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Everything posted by Infernus

  1. Can't believe I am second though,... once again!! This is getting weird... For a moment there, after scoring just the questions that is, I thought maybe, just maybe, I might actually finally come first or atleast tie for the position until the placements failed me.... Ah well, can't get too mad about coming second
  2. It was not at all useless buddy. I compared our lists and found three discrepancies - Misafeco, DAJK and Grey Ghost. On double checking I found you were right on misafeco while I was right on DAJK and Grey Ghost and edited my post as per that. So both our scorings helped bring about the correct scorings
  3. Just read this But thanks for the offer Edit: Just saw you did it too
  4. Also Darkelf won scores in the most questions - 10, followed by me - 9, followed by grey ghost, filmovie and misafeco - 8. Can't think of any other stat at the moment
  5. Scores for the Questions - 1. Infernus 27 2. darkelf 27 3. misafeco 23 4. glassfairy 22 5. kayumanggi 21 6. filmovie 20 7. Blankments 19 8. Wrath 19 9. Telemachos 19 10. grey ghost 19 11. MikeKay42 18 12. MovieMan89 16 13. DamienRoc 16 14. Jajang 15 15. Exxdee 15 16. DAJK 13 17. Chasmmi 13 18. sakskidz 11 19. ThatOneGuy 9 20. WrathOfHan 8 21. Kalo 7 Scores for the Placements - 1 ThatOnGuy 8 2 Kalo 8 3 DAJK 8 4 MovieMan89 8 5 Exxdee 8 6 Chasmmi 4 7 Wrath 4 8 MikeKay42 4 9 filmovie 4 10 kayunmanggi 4 11 darkelf 4 12 grey ghost 4 13 DamienRoc 4 14 Infernus 2 15 WrathOfHan 2 16 Blankments 2 17 Jajang 2 18 Telemachos 2 19 glassfairy 2 20 sakskidz 0 21 misafeco 0 And Overall scores - 1 darkelf 31 2 Infernus 29 3 kayumanngi 25 4 glassfairy 24 5 MovieMan89 24 6 filmovie 24 7 misafeco 23 8 Wrath 23 9 Exxdee 23 10 grey ghost 23 11 MikeKay42 22 12 DAJK 21 13 Blankments 21 14 Telemachos 21 15 DamienRoc 20 16 ThatOnGuy 17 17 Chasmmi 17 18 Jajang 17 19 Kalo 15 20 sakskidz 11 21 WrathOfHan 10
  6. Q10 (from 17) 1.darkelf 0 2.Jajang 1 2.Telemachos 1 3.Wrath 3 4.WrathOfHan 4 4.misafeco 4 4.glassfairy 4 5.Infernus 5 5.DAJK 5 5.filmovie 5 5.DamienRoc 5 6.Blankments 6 6MovieMan89 6 6kayunmanggi 6 7.Chasmmi 7 7.Exxdee 7 8.ThatOnGuy 8 8.grey ghost 8 Kalo 9 MikeKay42 11 sakskidz 12 Q11 (from 2.640812) 1.misafeco 0.089188 2.filmovie 0.149812 3.DamienRoc 0.220188 4.grey ghost 0.241188 5.Telemachos 0.282188 6.Exxdee 0.311188 7MovieMan89 0.325188 8.Infernus 0.373812 8.Blankments 0.373812 Jajang 0.439812 kayunmanggi 0.510812 DAJK 0.540812 darkelf 0.616812 Wrath 0.730812 glassfairy 0.738812 WrathOfHan 0.740812 sakskidz 0.740812 MikeKay42 0.859188 Chasmmi 0.860812 Kalo 0.940812 ThatOnGuy 1.040812 Q12 (from 17.8%) 1.MikeKay42 2.2 2.Blankments 2.8 3.Chasmmi 4.3 4kayunmanggi 4.95 5.misafeco 5.7 6MovieMan89 5.977 7.Exxdee 7.717 8.filmovie 8.533 darkelf 10.77 Wrath 11.7 DAJK 13.8 DamienRoc 13.803 Kalo 15.2 glassfairy 15.53 Infernus 16.2 ThatOnGuy 17.2 Jajang 19.088 Telemachos 20.74 grey ghost 24.53 WrathOfHan 25.2 sakskidz 32.2 Q13 (from 40.8%) 1.Infernus 0.3 1.Blankments 0.3 2.Exxdee 0.323 3.Chasmmi 1.65 4.darkelf 1.67 5.sakskidz 1.8 5.Wrath 1.8 6.ThatOnGuy 3.1 7.MikeKay42 3.2 8.DAJK 3.8 Jajang 3.9 filmovie 4.345 kayunmanggi 4.37 MovieMan89 4.475 glassfairy 4.55 DamienRoc 4.703 Kalo 5.8 WrathOfHan 5.8 misafeco 5.8 Telemachos 6.7 grey ghost 11.68 Q14 (from .538142m) 1.MikeKay42 0.038142 2.Jajang 0.134142 3.grey ghost 0.148142 4.Infernus 0.182858 4.Chasmmi 0.182858 5.misafeco 0.211858 6.Blankments 0.215858 7.Telemachos 0.262142 8MovieMan89 0.306858 sakskidz 0.318142 darkelf 0.343858 Wrath 0.381858 DamienRoc 0.436186 DAJK 0.459858 Kalo 0.461858 kayunmanggi 0.471858 Exxdee 0.518858 ThatOnGuy 0.561858 glassfairy 0.572858 WrathOfHan 0.661858 filmovie 0.794858 Scoring (including placements) still to be done. Will post it shortly.
