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Everything posted by filmlover

  1. Did Angelina Jolie break into your house and rob you or something?
  2. I was 12 when Jurassic Park came out. Saw it in a very packed theater opening weekend, instantly thought it was my favorite movie ever, and became obsessed. Ended up seeing it five times in theaters during its original run (which is the most number of times I have seen a movie in theaters).
  3. Did anyone else hear about this story from a few months ago about this crazy dude who was collecting every single copy in existance of the VHS for Speed (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/04/25/man-buys-all-vhs-speed/8144739/) ? LOL maybe I should try to find my original copy stored away somewhere and send it to him. Speed is still one of my favorite movies and is just as awesome now as it was when it came out 20 years ago. Only the first Die Hard is a better "straight-up" action movie IMO.
  4. Well, Neighbors sort of did (on its opening weekend at least). And to a lesser extent The Fault In Our Stars but I think everyone was expecting big things for that by the time opening weekend came.
  5. You can probably blame the generally not-very-exciting crop of movies this summer for that.
  6. Yeah, Fault's drop this weekend was pretty much expected. It should stabilize from here on out though, since there isn't really any competition for its target audience for a while (Think Like a Man will appeal to a niche audience and Tammy is rated R so I doubt they will hurt it).
  7. I just noticed that The Signal completely bombed. A $1,200 PTA at 120 theaters, youch. But probably expected between the mediocre reviews and nonexistant marketing.
  8. BTW I just realized that if Transformers doesn't open to $100M, Mockingjay might very well be the only movie this year to do so. That would be...kind of nutty.
  9. Hard to believe we are approaching the halfway mark of this decade already. Time flies. Anyway... 1. The Social Network 2. Gravity 3. Inception 4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 5. 12 Years a Slave 6. Toy Story 3 7. Hugo 8. Black Swan 9. Zero Dark Thirty 10. The Descendants
  10. Anyway... Very excellent opening for 22 Jump Street. Just goes to show how well-received the first was. How to Train Your Dragon 2 opened fine, if a bit below expectations. I don't agree at all with those calling its opening "pathetic" or "terrible" or whatever. Legs should be just fine considering the minimal amount of competition for the rest of the summer. Very good hold for Maleficent, should have pretty clear sailing past $200M mark now. Edge of Tomorroow held very well (no doubt thanks to Father's Day somewhat) and hopefully it'll continue to do so. The Fault In Our Stars crumbled but...no shit Sherlock. I think it'll hold just fine from here on out though. X-Men crosses $200M, Spider-Man should cross it within the next few weeks, and even Godzilla might be able to hit it eventually if they push it hard enough.
  11. I don't think John Lloyd Young's attempts at branching out beyond Jersey Boys have been too successful, hence why he keeps going back to it. Then again, when you've made your career for sounding like Frankie Valli, of all people, you've pretty much painted yourself into a corner.
  12. I'm so happy that next weekend is the first weekend this summer that doesn't have big competition coming out. The holdovers really need a break.
  13. I'm actually rather happy Maleficent appears to be doing so well, in part because it seems like starpower has become less of a draw in recent years and this is probably the only (aside from I guess Edge of Tomorrow) big-budget tentpole this summer that has been sold first and foremost as a star vehicle.
  14. Assuming Tatum receives that Oscar nomination for Foxcatcher, I really hope they sell both him and Hill as "Academy Award Nominees" in the marketing for 23 Jump Street. LOLOLOL.
  15. LOL Dragon may have underperformed on opening weekend but I refuse to consider a $50M opening "a bomb." Some of you are acting as if it pulled a Happy Feet Two or something.
  16. I was referring to the second half of the summer (July and August) only.
  17. This has been such a weird summer but we probably all saw it coming. On one hand, there is no movie that really stands out as an "OMG I just HAVE to see that" event, but on the other is the strange scheduling. 8 $45M+ openers over 7 consecutive weeks (as well as titles that have- or had- potential like Edge of Tomorrow)? Yeesh. And it's even more odd when you consider that there are only two movies (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Guardians of the Galaxy) guaranteed $30M+ openings over the entire second half of the season. The lower than expected box office returns this summer are really the studios paying the price for such dumb scheduling, IMO.
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