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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Tarsem Singh should do this project. I am biased, but I think he can come good with this material.
  2. This. A prequel would be off putting frankly. When do we get a Mad Max sequel? It was a boxoffice disappointment whether fanboys admit it or not, but I would love a sequel. Has potential to do 500+ WW.
  3. A Mel Gibson SS2 would have been something, but it was always going to be a challenge to get him as he will demand nothing less than 100% creative freedom and final cut approval. I still would like him to do a comic book movie someday.
  4. it is 47 currently. Critics gave lucy a pass because it had Scarlett kicking ass and there was demand for that kind of movie.
  5. At this point, I will be happy with LUCY numbers. My only concern is the average. Ah well..whatever. I will do my part i.e. watch the movie and buy the blu-ray. Luc Besson hopefully won't be deterred. He should continue making weird awesome flicks. Even his shitty ones are way better than the so called great movies that america churns out. Vive la France.
  6. 68% 5.9 Looks like 40-50% on RT. If this gets LUCY type RT rating and had A list leads then I think it could have done well at BO. Once again, France should have been the first market. Then other markets. All is not lost though. Maybe China, Japan and a few asian markets will come to the rescue. Atleast that's what I am hoping. Don't know about Latin America and Europe.
  7. All 3 will release close to each other. Hence, cutting into each others gross. China rocks.
  8. Could this end up getting better RT rating than Valerian? That means 25+M OW. Tomato Law. It's POWAH. Time to bump my club provided it hasn't been deleted.
  9. Just came to say whoever came up with the Tomato Law needs to be coronated. I am so excited for Apes 3. Will be really happy if this cracks 60M. If it comes close to matching Dawn or more then I will be over the moon. Getting 90+% on RT for a tent pole pic is a must nowadays to get attention. Tomato Law. It's POWAH.
  10. @That One Guy I hope you can handle this. Power to you. I won't be here till the 24th. Sadly, the reviews have sealed its fate at the box office. It was a bad decision to lift the embargo so early. Should have just waited till 19th. Now those who were interested in watching might not be too keen. TOMATO LAW is dangerous. But you can't blame people. Brett Ratner was right. It has destroyed movie going experience.
  11. That and he has Ryan Coogler by his side all the time. Only that guy can get consistently great performances out of him.
  12. Yeah so...this will end up with Xmen apocalypse like RT rating. Metacritic already has it a 43. That's bad. Sorry folks, but just visuals, cgi and 3d don't make a movie. Avatar had a worldwide appealing story and drama. This has none of it if the positive reviews are any indication. I knew casting these two leads was a bad decision. Dane Dehaan looks like someone who has masturbated too much. Why does he look so tired all the time? Cara sis an attractive girl, but hasn't clicked yet. 6.2 and dropping on RT...sigh. Big critics are slaughtering it. You all thought I was just saying nonsense, but once again I have been proven right. Trades, big critics and star wars nerds are predictable. You need a well packaged movie to get a good score. This is not that. I am so sad right now. I wanted this to hit atleast 75% and get that fresh status on RT and a 60 on MT to watch this. Now I am not too sure. I might just watch Apes 3 that weekend. So basically SMH and Apes 3 will be it for July.
  13. Thanks to Trank. Since that he has been shit. And so has Landis. And Trank also tranked after that. MBJ survived though.
  14. I have been saying for the past week or two that this will get slaughtered by big critics/trades and many hardcore star wars fans. I can guarantee you that the THR review will be the most highlighted one by everyone in the industry. Just wait and watch.
  15. sadly not gonna happen. Dunkirk will be running on Imax for weeks. Valerian really needed it. I guess will have to just find the best 3d theatre in town and with the biggest possible screen minus Imax. In India, the biggest multiplex chain is distributing this film. They have imax and 4dx screens. Maybe they will cheat and give this an Imax release..though it won't be authentic experience. Is a movie worth watching on 4dx?
  16. lol. I wasn't saying "dick contest" just for the sake of it. It's a REAL thing.
  17. Yep. They moved it in India by one week. Could have done same in North America.
  18. i don't like his tone too. So i was kinda right...some critics won't get to see it until next week. But hey they are lifting embargo same day as Dunkirk so they are confident. Hopefully, it isn't a false one like Xmen apocalypse.
  19. awwwww....maybe you need to read my older posts where I have mentioned words like "sadly" and "unfortunately". But yeah...I was extremely mean in that post. Side effects of a fight I guess.
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