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Everything posted by DealWithIt

  1. That C- doesn't surprise me for The Witch, sadly. Can't wait for the next Japanese PG-13 horror remake to get an A- all the while missing the entire point why the original movie was actually scary.
  2. Holy crap. $133 million 3 day and $151 million 4 day for an R rated Deadpool movie. Is this real life? Damn this is incredible.
  3. Unless the Russo brothers were one trick ponies, Civil War is going to be at least as good as Winter Soldier, plus this one has everyone but Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye in it. Basically Avengers 2.5. Not a chance it ends up with less in the end than Deadpool. BvS has two of THE biggest superheroes names in the same movie. Plenty of early screenings have already said its good but McWeeny just happens to post a video on the same day the last excellent trailer comes out and suddenly the sky is falling. Saw a very early tracking number between 190-215. If that stays true, yeah, like Civil War, it finishes well ahead to. Only wildcard is Suicide Squad but the marketing has been good so far and as shown by the arrival of Deadpool, marketing is key for characters not a lot of people really knew before this weekend.
  4. Definitely. I've already seen a very early estimate for BvS between 190-215 for opening weekend. Still an amazing start for Deadpool to say the least.
  5. Come on man, you don't see the obviousness of breaking up with your girlfriend if you have to watch one of those girly man movies she wants to see? DO YOU HAVE NO TASTE!? She's likely endured crap you've wanted to see and didn't complain about it but goddamnit, the second she even suggests a movie like Pitch Perfect 2, literally punt her out the front door!
  6. Girls with "good taste" don't watch movies like Titanic. It's so fitting that someone from Portland has this mindset. Hopefully Cameron listens to you and only makes manly action movies from here on out.
  7. When so many records have been slaughtered in such a short amount of time, fatigue will eventually start to kick in. And SW7 still has a good chance to win its fourth weekend. Wouldn't mind seeing The Revenant win the weekend though, really liked the movie.
  8. Bummed the holidays are over because I love this time of year but it sucks just a bit more this year since this weekend sort of feels like the "end" of the SW7 hype. It's still going to be making money for awhile that lots of movies would love to be making opening weekend, let alone their fourth or fifth weekends, but from pretty much the premiere night in Hollywood all the way through this Sunday, at least for me, it's been exciting as hell watching the hype build and then the buzz that "holy crap, we have a good Star Wars movie again!" kick in after reviews and general audiences started seeing it....it's weird, but like I said, it just feels like the hype will sort of end on Sunday. But here's to more records being smashed and hopefully the run to $1 billion domestic will keep chugging along! The fact it still has an at least somewhat realistic shot at that happening goes to show how damn fun this has been to follow from opening night.
  9. Coming from someone that says tons of dumb shit daily on here, this is highly amusing.
  10. God I love when really good and successful movies get the bitter try hards to crawl out from under their bridges.
  11. Yeah people couldn't wait to see what city in the sky utopia idea Bernie came up with this time! Now that thats out of the way, $80 million Sunday incoming!
  12. People are already looking forward to Civil War quite a bit, no doubt between now and Part 2 of Infinity Wars, any problems people had with Ultron will be long forgotten. Plus it's the same guys who did Winter Soldier and now Civil War directing both parts of that. Just thinking of some of the action we are going to see on likely the biggest scale any Marvel movie has ever done, with the Russo brothers behind it? Should be amazing.
  13. Don't forget the Blu-Ray sales. When Avatar 2 comes out and casually goes about destroying records like the first, I'm sure some excuse or ten will be made.
  14. Yup. The culmination of everything they've been building towards, possibly the last time we see the main Avengers team together or at least the actors portraying them, the Russo brothers directing, it's nuts to write it off because of how a movie four years earlier performed.
  15. Mixed WOM? I guess if you pretend a B+ grade is bad, sure. Halfway to its production budget after opening weekend is pretty good. And a big laugh at MR being like "every other YA adaptation out there". No. The violence and no shoe horned love triangle alone says that is incorrect. Also think Dylan O'Brien does laps around Jennifer Lawrence with his performance. JL is a terrific actress but man can she be wooden at times in THG.
  16. Well MR franchise doesn't have a shitty Twilight level love triangle that the tweens can latch onto so for that alone it'll be smaller. Even if the action and tension in MR alone was better than anything in THG and easily on par with Catching Fire. MJ1 had like one or two sort of action scenes so it doesn't even qualify.
  17. Maze Runner actually had some action and action that you could see what the hell was happening in the scene. Straight up bad? No. Critics, box office and general word of mouth also say no.
  18. The kids were terrific. Not sure why but you find lots of people that frequent message boards hating child characters no matter what. Even when the actors give great performances and the characters are as good as they were here. I shudder to think what the reception would be to something like The Goonies if it had been made today. I'm happy for M. Night that this turned out well and is going to do well at the box office. Here's hoping this reboot of sorts for him is the start of one hell of a comeback.
  19. A Hitman movie needs to be a suspenseful thriller. 47 is made in a lab to be a killing machine and not much more. Instead, for the second time, they've made him a duel wielding pistol action hero with a female sidekick. The early trailers looked somewhat promising but then they went the other direction with the latest trailers. Oh well. A Sinister sequel could've worked but apparently the child actors suck and the visual style the first one had is absent here. Eh I'll pay for another movie that starts around the same time to give it my business instead of Sinister and then just go and see Sinister. Loved the first one and maybe this one will at least have a few good scares or one of those creepy ass home movies the first did so well.
  20. The only people who can't stand that JW did so well spend too much time online. Critics liked it, audiences loved it and a sequel is on the way. Have a good laugh at the people who go into a rage over a movies success when there are actual things in this world to get pissed about and then forget about them. I know I have a good laugh when an extremely successful movie that general audiences love pisses off the vast minority that are bloggers or those annoying YouTube reviewers. Or those that frequent message boards too. And to the person bringing up Mad Max, you aren't serious I hope. Paper thin characters and story that are thankfully saved by great action. Then you turn around and criticize JW? Pot meet kettle.
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