  7. So I attempted to do week 9 scoring (a particularly tough week to score it was). Here are the results for all 14 Questions - Q1 (the numbers are the difference from the actual value - 11.053366m) 1.Blankments 0.400366 2.grey ghost 1.090634 3.misafeco 1.153366 4.Exxdee 1.460634 5.darkelf 2.259634 6.Telemachos 2.711634 7.filmovie 3.069634 8.DamienRoc 3.183634 MovieMan89 3.336634 kayunmanggi 3.426634 Wrath 3.446634 MikeKay42 3.446634 glassfairy 3.545634 WrathOfHan 3.553366 Infernus 3.761634 Jajang 3.761634 ThatOnGuy 4.546634 Kalo 4.546634 Chasmmi 5.366634 DAJK 6.146634 sakskidz 9.546634 Q2 (Difference from .325685m) 1. filmovie 0.003685 2.Telemachos 0.006315 3.glassfairy 0.009332 4.Infernus 0.012315 5MovieMan89 0.01244 6.WrathOfHan 0.024315 7.sakskidz 0.044685 8.darkelf 0.050315 Exxdee 0.058171 kayunmanggi 0.089315 MikeKay42 0.144315 Blankments 0.178315 Wrath 0.975315 misafeco 1.184315 DamienRoc 2.163315 DAJK 2.474315 Chasmmi 3.084315 grey ghost 3.352315 ThatOnGuy 3.974315 Jajang 3.975315 Kalo 4.274315 Q3 (from 48.3%) 1.darkelf 0.26 2.Wrath 0.3 3kayunmanggi 0.42 4.glassfairy 0.548 5.grey ghost 0.577 6.sakskidz 0.7 7.MikeKay42 2.3 8.DAJK 2.7 MovieMan89 3.725 Infernus 4.3 WrathOfHan 4.3 Telemachos 5.44 filmovie 5.934 ThatOnGuy 6.7 Kalo 7 Exxdee 7.214 Chasmmi 9.1 DamienRoc 9.531 misafeco 11.7 Jajang 14.802 Blankments 15 Q4 (from 2.95m) 1.Infernus 0.003701 1kayunmanggi 0.003701 2.Telemachos 0.026299 3.filmovie 0.033701 4.misafeco 0.046299 5.Kalo 0.053701 6.darkelf 0.071299 7.DAJK 0.083701 8.Wrath 0.096299 DamienRoc 0.104299 grey ghost 0.134299 Jajang 0.177199 glassfairy 0.177299 Blankments 0.278701 MovieMan89 0.341299 ThatOnGuy 0.353701 Chasmmi 0.376299 Exxdee 0.432299 WrathOfHan 0.496299 sakskidz 0.653701 MikeKay42 1.453701 Q5 (from 192.6%) 1.Wrath 2.6 2.glassfairy 5.677 3.sakskidz 8.4 4.ThatOnGuy 11 5kayunmanggi 11.05 6.Kalo 12.4 7.DAJK 21.4 8.filmovie 22.73 Infernus 23.4 Jajang 23.4 misafeco 27.4 DamienRoc 35.89 Telemachos 36.4 WrathOfHan 38.4 Chasmmi 38.8 Blankments 50 MovieMan89 50.73 darkelf 53.07 MikeKay42 55.6 grey ghost 122.944 Exxdee ~~~~ Q6 (from 2380$) 1.glassfairy 482 2.Infernus 540 2MovieMan89 540 3.darkelf 1485 4.Telemachos 1720 5.Exxdee 2774 6.grey ghost 4320 7.Jajang 4404 8.WrathOfHan 4620 Wrath 4870 DamienRoc 6070 DAJK 6230 filmovie 6385 kayunmanggi 6490 Chasmmi 6495 misafeco 6620 Blankments 9618 sakskidz 14620 Kalo 15220 ThatOnGuy 16620 MikeKay42 17620 Q7 (from .1439) 1.Jajang 0.007999 2.Infernus 0.0153 3MovieMan89 0.01805 4.grey ghost 0.020252 5.darkelf 0.044354 6.misafeco 0.0461 7.Blankments 0.0491 8.MikeKay42 0.0561 Chasmmi 0.0606 filmovie 0.0681 Exxdee 0.071314 WrathOfHan 0.0861 glassfairy 0.115063 DamienRoc 0.144671 DAJK 0.1561 kayunmanggi 0.2171 Telemachos 0.2311 sakskidz 0.3461 Kalo 0.6061 ThatOnGuy 0.6121 Wrath 0.8061 Q8 (from 190.812769) 1kayunmanggi 0.06 2.glassfairy 0.15 3.MikeKay42 0.31 4.DamienRoc 0.39 