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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I didn't see any elements of Austin Powers in the movie.. but obviously Austin Powers is way better.
  2. Setpieces are technically impressive but rarely engaging, with the exception of the train sequence. I think the movie's failures are mostly down to two things: 1) Not clarifying or contextualising the supporting characters. We don't get to know Swan, C, M, or the villain (can't say his name without spoilers, and can't remember the name they used in marketing) and so nothing that involves them is made interesting or personal. As I said with the setpieces, a lot of the movie is impressive only on a technical level, but isn't actually enjoyable. I lost interest in any of their motivations and had no desire to understand them either. Equally, much of the acting felt phoned in (Seydoux and Waltz), and regardless, the only character I liked watching on screen was that of Dave Bautista - ironic given that the character has no dialogue. 2) Its need to tie a thread through the previous films. It brings up some forgettable characters from previous Craig films and tries to make the story about them, but when I'm struggling to remember who some of these characters even are, there's little chance of me caring about this overarching narrative. This also ties into the poor quality of the movie's villain. We don't even meet the villain until the end of the movie, at which point the film attempts to do plot twists and finales that simply don't work due to the absurd pacing.
  3. Well, the fact that I didn't like it doesn't say much, as I don't like any Bond movies. I didn't see it with an audience so can't say what other people's direct reactions were - however, hard fans of the series seem to enjoy the fact that Spectre has like a billion homages/references to older movies. I know quite a few people who love Bond and they all think it's the first Craig movie that feels like an old school Bond. Take that how you will for other audiences..
  4. Uh, yeah they will. 75% of the money is made OS. It's a success regardless of how it does domestic
  5. Bad idea to use the UK opening at all. You should try to forget about it as much as possible when considering the US performance.
  6. I don't think it is horror in the slightest. We all know GDT is a terrific filmmaker but unfortunately he has a very poor track record in terms of box office. His films are strange and messed up and very niche. As for Hobbit, Del Toro left of his own volition, nothing to do with Jackson.
  7. well you know i'm sure I agree with you on thousands of movies, but you don't know it cause when you see a post of mine that isn't complete wacko, it doesn't register with you. Anyway, what's wrong with being contrarian? :D
  8. Sorry didn't know that was a spoiler. Everyone knows who the villain is since they've all seen the trailer
  9. Not as boring as Skyfall but not much fun either. Very little value to any of it but it was tolerable. Very poor choice to
  10. you live in New York so how would you know the marketing it's getting here in the UK? The reason I asked about the marketing is not why is it getting any marketing, but why has it getting such a colossal level of marketing? Seems doomed to me.
  11. Here it is getting the level of marketing that is 99% only given to films with budgets upwards of 50M. Propah big marketing.
  12. Why is this getting so much marketing?? Wtf no one is going to come see it.
  13. We have Aston Martins and a Lotus Esprit on display at our cinema for tonight
  14. I actually can't get my head around that. Spectre's Monday 4x more sellouts than Jurassic's Friday...
  15. Sellouts are indeed crazy. 38% of all shows tonight are sellouts. Data taken from 811 shows in 101 venues.
  16. Sellout tracking is finished as shows begin at 19:30. Sellout rate opening night is 38.3%. Just a little bigger than Jurassic World's 9.3%...
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