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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. These Sony spin offs have a certain charm to them. They remind me of the early-mid 2000s comic book movies with very good/polished CGI and some cool bits thrown in for fans. This may get torn apart by critics, but frankly the trailers for this have been more entertaining than anything from eternals.
  2. Prometheus and Alien Covenant are underrated films. Both had some genuinely great moments in IMAX. They are big budget horror/SciFi/thriller films with technical prowess on full display albeit with script issues.
  3. This was announced around the same time as that DC project with Wrinkle in the time director. Terrible all around. Wb realized just a a year ago that handing over such a huge property to a director specializing in Oscar bait dramas isn't a bright idea. Record speaks for itself.
  4. It's okay. The streak had to end someday. Pretty sure this was pitched as a Prometheus from the point of view of the engineers. Sounded good on paper, but it failed in execution. Prometheus has a fresh rating and this does not. Rob on John Campea show said it achieves what Prometheus failed to. The reviews, sadly, say otherwise.
  5. Why did they let the embargo break so early? This will only hurt rather than help the movie. Maybe marvel was overconfident. For the first time Kevin Feige must be feeling stupid. Just hope it does well enough at the box office.
  6. Europe business is weak compared to the first Venom. It may or may not get a China release. If it does, i don't see it reaching the heights of the original.
  7. This is Hulk 2003 all over again. An Oscar winning american-Asian filmmaker doing a marvel comic book movie and failing spectacularly in making something that the critics can get behind and audience can enjoy. Marvel should be hiring non Oscar winners and weird/untested filmmakers for their projects. I really feel Jon Watts needs to be off F4. He must be too burned out after no way home. Should give that project to some other filmmaker.
  8. I wasn't expecting Dune to crack even 25M in normal times, so this opening is a win in my book. Without HBO max, this would have done 55M+ WB really fucked up this year. Some of their biggest movies had potential, but they took it away with HBO max day & date nonsense.
  9. For the first time ever, I am genuinely interested in watching a Batman movie in the theater. The Chris Nolan films are overrated.
  10. The next bond movie needs to be more like the first Kingsman movie, but PG-13. Not sure if that will be as fun, but more focus on locations, stunts and crazy set pieces with some comedy thrown in.
  11. If this does only Free Guy or Jungle Cruise numbers, it will be considered a disappointment. Ghostbusters is an established franchise releasing in a period when movies are doing decently if decently reviewed.
  12. We will get only 1 75+M opener every month. Sept - shang chu Oct - v2 Nov- eternals Dec - spiderman Spiderman will set the tone for 2022 and make up for the shitty year by opening to 150+M, as it has a lot of elements to get the fans/general public excited. Sony wins this year.
  13. Shitty for both NTTD and V2. V2 will do 28-30M weekend. Massive drop. NTTD under 56M.
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