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The Wild Eric

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The Wild Eric last won the day on September 22

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About The Wild Eric

  • Birthday 11/24/1997

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    Timothee pls marry me

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  1. This has the look and feel of a Nickelodeon TV movie. Only replace what would have been Spencer from iCarly with Jack Black.
  2. Also I'm not even into shipping, and I want to have a ROBOT and a FOX marry each other. They are the coolest parents ever holy moly.
  3. Said this in the weekend thread, but I cried 4 different times here. When Brightbill first left for the migration, when Brightbill told her mom how much he loved him, when Roz left the island, and the final ending when mother and son reunite. This was made for all the autistic runts like me who love their mother way too much, and it wrecked me hard. This is the kind of movie I wish came out when I was a kid. Though I will say, and this is very obviously a nitpick, it is funny how all the animals all decide to make a truce and be nice to each other...so what did the predators eat during all that time? What do they still get to eat? This is like Zootopia where they never answer something that stupid grown adults like me care about and it's hilarious.
  4. Raging Bull is great, but it’s also one that has a lot of Scorsese tropes that are done better in his other movies before and after that it doesn’t quite click or resonate with me. But I also saw that movie after a lot of other Scorsese films. I guess a lot of his filmography is dependent on what you saw first.
  5. Yeah. With you there. I think within what most people consider the top tier stuff, I'd only put Wolf of Wall Street and Taxi Driver in my top 5. Then you throw in Last Temptation, Mean Streets, and Bringing Out the Dead all in there, with After Hours not far behind (haven't seen all his movies yet though. Should probably see King of Comedy sometime this weekend, given...well, you know). Mean Streets in particular is really underappreciated. I get the complains. But if anything, it being so rough around the edges and not as handsome as something like Goodfellas or Departed is part of its charm and what makes me love it so much.
  6. He directed The Box with Cameron Diaz...and that's it. I guess that film was the last straw with him and Hollywood.
  7. I mean Godfather is a Swiss watch. Every dialogue beat, character moment, plot point, and acting performance is absolute perfection. It’s a sprawling epic and deeply intimate all at once. There’s a reason it’s still iconic over 50 years later and there are very few that match it. Will say I do like Goodfellas more than Godfather 2. Godfather 2 is a wee bit more saggy, though still excellent on all accounts.
  8. I mean we got both a future Southland Tales-style cult classic in the making, and we got high-quality memes from this affair. And you know what? That’s all we really need out of a movie.
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