5.darkelf 0.45 6.ThatOnGuy 0.61 7.Exxdee 0.66 8.filmovie 0.79 Kalo 0.81 Wrath 0.81 Infernus 1.01 Blankments 1.01 grey ghost 1.12 Telemachos 1.15 misafeco 1.21 DAJK 1.29 WrathOfHan 1.31 MovieMan89 1.41 Chasmmi 1.56 Jajang 1.6 sakskidz 2.19 Q9 (from 3.084707m) 1.DamienRoc 0.043293 2.misafeco 0.064707 3.DAJK 0.084707 4.Infernus 0.154707 4.Wrath 0.154707 5.darkelf 0.160707 6.grey ghost 0.163707 7kayunmanggi 0.185293 8.glassfairy 0.191707 ThatOnGuy 0.215293 Telemachos 0.296707 Blankments 0.345707 Kalo 0.415293 MovieMan89 0.440293 Chasmmi 0.454707 sakskidz 0.715293 MikeKay42 0.815293 WrathOfHan 0.984707 Jajang ~~~~ filmovie ~~~~ Exxdee ~~~~ more in next post
  8. Yeah but if we adjust that for inflation and changes in exchange rates AND expansion of lots of markets (Latin America, South Korea, more than a few other asian markets and China (where it adjusts to around 1200m in today's market)) It would get to 3B. Note: just so people don't get the wrong idea due to a number of my posts praising Avatar's box office - I am not a Avatar fanboy (never even got to watch it in theaters sadly). I am just someone who really respected Avatar's box office before and whose admiration of it has only increased on realizing that even a film with grosses of this scale cannot reach close to its OS gross.
  9. You know that actually makes you even more ignorant. Why would you compare a massive blockbuster coming off a record OW with movies none of which made even 15m in their OW instead of comparing them with other movies of similar scale?
  10. No, almost no chance. Lets say this reaches 1B here. Lets even say this makes 350m in China. that still leaves 1.35B more to be made from the rest of the world. That is certainly not happening. Even after using up 225m UK and 115m Aus (both really high ends) we will still have 1B more left to go. In other words, even if we take the near-absolutely highest possible grosses of its 4 biggest markets we will still end up needing 1B more from the remaining markets which is almost-absolutely impossible. Avatar's 2.7B was a really really big thing. It had to make 100m+ in UK (150m), China (200m at a time none other had even reached close to 100m), Spain (!!!), South Korea (really !!! for that time), Russia (117m), Japan (172m !!), Germany (162m !!!!!), France (175m !!!!!) and Australia (105m !!) accompanied by another 83m from Italy (!!!!). With so much worse exchange rates, even halves of most of these figures are out of reach.
  11. Its not impossible. Very very unlikely though. With a 900m DOM gross though, I believe 150-200m in China should be enough for this too get to 2B WW. Many other markets are performing on record levels. 2 markets especially - UK and Aus, are giving absolutely insane numbers while many others - Germany, Brazil, France, Japan, Scandinavia, Russia etc are giving 1st tier blockbuster numbers too.
