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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. The relationship had better not be between Woody and Buzz. The whole point of Toy Story is that it's about friendship... not love and romance.
  2. We watched The Pianist when I was like 13 in school. I remember absolutely nothing about it, other than the scene where a disabled man is thrown out of a window... it remains the most haunting moment in a film I've ever experienced. Gave me nightmares like nothing else.
  3. That's fair enough I'm doing the same, not writing it on here as I'm waiting to do that list too.
  4. Deadline: Saturday 28th March Bit of a change from all the personal countdowns going on atm. This is a pretty straightforward collective list. Ranking the 100 best films of the past 15 years to establish how the forum judges the thousands of films that have been released since 2000. So write lists, however long you want (you don't need to rank 100 films!), and either post them in the thread or message me. RULES: - Film has to have been released to the public after Jan 1st 2000. It can have an early premiere from 1999 if it was released in theaters in 2000. - Can be any film from any country in any language. Doesn't have to be released in theaters, it can be a TV movie or a direct to video release. - List can be just 1 film, or 100 films, or anywhere in between. (Please no lists longer than 100) - Rank them however you like, I'm not judging. Scoring will be linear with a 50 point bonus to #1. Feel free to message any quotes you want me to mention on the countdown for a particular film. I'll end this in a few weeks, no hard deadline right now March 28th. Then I'll take a week to organise it and I'll do a countdown of the definitive list of 100 best films in the past 15 years. NB: Please rank Lord of the Rings films individually. Example: #1 Pearl Harbor #2 Battlefield Earth #3 Movie 43 #4 Birdemic #5 Catwoman #6 John Carter #7 The Expendables 3 #8 Eragon #9 Scary Movie 5 #10 Norbit (Remember list can be short or long, doesn't matter)
  5. I connect with the message Frozen conveys, obviously, but I didn't connect with the actual film. And I also thought the movie was quite bland, characters were completely unengaging and annoying, it just felt like a generic Disney flick.
  6. I don't think I would call Silver Linings Playbook one of the best films ever, but it's fab. It deals with mental health so sensitively while managing to be funny and entertaining.
  7. I doubt it, there are a lot of major franchise films.
  8. Which bourne film is it where pam looks tired? I've watched the films twice each, I think, and struggle to remember a damn thing about them. They're utterly forgettable for me.
  9. Naaaah, I think it's important to watch a range of movies, including ones from people you don't like. Or at least, I personally like to! Which kinda goes back to Ethan's claim that I have a vendetta against Michael Bay. I try to go into his movies with an open mind - every time I see a new one, I'm aware that I probably won't like it, but I hope for it to change my mind about him. Every year the same thing happens, but hey. Maybe I'll like one of his films one of these days. That might just be me though, others are free to just watch movies for their own enjoyment. Admittedly I'm interested in entering the film industry. Before I got kicked out of college, I was doing a qualification in which I was analysing box office data; I took a short day course in journalism at the Guardian last summer, and I will soon be getting a half hour slot on my local radio station to host a film discussion show.
  10. Well it doesn't help that Michael Bay has plenty of offensive material in his other films, so in that sense, yeah I agree. But at the end of the day, I would certainly be saying the same thing. I watched Kingsman today and thought it was far too offensive, and that wasn't directed by Michael Bay. I know, I'm just trying to say that I am not the only person who dislikes Bay.
  11. Let's just agree to disagree. You asked me why I hate it, I gave you my answer.
  12. It has nothing to do with the characters being immoral, it is the immoral ways in which the film is written, directed and (most importantly) shot. It doesn't matter how nasty the characters are, that's no excuse to have an upskirt shot of a dead woman with implants being comically dismembered. I haven't seen Godfather or Goodfellas but I don't see why I would dislike them. The reasons why I think Wolf of Wall Street is bad is not because the characters are immoral. Hell, Downfall is one of my favourite films of the past 10 years and that had me sympathising with Adolf Hitler. I can deal with immoral characters; immoral filmmaking is quite another matter. Btw I don't "hate" WOWS. I think it's a bad film but I don't hate it. Have you watched Team America? There's a whole song about how shit Michael Bay is. His movies have almost all gotten bad reviews and he has a reputation of one of the worst directors in Hollywood, by critics and moviegoers alike.
  13. I'm not the only person on the planet who despises Michael Bay, you know. I guess he's slaughtered a lot of families.
  14. What it really comes down to is how you personally judge a film. You probably don't take issue with all the same things in a movie as I do. Pain & Gain is outrageously, disgustingly offensive; it's a morally corrupt piece of trash. It's so offensive that it is the only movie I've ever seen that I feel deserves negative scoring. Michael Bay is such a horrifying filmmaker. I don't find it to be the worst film ever because of the acting, or the lack of character development or whatever (though all the film's elements are rubbish). I find it to be the worst because of how all its features culminate in the creating the most grossly despicable, evil, horrible film I've watched. Maybe that doesn't matter as much to you, but it does to me. The lack of respect Michael Bay had for the real victims of the story, as well as any human being with a heart, is awful.
  15. The Lion King 2 is better than The Lion King. *flees*
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing if Inferno can manage to be even worse than Angels and Demons. Ron Howard is such a strange filmmaker.
  17. Easy choice, Warcraft. I'm about as excited for Warcraft as I am for Episode VII (which is to say, A LOT), if anything a bit more. I have played unhealthy amounts of WoW, and Duncan Jones is one of my favourite directors. I can't wait to see the game world translated to the screen! Other than that.. I'm looking forward to the next Sacha Baron Cohen film, Grimsby, as well as live-action Jungle Book, Star Wars spinoff, Now You See Me 2, and Harry Potter spinoff.
  18. Kristen Stewart is an underrated actor.
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