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Posts posted by Cookson

  1. 4 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

    PRU was a movie made for China and it collapsed in there. I see a sequel to Tomb Raider as much more possible than a 3rd PR movie, but stranger things have happened I guess.

    I agree. The possibility is there that PRU barely hits the break even point like the first film. Does the new regime at LP decide "well, we did break even so let's fix what went wrong in China" or simply move on to other Pokemon and MonsterVerse films. Remember, this is a studio with not many ips/franchises... So they might go with a 3rd thinking of it with that perspective.

  2. 231m WW for PRU is actually better than what I was expecting it to be. Now just imagine if it was actually holding better in China and US. A 3rd film would actually be on the table. 


    Will it actually hit 300m? Needs 320-330 before home video and merchandise imo for a 3rd film to happen.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bishop54 said:

    Totally imploding in China, losing ground to BP by the day. Did anyone even expect a decrease for the sequel in China?

    Definitely not. Might not even hit 100m there. Crazy. Like I said elsewhere, even you could agree, LP should have gambled with the successful MonsterVerse (let's just say a Rodan film) rather than gamble on PR which didn't make a profit. 

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  4. The PR sequel stuff is sad to talk about because the 1st barely earned a sequel (I'd say it didn't earn one), now it's going to go the same with PR2. Because of the smaller budget it might BARELY get a serious sequel discussion.


    Legendary should get the rights to another popular giant monster in Japan, Gamera, and ride with that with Universal. Or stop all together and work on only MonsterVerse related giant monster films with Warner Bros.

  5. 8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    The first movie dropped 57.1% in its second weekend against The Conjuring. I imagine it'll only be worse for this one being a sequel and direct competition from Ready Player One.

    It'll be close, but it should still outgross BP. A 50% drop for BP puts it at 8m. I expect PRU to make between 11-15m(probably the bottom of that).

  6. 6 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

    Difficult if almost half comes from China which lacks any serious ancillary market. 

    I'm not trying to hold on to any hope for this film(I think LP should have gotten Deknight to do a MonsterVerse film instead.. like a Rodan film) but I believe since LP is owned by Wanda they see a bit more money than other US studios. I know there's conflicting reports about this, but it only makes sense they do.

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  7. On a 150m budget, it'll need like 320-350m WW to start seeing a profit. Its opening in China definitely hurts it, but its opening here in the states(28m) is better than what most of us thought it would open too. I would say at this point it needs 200m between just the US(75m) and China(125m). I would think everyone else should get it to over 300m WW. 


    Needs to have some legs. I think spring break time will help it here.. maybe get it to 80m? Hopefully its weekdays in China hold and carry for a ok second weekend there.

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