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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. The main problem with Into the Woods was trying to adapt two vastly different acts and meshing them into one movie. The first act for the stage show is pretty light, in order to contrast with the dark tone of the second act. It works on stage, since there's an intermission, but not so much in a movie. This doesn't have that problem, so it'll probably do better with audiences.
  2. It's important to remember that Bumblebee has a lot going against it. Movies like Aquaman and Spider-Verse have a lot more buzz and things going for them, and this is going off several divisive features, The Last Knight in particular. And true, Aquaman is coming off of Justice League, but at least the film's advertising itself as its own thing separate and unique from the other DCEU movies. To the GA, this just looks like any other Transformers movie. Should still be very leggy tho, and I'd consider it passing TLK as a success.
  3. Spider-Verse's Wednesday on Fandango is 25% of Incredibles 2's Wednesday, which would roughly translate to about $45.8 million. I'll look at other movies and their comps later
  4. All the studios are piss scared of the Shyamagod and his inevitable $1B DOM grosser.
  5. https://deadline.com/2018/12/netflix-buys-horror-pic-eli-from-paramount-1202519124/ Just got bought by Netflix.
  6. National Registry updated their yearly list of archived films, for those who care: https://deadline.com/2018/12/national-film-registry-2018-jurassic-park-the-shining-brokeback-mountain-cinderella-full-list-1202518586/ Surprising that stuff like The Shining and Rebecca and My Fair Lady weren't in the Registry already.
  7. Every post I've seen from him is basically "This movie's gonna flop" with no other details or variation. The funniest thing ever was when he was all "I predicted Solo would flop. I killed Solo. I will kill Jurassic." Then after it did good, homeboy just disappeared until Fantastic Beasts dropped. What a goober.
  8. Guess I should also mention that I expected reviews to turn out like this? There were a few tweets post-premiere that were pretty iffy on the thing, and Rob Marshall has his detractors. Either way, its reception seems fine. It's largely considered to be pretty decent, and even the mixed or negative reviews bring up that it has a lot of good elements that people would want in a Mary Poppins sequel. It'll make good coin, Blunt will get great new acting opportunities, everyone's happy.
  9. RT's at 78% with only 9 reviews https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_mule_2018 MC's at 65 with 7 reviews https://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-mule-2018?ref=hp So if this is actually good, why would WB try to hide it from other critics and not have any previews? Makes no sense.
  10. Funny. Several reviews, both positive and negative, I've read for this have a bit of anti-Disney stigma to them. The AV Club review in particular seems like the dude has an issue with Disney rather than the film itself. We also just had not one but two major Disney tentpoles come out this year and earn negative reviews as well. Almost as if critics are their own independent hive mind and don't care about the evil Mouse overlords.
  11. Pretty much. Just about all of the Rotten reviews with a rating has it in the C range or the 2/4 range. Basically, some people don't hate it, but they're not really all that enchanted by it. Which is a good thing for me. Even the negative reviews are saying that this has all the things I wanted and done competently, so I'm probably gonna love the hell out of it.
  12. I know I've stated this before, but might as well state it again. With Aquaman and Mary Poppins finally having reviews out, all of the big four movies for this holiday season have positive critical reception. Aquaman, Poppins, Spider-Verse, Bumblebee. Spider-Verse is even garnering best of the year raves. Last year, Greatest Showman had mixed reviews, while Pitch Perfect 3 was dire, while 2016 had both Passengers and Why Him? earn negative reviews. Hopefully audiences will feel the same way with these four, and we see some real sexy legs in store.
  13. Feels like Tom Holland's in everything at this point lmao Thought JLD was taking a break from acting because of her battling breast cancer. Either way, good to see her in another Pixar joint.
  14. General consensus seems to be "Blunt is amazing, but it retreads a lot from the last movie." Will likely still have positive RT and MC scores, but the Best Picture talk is probably off the table. And of course, audiences will probably be way more into it.
  15. Variety (positive, with some reservations) https://variety.com/2018/film/reviews/mary-poppins-returns-review-emily-blunt-1203085530/ Hollywood Reporter (Positive) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/mary-poppins-returns-review-1167792 A.V. Club (C+) https://www.avclub.com/a-spoonful-of-nostalgia-helps-the-calculated-mary-poppi-1831031216 Vox (2.5/5) https://www.vox.com/2018/12/12/18136044/mary-poppins-returns-review-emily-blunt-lin-manuel-miranda Indiewire (C+) https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/mary-poppins-returns-review-emily-blunt-lin-manuel-miranda-1202027350/ USA Today (3/4) https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2018/12/12/mary-poppins-returns-review-emily-blunt-endlessly-charming-iconic-nanny/2278478002/
  16. btw I still think King has a good chance of winning, unless The Favourite becomes a real hit in the industry (it missing Ensemble doesn't help that argument). Adams is in a divisive feature and Stone and Weisz might split up in terms of votes. If Blunt gets in, I don't see her role garnering enough passion votes. If Robbie gets in, the film's such a no1curr that even I keep forgetting that it's coming out. The competition is still pretty weak.
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