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Everything posted by DealWithIt

  1. Back to back weeks of DOUR SRS BIZNESS movies? Don't know if general audiences will be able to recover from this. Where's the fun!?
  2. Spot on. Just like Wonder Woman and then Spidey last week. All hail Lord God King Deadline!!
  3. Eh, we can't all have good taste and think because Nolan has now done a WW2 movie, every other movie is just copying him.
  4. The movie is about two hours and ten minutes. Perfect length for any movie, especially the conclusion to a trilogy. Are attention spans getting so short that sitting still for a whopping two hours is too much now? Sad.
  5. Rises is a B+/A- but Dawn is at worst an A. War is a masterpiece though. Goddamn refreshing to see a big budget movie that takes its subject matter seriously and doesn't ruin the tension within scenes with unnecessary jokes.
  6. Anyone getting hung up on how realistic the Apes universe is must fucking hate the likes of Spidey. "A spider bite isn't going to suddenly allow you to shoot spider webs out of your wrists, climb buildings or give you the ability to sense things before they happen! This is bullshit! 0/5 stars!"
  7. Someone really just put the first Cap movie above Logan and Wonder Woman. That list is automatically irrelevant as a result.
  8. In for the awesome visuals in 3D. Survived whatever the hell The Last Knight was doing with its story, no way this can be worse than that.
  9. Spidey doing great so far, Baby Driver with a great second weekend and then this upcoming weekend is Apes, which hopefully does at least decent numbers. An incredible run of great movies this summer either way. Guardians 2, Wonder Woman and now SMH, BD and Apes.
  10. Yeah that's not happening, at least the 70 million opening part. It seems the movie actually is decent but that won't help it much.
  11. Keep telling yourself that. Or does great word of mouth not exist now? Apes will do well next week but that's about it. Valerian? Don't make me laugh.
  12. Your meltdowns when TLJ underperforms in December will definitely have people SCREAMING!! Good call on that one.
  13. Bay is done with Transformers. Could tell just watching the movie, he's over this universe. Going back and watching the first one, man, the plot was so...simple. Straight forward. Easy to follow! Compare that to The Last Knight. Sweet baby Jesus. Which means we can finally get Bad Boys 3!
  14. ...then don't bother wasting anyone's time posting them? This isn't hard. No need to defend the honor of Lady Deadline.
  15. Incredible number. And shoutout to Deadline for ending up just over $8 million off your initial projection. Stellar work.
  16. Leave Deadline alone! They give us way too early numbers that are nothing but the East Coast matinees and somehow project that to the number for the day but damn it, leave 'em alone!
  17. First two are awesome. Third one is awesomely bad. I mean, it did give us randomly start dancing emo Peter Parker, so it's hard for me to hate it TOO much.
  18. Probably something to do with the doom and gloom when Deadline posts their way too early preview numbers and then way too early Friday numbers, cue the "what went wrong!?" talk, followed by something along the lines of some type of fatigue starting to set in talk. Then all of that is quickly proven wrong and we rinse and repeat, see you again come November when all hell breaks loose on here for Thor and Justice League!
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