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Everything posted by James

  1. It reminds me so much of The Book of Life. But then again, I absolutely loved that movie, so if Coco is 1/10 as good I will be happy.
  2. I was talking about the original GOTG.
  3. I am just betting on it to be a 4 quad movie. Seeing how it had way better increases than GOTG over the OW, why would it follow the increases of that movie in the second WE?
  4. Considering WW basically played like a family movie on OW, with a huge Saturday and a small drop on Sunday, I don't see why the increases over the weekend would be so small. I am thinking something like: 16.2 22.8 16 55M weekend, 47% drop, 203-204M Total
  5. 70m or 100m is still huge for RPO, esp considering it's OS prospects. Either way, I think 500m+ WW is happening for it and that is all it needs to do to be a big success for WB.
  6. This. I think the OS run should be quite solid. Early signs are good. I seriously doubt TM does under 250m OS.
  7. Side note, but with all the SS being a horrible hated movie talk, it is doing quite great on home video. According to the-numbers.com in the US: - Suicide Squad - 80.6m (DVD+Bluray sales) - Civil War - 74.5m - Bvs - 74.6m - Deadpool - 92.9m - Apocalypse - 30.4m
  8. They generally do, but WW has a bunch of territories still left to open. I am thinking MOS WW total is a good target.
  9. Evans is one of the most overrated actors around, but Hems is not much better either. Leave it to RDJ to have acting chops and charisma for the whole crew.
  10. The giant wheel and the three way fight overall is one of my favorite moments in movie history! As for Pirates 3, I really love the oriental feel it has.
  11. I kinda get how you feel. It is the same with me and Disney. The only movies from them I really loved this DECADE are the two POTC movies, BatB and Price of Persia.
  12. Thank you! Serious question: is there anything BO-related you don't know?
  13. The OD for WW. And it was 38.85, sorry. But Deadline just revised to 38.7 after the WB estimates came in at 38.85. How is that happening?
  14. Yeah, that guarantees an opening around 60m. Which for an unknown SH is very good.
  15. Did I miss something? Why are people predicting 100m for Black Panther. Isn't the character an F-class superhero?
  16. Random, but I see @God Emperor Tele doesn't even try to hide his authoritarian ways anymore.
  17. Good number. Now people championing that awful 80m OW can finally shut up!
  18. I am now sorry I lost the time to catch up with this thread, even if I knew what was coming. And honestly, I don't know what is worse: the DC haters or some of the DC fans around here. Gosh! Either way, this will go over 40. Deadline is Deadline.
  19. Given the reception it gets, I am thinking: Thu 11 Fri 35.5 Sat 43 Sun 34.5 124m OW I think it will play more like a family movie than a CBM. And fact is, a lot of little girls will want to see this. And I doubt a lot of parents will take them to midnight screenings. Saturday should be huge.
  20. The 75-80m predictions... Also, WOM is excellent is Twitter is any indication. It has a 28:1 pos to neg ratio compared to 2:1 that BvS and SS got on OD.
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