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Everything posted by DealWithIt

  1. Even if I'd just seen the theatrical cut of BvS, I'd have no problems following along with the movies plot. Extended/directors cut just put back in the scenes that were cut out for some dumbass reason. Lots of people looked at the movie in a more favorable light after the DC came out on Blu-ray.
  2. Arrow was fantastic this season. Best season of all the DCTV shows by far for me, topping season one of The Flash, which truly went down the toilet this year, sadly. And Gotham continues to be all out mayhem, in the most fun way possible. I'm still in awe of how damn awesome Barbara has become after being perhaps the worst character in the show back in season one.
  3. Even if WW has a "disappointing" opening weekend, strong WOM will carry it through all of June.
  4. The numbers are not going down from nearly $39 million down to $33 million in a half hour span.
  5. This scene was goddamn amazing. Chills all over again just seeing this gif.
  6. Wonder Woman has had ads plastered all over TV throughout the NBA playoffs and even a few times during game one last night, which will definitely continue for the rest of the series.
  7. So a Pirates movie with mixed at best WOM, Mummy which has little buzz, same for Cars 3, are going to affect a movie getting great reviews and great early buzz? Spider-Man is a month away, has zero affect on this movie. Legs are going to be fantastic.
  8. Four weeks of the summer season and already clickbait talk of "save the summer box office." Jesus. Thank goodness we still have all of June, July and August to go, otherwise Hollywood might as well close up shop. And talk of WW now reaching at least $100 million opening weekend shouldn't be surprising, it's expected.
  9. With Wonder Woman next week, it likely is dead. Unless the buzz around WW is a total smoke screen and the movie is a disaster, then 400m would still be possible.
  10. Can't wait to see Transformers. It's my yearly dose of eye candy and mindless explosions. and I'm aware I'm part of the problem. Don't care! Give me that Optimus Prime murderbot goodness.
  11. I mean, actors defending their newest movie isn't shocking. Rather have that than taking the Josh Trank route and nuking your career for the foreseeable future.
  12. Fantastic. Amazing in The Witch and Split. Hell, saw Morgan solely because she was in it and despite the movie being meh overall, thought she was again really good.
  13. Trailers don't even get into just how much of a fantasy story they really went with either. Everything they've shown in trailers looks like what you'd expect out of a King Arthur story.
  14. The post discount Tuesday drop hits again. Plus F8 is already making tons of money. Nothing much to see here.
  15. Lion King will wreck the box office just like BatB is doing. Prepare to bow at the paws of Simba once again plebs! I wonder if they'll try to get Jeremy Irons to voice Scar again. Hard to hear any other voice besides his as Scar.
  16. Yeah. Had a few disturbing scenes. Nothing overly bloody or gory but enough to let your imagination fill in the rest. Dont click below if you haven't seen the movie!
  17. So you slam "intellectually lazy" movies and basically call general audiences idiots, then turn around and say you love Transformers? Do you have a split personality or are you two different people posting with this one account?
  18. All that's missing here is a mention about looking forward to the latest thing Terrence Malick has coming out and it's a shame his movies aren't more popular. So edgy!
  19. That Kong number makes me happy. Really fun movie that deserves the success. My hype for Kong vs Godzilla is in full swing.
  20. It's jealous of nothing after that decent critical reception and fantastic box office run. The continued tears over it being a massive success is a river that I hope never goes dry though.
  21. Godzilla I can see liking, but Ghostbusters? Really? Talk about a movie you'd actually need to apologize for dragging someone to.
  22. Nope. 3 was bad. Jurassic World was actually fun. Exactly what a summer blockbuster should be, first and foremost. Contrary to what some believe, people go to the movies for entertainment above all. Escape reality for two hours.
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