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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Should we have a separate thread for everything that’s not FFH, and save this just for FFH? What would be messier IYO, the same thread for 6 days of dailies of everything, or having daily/weekend threads AND an FFH opening week thread?
  2. If you see my edit, I clarified. What I think I heard before, and what this article also seems to indicate, is that any songs carried over from the original will be performed over scenes in the fashion of Randy Newman in Toy Story or Phil Collins in Tarzan.
  3. I thought at least some of the Mulan songs were back in. Reading the article, it sounds like that’s still correct, but the implication is that they will be performed over scenes by someone else (like in Toy Story, or Tarzan).
  4. Star Wars only reached $221.3m in its original run (May 1977-July 1978). The rest is from re-releases in 1978, 1980 and 1981 that BOM doesn’t split out. (Though the 1978 re-release was technically a re-expansion where all existing engagements closed on Thursday and all new ones started on Friday - save for one theater in Portland, OR whose booking contract for the film contained a clause allowing them to play it as long as it met a certain BO performance threshold, obligating Fox to let them keep it even after the 1978 run officially ended! I believe the two runs combined to $265.1 million.) Also, Jaws did not make a round $260 million in its original run. That includes re-releases whose individual totals are not documented. According to an article on CinemaTreasures.com in honor of Jaws’ 35th anniversary, it grossed about $192 million in its original run. I haven’t figured out what reissues specifically account for the additional $68 million, but that’s the only number I can find. And Empire also had a 1981 re-release that BOM doesn’t split out. The weekend grosses on The-Numbers.com stop in August 1980 at $145M, and resume in July 1981 with $7M to a total of $188.35M, so my guess is that the first run was $181,353,855 (subtracting the weekend of 7/31/81 from the cumulative total shown for that wknd). But this number isn’t circulated, it’s my own guess deducing from the available info. The lower first-run totals for Star Wars and Jaws would increase their wide OW % of total (3.1% with just the ‘77 run/2.6% with the ‘78 run added, and 3.2%, respectively) but would not change their rankings. The lower total for Empire, however, would push its % up to about 6.0%, dropping it down to just between Ghostbusters and Home Alone. (But it would still be the leggiest sequel ever.)
  5. Ursula’s “Vanessa” form never looked anything like Ursula anyway, so it will almost certainly be a different actress. (Too bad they probably won’t be able to get away with having her have literally the same voice as Ariel like they could in animation.) Actually, Ursula as Vanessa would be a perfect part for Gaga. Then everyone would be happy.
  6. I agree. I used to like Ghostbusters 2 more than I do now, nowadays I’m definitely more “meh” about it. Ghostbusters has become like Jaws, Poltergeist or Men in Black where I only ever watch the first movie.
  7. Exactly my point. “In the open” still doesn’t mean they tell everyone about it. You still need to be in the right place at the right time and do some detective work. These big productions always use fake names on the public filming notices. They don’t want people swarming around the shoot, they want to actually get the filming done without interruptions.
  8. I was working in San Francisco during the filming of both Ant-Man movies and I heard nothing about when/where they were filming.
  9. I’m thinking of films like the original Nosferatu: In the silent era, everything was shot black and white but sometimes they were intended to be color tinted (for various moods, to simulate night because night shooting was virtually impossible at the time, and so on). You can see copies of Nosferatu or The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or other such films in pure B&W, often the poorer-quality unrestored public domain versions, but major restorations these days usually include the tints. (Also, some movies included hand-coloring of things like fire or explosions, and these are often also included/recreated in restorations - but again, it is possible to find copies of these films without them.)
  10. ...it’s a comic book movie which rumor has it will co-star a talking shark man. It’s gonna have copious VFX.
  11. I don’t even enjoy CGI animation in 3D, TBH. Even with Pixar movies, I would still constantly be closing one eye because my brain processes 3D like those tilt-focus photos - everything that’s in focus or supposed to be “closest” to the viewer looks like it’s a miniature placed right in front of my face. For example, there’s a shot in Brave where Merida is standing on a tall rock or cliff or something, the “camera” is meant to be a “helicopter” shot where she’s far away but in clear focus, but my brain processed it as if it were an action figure on a model landscape three feet away. Stuff like that is why I swore off watching 3D years ago. My eyes and brain can gauge the intended “depth” from a 2D image, but I look at 3D and everything goes out of whack. Maybe it’s because my vision and depth perception are actually too good for the illusion to work? (I’ve scored 20/10 on at least one eye exam, and on road trips I’m usually the one who keeps a lookout for signs because I can read them before anyone else.)
