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Eric S'ennui

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Everything posted by Eric S'ennui

  1. I guess maybe they just didn't have anything important to say about them this far out? I dunno
  2. I think those two aren't in the fiscal year. Disney's fiscal years end in August or September (I know it's weird)
  3. They're always available to the public. I'm not a shareholder, but I always try to listen to these webcasts live when I drive home from work. Sadly, I'll still be in the office at 1 PM https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/the-walt-disney-companys-2022-annual-meeting-of-shareholders/
  4. The Lost City Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-16 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 55 113 12340 0.92% Total Seats Sold Today: 10 Comp 0.426x of Scream T-16 (1.49M) 0.565x of Uncharted T-16 (2.09M)
  5. https://deadline.com/2022/03/the-batman-charts-third-best-first-monday-at-pandemic-domestic-box-office-1234973531/
  6. I guess Sony delayed tickets for Morbius, because it didn't come on either of Empire's rumored dates. And the only placeholder times are at Cinemark locations. I guess we'll get this up next week?
  7. To be fair, he thinks every movie will be a hit But I do agree with him there. Like I've said before, people turn into robots when they see the word "Marvel".
  8. Moderation Guys we're not doing this Endgame vs. Avatar stuff anymore. It's really, really, really not needed here. At all.
  9. @Plain Old Tele hope you're happy your show is now considered important enough to get a 3-hour long video essay. Truly the mark of quality television storytelling
  10. The Lost City Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-17 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 55 103 12340 0.83% Total Seats Sold Today: 3 Comp 0.414x of Scream T-17 (1.45M) 0.536x of Uncharted T-17 (1.98M)
  11. 750M is still more than thrice its production budget, a roaring success in my book. There's also all that ancillary as the icing on the cake.
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