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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. They are marketing the hell out of this during the cricket world cup matches in India especially on the official streaming app of world cup.
  2. Both cancel each other out. That's why i am expecting KvG to do slightly more than Kong skull island but less than Godzilla 2014 at domestic boxoffice. Worldwide, I see it doing less than Kong skull island, but matching the King Kong 2005 worldwide boxoffice if it gets solid reviews and moves to December 2020.
  3. Kimberg had all the talent and support as he is a powerful guy in hollywood yet churned out a disaster. Lol. So talented. But hollywood will continue to love him as he is such a darling yes man and always willing to go to any extent to save studio suits and himself. Keep rocking man.
  4. I feel really bad for shitting on both before their release especially Alita. Really deserved much more love both critically and commercially. I feel they should have released it in Dec.With a similar opening as bumblebee it would have managed 130+ domestic and 370+ overseas thanks to Christmas legs. 500+ ww. Valerian - 7/10 Alita - 9/10 The cgi, action scenes and story were good. Valerian's biggest problem was the leads especially De Haan.
  5. This thread is boring. Let's talk about Alita vs Valerian...which one you like? Movie quality wise..boxoffice no contest.
  6. People keep forgetting that a major studio movie was sold to Netflix...it was called The Jungle Book...renamed as Mowgli.
  7. I think i said it in the KOTM threads or maybe here that after the poor performance of KOTM, folks in charge will panic and there will be turmoil behind the scenes on GvK. Lots of fighting in editing and possibly reshoots to add more human stuff or improve on that or cut some expensive set pieces and replace with cheap ones to save on cgi money. It's all happening. Nov/Dec 2020 would be solid. Will give it some breathing space and maybe help it go past 500M ww if it ends up positively reviewed.
  8. Lol @ folks asking for great story telling in gvk. Like seriously there is no scope of story telling there. It will be a video game moving from one set piece to another with humans doing stupid things.
  9. Lmao. Kinberg thought Deakins would make him look good. Now that possibility is also gone. Kick ass 2 cinematographer...lol..i thought that was shot with handheld camera
  10. Constant test screenings for a movie are done if you are not confident at all in that product. 1 test screening should be all that's needed to decide what works and what doesn't.
  11. Wait.....this is R rated!!?!! A Tim Story R rated joint?!! Will kick MIB ass.
  12. Some of the dialogue is iffy, but overall looks great. This should have released in the summer...a space action / drama movie in the midst of all the nonsense spectacle and remakes would have done well enough. Still the new release date is also solid. Just needs to get 70+% on RT and good marketing.
  13. After IDR, I will never support Emmerich ever again. He ruined even the first movie for me with the sequel.
  14. That sucks. I guess the movie is too grim and dark for the chinese audience. So basically it will flop and then Kangana and her sister will start their nonsense.
  15. This summer looks meh to me. Not interested in TS4 and Lion King as I don't have any personal attachment to those franchises. Only Spider man interests me. August is also looking boring. Nothing except Star wars in Dec. Can't wait for this year to end as it has been overall disappointing so far both professionally, personally and movie going wise.
  16. Mike Dougherty won't be getting to direct a big movie anytime soon after this. Why the f did they greenlit GvK? So bullish...have a feeling that this movie's performance will have a direct impact on the post production of that movie. Lots of editing, disagreements, displeasure and reshoots on the way.
  17. GvK will be lucky to match Godzilla14 domestic boxoffice and Kong ww boxoffice.
  18. Don't spread the wrong narrative. Both Godzilla 14 and rogue one needed big time fixing. And in both cases Tony Gilroy was brought. The awesome climax/3rd act you saw in both movies was due to Gilroy. In Rogue one even parts of first and second act were completely reshot.
  19. Thanks to Tony Gilroy..yes the same guy who fixed rogue one. But i still don't like that movie.
  20. What?! Even Alita did 60+m so why can't this do 70+m? Also, alita had poor legs all over. I am hoping this will be leggy.
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