  12. All great choices. I love Sunset Blvd. Also will throw these out: Citizen Kane This gets too much contrarian hate nowadays - though it might just be a Reddit thing - but I still consider it one of the greatest movies of all time, and one of the best feature film directorial debuts ever. The cinematography, the editing, the near-invisible visual effects and Orson Welles’ lead performance are all amazing. King Kong Obviously for the absolutely groundbreaking effects, not the acting or the writing. But this movie still looks amazing to me, and it’s also incredibly tight in terms of pacing - something I’m reminded of every time a new Kong movie is made. Duck Soup Possibly the funniest of all the Marx Brothers movies. It’s the only one to go full-on comedy and eschew the romantic leads for once. So many hilarious scenes in this: Chico and Harpo harassing Edgar Kennedy, Groucho and Harpo’s legendary mirror scene, and nearly every quip Groucho makes. Also, I wonder if Stanley Kubrick was at least partially inspired by the political satire elements when he was coming up with Dr. Strangelove. Especially because it was originally filmed to similarly descend into absurdity with the infamous deleted pie fight ending. Young Frankenstein IMO, tied with Blazing Saddles as Mel Brooks’ best. It’s such a pitch-perfect spoof of the 30s/40s Universal horror classics. Like Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker with Airplane!, Brooks made sure that all the zany humor was couched within a faithful reproduction of the kind of film that was being lampooned, consulting older cinematographers and technicians about how to film and light for B&W and make it look like those old movies, making sure the sets felt the same, getting original props, and so on. The only aspects of the film treated as a joke were the actual jokes. And what jokes they were. I may have been first introduced to Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, but I think he’s even funnier in this, both when he’s deadpanning and when he’s dialing the intensity up to 12. Marty Feldman is a riot, Teri Garr is both hilarious and smoking hot - what knockers indeed - and Madeline Kahn is at her Madeline Kahn-est, Peter Boyle kills it as the monster, Kenneth Mars is great as the constable, and Gene Hackman absolutely disappears into his role as the blind man. My father saw this when it came out, and made sure I saw it at probably too young an age, and we both quote all the great lines to this day. Are films that were shot in black and white but meant to be seen with color tinting disqualified? Because that would exclude some silent movies I might otherwise nominate.
  13. Some I can remember: Cinderella’s principal photography began in September 2013, almost 18 months before release, and wrapped in May 2014 (right around the time the first, completely footage-less teaser dropped in front of Maleficent). Thor: Ragnarok’s principal photography was far enough in advance that they could use a scene as Doctor Strange’s post-credit. Batman v Superman had footage ready to show at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con, a little under 1 year and 8 months before it hit theaters. Lord of the Rings’ principal photography started over two years before Fellowship was released, and completed a year before release. And of course, Avengers: Endgame wrapped principal in January 2018, before Captain Marvel even started filming.
  14. Yeah, that’s what it felt like to me, too. To expand upon my previous comments: Pixar was able to make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear of a fourth Toy Story movie following the natural conclusion of the third, but matter how good the result, it still feels at least somewhat like one of those reunion movies they make some years after a TV series has concluded. I’m just glad it wasn’t the train wreck it could have been.
  15. I thought the “talking to the audience” bit was funny. Yes, it’s also cringe-worthy meta, but Michael Peña’s reaction to it makes it work. He’s gonna be the MVP of this movie, I can tell.
  16. Holy shit, if they could do that, why do we have an uncanny valley Boots that wandered in from Lost in Space 1998?
  17. Didn’t make me cry as much as TS3. But my eyes did water. Pixar has this shit down to a science now. They snagged me 24 years ago and they have not lost me yet, which is why I’ve stood by them even when they’ve not been at their best. That said, we still dodged a bullet with this one. We got really lucky, but please don’t spin the chamber again, Pixar. I am so glad my prediction of another wave of originals is coming true, because new and fresh ideas with every movie is what made me fall in love with them in the first place. I don’t hate sequels, but I want that thrill of “What are they going to do next?” again. Also, I got a real kick out of
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