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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. At least it's already ahead of Turbo and Peabody and about to pass Guardians. Small comfort, I know, but at least this isn't going to LOSE money for DW like those three did...
  2. Will Brazil being in the semifinals / potentially advancing to the finals hurt it as bad as the bloodbath last weekend?I'd assume it needs good legs up to the 17th, before TF4?
  3. Yes, but I was worried that holdovers might not recover after elimination - that by the time they were out of the Cup, Mexicans would have found something else to move on to.But will it maintain good legs even after TF4 drops next weekend?
  4. Wasn't exactly my question. My question was, do you have any idea (from past experience) if Fox is already including them in the reported OS cume total yet, or will the 2 weeks of previews be added into the OS cume after the real OW? BOM has a UK weekend number for last weekend - though I'm not sure if it includes the England/Wales previews, or just the Scotland/Ireland/Northern Ireland early-release numbers. (And since those aren't previews, would THOSE already be in the OS cume?)And once again, BOM's reported OS cume is lower (though this time "only" by $600K). Where do they get those lower numbers?
  5. How the hell did this happen? I thought the BO was dead and a ton of showings were cancelled. And Brazil was just in the quarterfinal and WON, yet it's down only 20% from last weekend's 60% drop?Not as miraculous as Australia, where it was UP 15%, even with TF4 entering the market, but still...wow.
  6. Good to see it's gaining some traction in the OS markets. Better legs in some holdover markets too: Down 25% in Mexico (vs. 45% last wknd), down only 20% in Brazil (even with Brazil advancing, and the concurrent BO carnage and screening cancellations - covered in the Brazil thread) and UP 15% in Australia, against TF4's opening no less. There may yet be hope.I wonder, are the UK previews being counted in the OS total, or do they not get rolled in until the real OW?
  7. I find Temple of Doom to be more fun than Last Crusade.I think Back to the Future Part III is a better film than Back to the Future Part II. (Even though I think II is also very good, all it truly accomplishes in the way of story and character development is to set up Marty's arc for III.)I actually, genuinely enjoy Drop Dead Fred.Another one, not sure how unpopular this is: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead isn't that bad of a movie. It's slight and stupid, but when I recently caught it on HBO I was surprised that the film I only knew for the past 23 years as a punchline wasn't actually a cinematic travesty.
  8. As I said, Godzilla was good. Just good. The monster stuff was great, but not enough of it. The other monsters were generic. And as I said before, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is not a charismatic leading man. He's just another Bland, Mildly Handsome, Decently Built White Guy like Garrett Hedlund or Charlie Hunnam, who is the least interesting part of the movie of which he's ostensibly the male lead.
  9. Another thought - would the TF franchise have been better if it had been J.J. Abrams directing? Even with Shia and Megan in the leads, and Kurtzman and Orci writing?
  10. If we had Transformers with real characters, plus human support from, say, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jennifer Lawrence and Idris Elba, these movies might not have fucking sucked.
  11. There needs to be a GOOD human story. Godzilla had a lame human story. If Bryan Cranston and Ken Watanabe had been the stars instead of Aaron Taylor-Hunnam-Hedlund, that would have improved the movie even if we hadn't seen more of the Big G.But I do agree, the Transformers need to be real characters. The 1986 movie had better-characterized Transformers than the Bay films.
  12. Has Megan Fox ever had a good performance? Or is she like if Natalie Portman were as bad in everything as she was in the Star Wars prequels?And Megan Fox is apparently transforming into Catherine Zeta-Jones.
  13. Six Days, Seven Nights wasn't that bad of a movie, from what I recall.Ridley!Hood put me to sleep when I tried to watch it in a hotel. I would never watch Your Highness because it would probably kill more of my brain cells than actual weed.
  14. Adjusted for inflation, this is the worst July 4 weekend since 19-fuckin-90.And on the subject of F&F, a Justin Lin-helmed TF5 would be no more braindead than anything Bay has done. Maybe bring The Rock in, too.
  15. BOM's info on Puss is wrong. The $500k was its previews the weekend before its actual opening (which was December 9-11). Its actual OW, not listed on BOM at all, was $5.56m (The Numbers says that included previews).
  16. HTTYD2 may have been a shocker in its underperformance, but in terms of potential vs. real, AMWTDITW has probably the biggest differential. After Ted, who would have thought that Seth's follow-up would fail to cross $45m? What's the last time that a filmmaker's follow-up to a success (especially an original breakout) tanked THIS hard?
  17. Yup, HTTYD2, E2E and Mal are right together on the chart.Family film (PG or lower) business combined to est. total of $23m. This weekend last year, it was $103m. Daaaaaaaamn.
  18. I drove by a billboard of the Caesar on horseback/Bay Bridge cut in two poster. I still think that is the most awesome poster in years (No Photoshop floating heads! No actor glamour shots!) and wish Fox had used it earlier and often...er instead of just putting Caesar's mug everywhere with no hint of what the dawn of the apes entails.
  19. Though I'm an American who has never been to Japan, it seems that the Japanese are willing to spend more on "stuff." This is why laserdisc took off much more in Japan than the U.S., for example. The Lost Decade and the Graying don't seem to have hurt this (much).
  20. With domestic legs, it may need closer to 450m OS to get to 600, not 425, so I hope you're right...
  21. What gets me is that there don't seem to be enough clear SOLUTIONS for these problems. What would the perfect hypothetical of a cast with a full range of strong, well-rounded, non-stereotypical, non-token female/minority/etc. characters look like? I'm seriously curious - it's clear what critics DON'T want, less so what they DO want.I'd love to see someone write a hypothetical movie script, or find an unproduced real script or existing non-mainstream-Hollywood film, which would illustrate what those people who criticize actually WANT. What would be their endgame?
  22. And where is that money going to come from? Do you expect it to break out in Western Europe, South Korea and/or China?
  23. The first DM2 "teaser" (the Banana song) was released on The Lorax, sixteen months before the film's actual release date. I wonder why they haven't started that early this time - because the Minions are more fresh in the memory one year after DM2 than 20 months after DM1? Because the pre-credits scene in DM2 already served the same purpose?
  24. I thought it also had to do with issues between where Del Toro wants to take the movies, and where Mike Mignola wants to take the comics?
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