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Everything posted by TServo2049

  1. Oh no, just thought: with Germany's player illness problem making France more likely to beat them, will France advancing kill Dragon's legs, like what happened in Brazil as they started advancing?
  2. Heck yeah. But you know which one I really miss? This bad boy right here:http://youtu.be/J9d32O7J3NcTHAT got the adrenaline going for stuff like Independence Day or Men in Black...
  3. then they wouldn't show up to see the movie. Nope, apparently it's Zemeckis' call. He said in an interview:“We know from studying the marketing of movies, people really want to know exactly every thing that they are going to see before they go see the movie. It’s just one of those things. To me, being a movie lover and film student and a film scholar and a director, I don’t. What I relate it to is McDonald’s. The reason McDonald’s is a tremendous success is that you don’t have any surprises. You know exactly what it is going to taste like. Everybody knows the menu.”Bob's a great filmmaker (when he's not playing around with his digital Children of the Damned) but I think he's mistaken on this. Sometimes you want a twist, you want something people will talk about. The Sixth Sense, Fight Club, The Crying Game (bring that movie up to anybody, they won't remember what it was about, but they will remember THAT TWIST - which wasn't even at the end of the film!!!)And even when you don't have a twist, why NOT tease instead of showing everything? Though on the same token, don't be like Abrams and TELL everyone there's a secret but play keep-away with it, especially if the reveal is anticlimactic. Months before STID released, many people had already figured out that
  4. Good points. As I said, it's nowhere near as bad as Zemeckis. Seriously, why the fuck would you That is literally THE worst spoiler I have EVER seen in a trailer - I thankfully had only seen the teaser, so I didn't find out about the trailer until AFTER I saw the movie.
  5. I can't figure out whether or not Japanese have a problem with spoilers. The Japanese trailer for Return of the King added spoilery footage into the regular trailer, including And Godzilla vs. Destoroyah's TAGLINE was Toho made that the singular selling point of the movie. That's some Search for Spock-level spoilage there. (If you've seen the trailers / heard Leonard Nimoy's unkind comments on the marketing, you know exactly what I mean.)
  6. I have two words for you: Robert. Zemeckis. If you haven't seen them, do NOT watch the trailers for Back to the Future Part III (there was even footage from the ending in the teaser that was attached to the end of Part II!), or What Lies Beneath, or the absolute worst offender, Cast Away.Cast Away is another one of those movies (like A.I. and Gravity) where I only saw the teaser before seeing the movie. And thank fuck for that.Looking back, I'm surprised that the trailer for Roger Rabbit didn't spoil that Dean DeBlois may be a bit loose-lipped on the Dragon sequels, but oh my god, he has absolutely NOTHING on Zemeckis.
  7. Wha? In the HTTYD2 thread, Mithent said Dragon moved from 4 July to 11 July to get away from TF4. But TF4 actually opens on 10 July? What is going on with UK release scheduling?
  8. Yes, that is interesting. People claim that Fox screwed up with HTTYD2, spoiling that but everything I've read seems to point to the director not ever intending that plot point to be a secret in the first place.
  9. Seconded. I often forget that remake EXISTS, and I don't know anyone who has actually seen it. It was just a movie that existed for literally one day, then everyone forgot about it. Kind of like how no one remembers Y2K (and BTW, a big-budget Roland Emmerich-type Y2K disaster movie is IMO one of the great "why the fuck didn't they do that" missed opportunities. Seeing how a piece of shit like 2012 did gangbusters, such a film would have cleaned up in '99.)
  10. If possible, I will go into a movie as blind as possible. If I do see the trailer, it can be a month or two before I actually see the movie. I try not to actively seek out anything.This made Gravity a literal edge-of-my-seat experience, because I had no idea
  11. Great studio number-fudging, the reported daily gross ended in 666. (Remember when MGM would report Bond weekend actuals ending in 007?)
  12. Dr. Doppler looks like he jumped ship from Rock and Rule. (Look it up.)
  13. Maybe THAT explains why Relativity put their name above the title like a Disney movie? It's weird seeing anyone besides Disney/DreamWorks doing it...
  14. Wow, you had the same situation I did - Home got more laughs than Penguins. This is why I'm cautiously optimistic about Home.And did they run the Begin Again trailer TWICE?
  15. C'est magnifique!Let's just hope this doesn't do a Brazil if France does well in the rest of the Cup
  16. Hey, maybe more people will actually go to the movies this week...
  17. But what can we do about it? Nothing, unless we establish some kind of cinephileocratic totalitarian state where everyone who saw TF4 is put into reeducation camps, and everyone has to pass an IQ test before being allowed admission into the theater.
  18. NewtKerry Conran getting to make another movie after Sky CaptainThe Jan De Bont/Ted Elliott/Terry Rossio/Stan Winston Godzilla (which was actually going to be a bit similar to the 2014 one, all things considered!)A tighter, more engaging John Carter (of Mars), plus Gods of Mars / Warlord of MarsThe Peter Jackson-produced/Christian Rivers-directed remake of The Dam BustersThe single-film Hobbit adaptation that was going to either be directed by PJ or (the rumor I heard) Fran WalshJohn Milius' King Conan
  19. That begs the question then, WHY was this sold as a gritty, straight action movie in the States? I don't think I've ever seen a studio completely throw out the marketing campaign they had been using for the past 6 months, after the first WEEK. From what I've heard, the "live on the EDGE" campaign represented the movie much better - maybe if they had gone with that from the get-go, instead of bringing it out as damage control when it was already too late?
  20. Actually, that's even better than Deadline's BR number. Still a damn steep drop, but at least it slows the bleeding...
  21. Yeah, I'm noticing that sometimes the weekend OS numbers reported by BO, BOM and Deadline are all different. I think BOM has HTTYD2's OS cumulative at $106.1m, BO.com had it at $107.9, Deadline has it (revised up) to $109.3. WTF?
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