  12. 150-180m would be a reasonable expectation right now simply because the marketing has been really great (according to the people who live there) and huge enough to make people feel that this is an event. Plus Sci-Fi films, and on a more general basis- films with heavy visual effects especially where those are used for action, perform great there. Martian, which didn't even have that much action and was an original movie (for most who don't even know of the book at least) with a quarter of marketing this has, made above 90m. Only thing against it is that if it sticks to its current release date it would be facing pretty heavy competition. Of course, the WOM it would generate will be a major factor too. If it's loved it may easily reach the high end of expectations and may even cross 200m.
  13. Not sure. Only Chassmi can tell that. I think that might be close enough. Also I think glass fairy was really close too.
  14. Wow. Its actually true!! Thats even more, much more, incredible and unbelievable than Avatar's China run!! " People are really not appreciating the runs of Avatar and Titanic in Asia, they are monsters, TFA isn't an event compared to them, at least in the eastern Asia region. " That is exactly what I try to stress many times here. They were both simply at a complete other level than what anything, TFA included, can even hope for.
  15. If that thing seems weird to guys in the US then I'll explain. In India, in most 2nd tier cities we still have mostly single screen theaters and only a few multiplexes. Here, in Agra, we have around 7 single screen theaters and 3 multiplexes. All single screens only always show Indian movies (and we have lots and lots of them) except for movies like AoU and JW and FF7, as not many people watch hollywood movies and even those that do are mostly youth who only go to the heavily marketed and worldwide-known blockbusters and franchise releases. The multiplexes show mostly no more than 4 movies at a time (most people here try to save money wherever possible and so go mostly to single screen theatres and therefore most multiplexes don't really get enough income to be bigger). Now that includes an average of two new hindi movies released every weekend plus the holdovers plus other Indian non-bollywood/hindi-dubbed films. These are accompanied by one other big hollywood movie at max. That mostly includes only franchise-parts or some other big-budget, CGI-filled, heavily marketed action movie. Animated movies (neither minions nor IO nor TGD was shown in any theatre here) and smaller scale movies (on a commercial level, that is) like Bridge of Spies (man, I was really waiting for that movie) never get shown here because people simply do not watch them and because we have limited screens and because we have too many movies of our own already and because the multiplexes don't have enough income to be able to afford showing films few would attend. Plus, movies are highly censored here (they even cut out a kiss scene from Spectre!), so R rated movies have even less chances to get released and even if they do, a lot of scenes are cut out. Still, if it does get released here is shown here, I am definitely gonna go see it. But yes, I am gonna download the leak and watch it if it isn't. I know all this doesn't make that right at all but as I said... sometimes you simply do not have an option Edit: Oh this was my 1000th post here!!
  16. Of course it wouldn't. Not at all. Its beauty is the one thing even its most ardent haters couldn't deny. Seeing this in the theater has been my one 'movie-wish' since the first trailer. But sometimes you simply don't have any option.
  17. Wow! This last one says it all. What a run this is having!! Christmas and New year weekends as its 2nd and 3rd weekend and weekdays double that of previous OW champs
  18. It grossed 44m$ in its original run in China? I don't think that's possible. Where did you get that number? Even if a film made 44m$ in 2003 (the farthest back year from which I have the yearly market increase data) that would adjust to 2720m$ today!! And there are still 5 more years of growth in between 1998 and 2003....
  19. Yeah, as I said in the SW OS/WW thread a few days ago, that actually literally adjusts to 1200m+ in today's China!! Avatar was unbelievable OS, absolutely on an another level. Its OS performance for its time can only be compared to Titanic's (Titanic's was obviously even superior though).
  20. So anyone here watched the leak yet? What did you think about the movie? And how good was the leak (just in case it doesn't even get released here in my city (which it most likely wouldn't, even Inside out wasn't released here...only major live-action tentpoles mostly do)) ?
  21. Hmm. Second place once again? Good! But a little frustrating... I have been second so many times but never first. Still, this week fortunately revived/maintained my position after getting 15000 points behind so many people in the Star Wars presales SOTM. Btw, just a reminder @MovieMan89, if you think someone was really close to the actual in the Part 2 questions you can give them a bonus 1000, unless, of course, you have already checked for that in which case ignore this
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