivering sound advice about what really matters in life. Meeting people in the middle of their lives, who find themselves endeared by this elderly man and his quest to make amends towards a family member who may not even be alive once he visits him. And of course, people like him at his age. Folks who have similar understandings and viewpoints and have gone through similar tragedies. This is a movie all about sharing wisdom. Whether it be improving other people's lives, offering help, giving advice, explaining the true values of the world, fixing your mistakes, and making sure others don't make the mistakes you make. This is not just thrown through stunning vistas and locales of the Midwest, but also the earnest and sweet-hearted Alvin Straight, who actor Richard Farnsworth gives so much heart and love into. It's an epic odyssey where both so much happens, yet nothing happens all at the same time. And well...that's life. Everything happens, and nothing happens. And that's beautiful. Detailing the life of a midnight shift paramedic, Scorsese gives viewers a glimpse into a scary world we take for granted. What are the lives like for people forced to take care of people in life or death situations at such terrible hours? What's it like dealing with the same drunken weirdos and mentally ill folk running around the street every night? This is all explored in a film that is chaotic and unhinged, yet also melancholy and harsh, all anchored by an expert Nicolas Cage performance. Add on some great cinematography and stunning editing, and it's a crime that such a great film is ignored in the greater Scorsese canon, as I'd argue it's on par, if not better than some of his most famous hits.
  6. Watch it be A24, because capitalism is terrible. Like how Blumbouse bought James Wan’s production company for no reason.
  7. Quorum Updates Madame Web T-37: 28.79% Ordinary Angels T-46: 20.56% The First Omen T-88: 23.18% Project Artemis T-186: 11.83% White Bird T-270: 10.94% The Beekeeper T-4: 43.17% Awareness Final Awareness: 86% chance of 10M, 51% chance of 20M, 30% chance of 30M, 19% chance of 40M Medium Awareness: 77% chance of 10M, 61% chance of 20M, 46% chance of 30M, 15% chance of 40M The Book of Clarence T-4: 26.72% Awareness Final Awareness: 16% chance of 10M Low Awareness: 14% chance of 10M Mean Girls T-4: 59.83% Awareness Final Awareness: 100% chance of 10M, 92% chance of 20M, 72% chance of 30M, 36% chance of 40M Low Awareness: 100% chance of 10M I.S.S. T-11: 24.46% Awareness Final Awareness: 16% chance of 10M Low Awareness: 14% chance of 10M Lisa Frankenstein T-32: 27.76% Awareness T-30 Awareness: 54% chance of 10M Low Awareness: 35% chance of 10M
  8. No clue who this guy is, but is he a plant to make us think Jimmy Kimmel isn't as bad as he is?
  9. Not very great with deciphering limited releases, but getting over 1M in 114 theaters seems really impressive. I'm assuming it expands to wide release next week, so hoping for good stuff.
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